My Korean Wife

December 10th, 2008

Slim and Smart

I am loving the Blackjack II. It turned out to be compatible with my 8-year-old version of Outlook, and Outlook turned out to have useful features I thought it did not have, and everything is peachy.

The phone tells me to take my vitamins. It tells me when to take a break for prayer in the middle of the day. It makes sure I take Marv and Maynard out early enough to avoid conflicting with my bedtime. It tells me to get ready for bed. It tells me to go to bed. And I even programmed it to wake me up.

There is some kind of power problem here that makes electronic clock radios make funny noises in the middle of the night. I just discovered this. It’s infuriating; I think it explains why I keep waking up. Let’s see it make the phone buzz! HA! No way!

I’m just like Canadian inventor Le Trung, who built his own wife from parts. Drudge linked to the story today. She can’t have sex–he claims–but she does all sorts of other stuff. He spent his life savings on her; what a fool. My phone was way cheaper. And unlike his robot, it doesn’t slap me when I squeeze it.

Interesting detail: the robot looks like a Japanese anime babe, proving once and for all that even Asians think Asian women are the hottest. Sadly, if Asian women start designing husbands, they will probably take a different tack. After all, there are bars around the Pacific where Asian women go for the express purpose of meeting men who are not Asian.

Oddly, the robot is Japanese, while Trung appears to be Vietnamese. But I guess if he had a history of doing well with Vietnamese women, he’d be married instead of cohabitating with an erector set.

8 Responses to “My Korean Wife”

  1. The Imam of High-End Audio Says:

    Governor Blagoivich loves his Blackjack II… Rush Limbaugh uses an iPhone… and so does the Imam.

  2. davis,br Says:

    OT (but kind of cool), but tool-related. And definitely funny.
    …what to do, what to do. Got a dead dryer. Need a “bench” for mounting vice and grinder. And some extra storage for cords and what-not. Hmm.
    Result: Okie ingenuity at work:

  3. Chris Byrne Says:

    Actually, it’s probably your phone logging in to its cell site, and inducing a current in the unshielded speaker of your clock radio.

    It’s called GSM buzz; though actually non-GSM phones do it as well (they just aren’t as irritating).

  4. Rick C Says:

    Are your radios making noise a new phenomenon?

    I ask because–and maybe you already know this–phones can set off speakers, making a series of clicks or beeps–when they talk to the cell tower. My Blackjack II is really bad on this–it can set off speakers from 2-3 feet away.

  5. Aaron's cc: Says:

    Let me know when Trung’s Turing Test succeeds. Say the last word VERY slowly.

  6. Yahoo Says:

    “Actually, it’s probably your phone logging in to its cell site, and inducing a current in the unshielded speaker of your clock radio. It’s called GSM buzz; though actually non-GSM phones do it as well (they just aren’t as irritating).”

    Yeah. I noticed the same thing after I first got my firm blackberry and left it on the nightstand next to my head.

  7. Steve H. Says:

    This noise existed before the phone. I used to get it while the clock radio was playing nature sounds, and I’ve heard it from other household objects, although I can’t remember which. I suppose it could have come from my old phone.

  8. JPatterson Says:

    I was just about to point out the GSM noise thing…your phone really is a wife! It is trying to take over your life – look how it got you to drop your clock radio (analogous to not letting you see your friends anymore)! Pretty soon, you’ll just do what it tells you to, all while being too beat down to argue.
    I expect you to tell me I’m crazy. The men in these relationships never listen to their friends. Sad… 🙂