Begging Pardons From the Rose Garden

January 20th, 2025

Biden’s Banana Republic Comes to a Fitting End

Joe Biden has done the predictable again, proving how petty and vindictive he is. He has pardoned General Mark Milley, the J6 committee members, and Anthony Fauci, the man who lied to us about a pandemic.

This was to be expected. It’s what you would expect in a banana republic run by a born second banana.

Biden torpedoed Pelosi and Obama, who forced him to abandon his bid to reenter the White House with a clear case of dementia, by loudly endorsing Kamala Harris instead of allowing them to install their candidate. He then torpedoed Harris, whom he dislikes, with lukewarm support of her campaign, linking her to his disastrous policies, wearing a Trump hat at an appearance, and permitting his wife to wear red–the GOP’s color–while voting in the presidential election.

Having torpedoed everyone on his own side of the spectrum, he has now moved on to conservative and centrist targets, pardoning people who screwed up our withdrawal from Afghanistan, created a tribunal to torment political adversaries guilty of minor crimes, and worked to put America under house arrest.

What’s next? Maybe during the inauguration, Biden will preemptively pardon anyone who tries to kill Trump and J.D. Vance.

Biden is a mean little man, and his wife appears to be right there with him. This is not how presidents should behave. He pardoned his many-times-guilty son in an astonishing act of self-serving corruption, and now he has shielded people with whom the United States has legitimate, important beefs.

Or has he?

All of these people just lost their 5th Amendment right to avoid self-incrimination. The Republican-controlled House can subpoena them over and over as long as the GOP is in charge, and they will have to give full answers under penalty of contempt and perjury charges. They will have to implicate others they would like to protect. They will have to open their records.

Trump’s FBI can still interrogate anyone it wants to, and we know how the FBI likes to indict people for giving wrong answers, even unintentionally and even with regard to trivial questions.

Did Biden remember to pardon Fauci’s staff and all those who worked with Milley and the J6 witch hunters? If not, they’re still fair game.

Did Biden remember to pardon his other relatives? If not, Hunter can be forced to testify against all of them.

The people Biden pardoned today were not in much danger of indictment. They were just in danger of being put on display and forced to answer for themselves. Now that danger is worse, because their right to hide the truth has been greatly diminished.

No one expected the J6 committee to be indicted. No one expected Fauci or Milley to be indicted. No one except fringe nuts.

My buddy Mike says Biden is an infallible source of advice. Got a problem? Find out what Biden thinks you should do. Then do the opposite. It looks like this maxim may apply to today’s pardons.

Biden helped ruin his remaining son. Hunter is going to end up dead, in prison, or in a mental hospital. How do I know? I know because I have a relative who is an unrepentant, world-blaming addict. While trying to help her, I learned a lot of things about addicts. Things I didn’t know. Experts told me about the three places where addicts who don’t accept responsibility go.

Enablers like Biden speed addicts on their journey to destruction. The pardon is a great example. He should have cut Hunter off decades ago and publicly disavowed him. Maybe then Hunter would have had a chance. Instead of suffering and repentance, the most unpleasant thing that has happened to him is losing one of his mansions in the Democrat-caused California fires.

A lot of his artworks burned up. I wonder if that includes the ones he made from his own feces. I certainly hope so. The health hazard they posed greatly outweighed their artistic merit.

Thank goodness Michelangelo chose marble.

Biden sought to torment his political enemies and save his son, but he helped cement his son’s damnation.

The heart of pettiness is a willingness to suffer a great loss in exchange for a worthless and fleeting victory that may consist solely of harming someone else. For some people, the loss is the destruction of their own character. In the case of Biden, who has no character, it’s the loss of a second son. And his own legacy smells worse than his son’s art.

In about half an hour, we’ll have a real president again. I hope we get 4 years of better government.


Well, he outdid himself. Or maybe the thirtyish, gender-denying kids who actually run the country did. In the minutes leading up to Biden’s dismissal, he pardoned just about his entire family.

Now there’s a man who understands legacy.

I would guess that if there was any possibility they would not be investigated, it’s gone now, because Biden has piled corruption on top of corruption, to the extent where the bear he is poking has to do something.

This is now, officially, the slimiest administration of the last hundred years. Nixon will take a distant backseat to the man who pardoned his trashy family for extremely serious crimes America has a strong interest in punishing.

Surely, even leftists will be turned off by this. Some of them.

5 Responses to “Begging Pardons From the Rose Garden”

  1. John Bowen Says:

    Biden did in fact remember to issue pardons for five more members of his family.

  2. Steve H. Says:

    Somewhere Nixon is laughing.

  3. Juan Paxety Says:

    Notably missing from the pardon list was Dokter Jill. Maybe they’re counting on spousal immunity. BTW, she seemed to be hitting on Bubba today, and he didn’t seem at all interested.

  4. Steve H. Says:

    “BTW, she seemed to be hitting on Bubba today”

    I really hope she wasn’t. That’s gross.

    “he didn’t seem at all interested”

    How could he turn down a 73-year-old woman?

    That “doctor” business is really off-putting. Bill Cosby has the same degree. No one ever said, “Give me your Funyuns, Dr. Bill, or I’ll see in in the yard.”

    Former President Biden is a doctor, too. So are both Clintons.

  5. Ed Bonderenka Says:

    Happy Inauguration Day!