Another Huge Victory for Nonexistent Jewish Conspirators

June 26th, 2024

You Don’t Have to be Jewish to Want to Disempower Dangerous Loonies

Why was I too blind to see this? Apparently, the Global Jewish Conspiracy is stealing elections from liberals now.

Isn’t this the same Global Jewish Conspiracy that makes about 90% of American Jews vote for liberals? It sounds like someone forgot the mission statement.

I keep saying black Americans have a huge antisemitism problem, and no one believes me in spite of how obvious it is, because that’s how my life goes. No one ever believes anything I say. Look around the web, and find out for yourself. See what mainstream blacks say about Jews. A huge number of them claim they’re the real Jews. They think actual Jews are Russians and Cossacks. Popular entertainers who do business with Jews say it, proudly.

Calling a Jew a Cossack is like calling Aztecs conquistadors.

Black soon-to-be-former Representative Jamaal Bowman lost his primary election. He is a “squad” member and a close pal of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. He is about as nutty and truth-immune a leftist you will ever see. Who are liberals blaming? Him and his genocidal insanity? No. They blame AIPAC, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee. As we all know, this is a lobbying group committed to helping Israel.

They say Bowman’s enemies are “buying” elections. Hmm…who could buy elections? Rich people who like to pull strings from behind the scenes. Which group has been accused of that the most. Let me think.

It’s a dog whistle Helen Keller could hear.

AIPAC claims it’s nonpartisan. Yeah, and it’s a total coincidence that Supreme Court justices tend to vote along with the parties of the presidents who nominated them. AIPAC is in the business of sending money from CONSERVATIVE donors to Democrat candidates who are farther to the right than their competitors. It also supports Republican candidates. AIPAC is a conservative organization no matter how much they shuck and jive.

They pretend they’re nonpartisan because Jews are political kamikazes. They attack their allies and help their enemies. Conservative Americans are pretty much the only significant allies Israel has, but most American Jews think conservatives are the ones who are out to get them. Most American Jews are more afraid of Christian conservatives, without whom they can’t survive, than they are of Muslim terrorists who admit they want every Jew dead.

If AIPAC came out and admitted it was basically conservative, many Jews would quit donating.

For conservatives and Christians, helping Jews is like feeding an injured wild animal and trying to keep the human scent off the food so it won’t reject it. But they gobble every bait the left puts out.

Okay; AIPAC is pro-Israel. But that doesn’t mean “the Jews” shot Bowman down. It means a number of conservative Christians, as well as some Jews, shot him down.

In any case, left-wing nuts are now blaming the Jews, using not-clever veiled terms to describe Jews, so they can unpersuasively deny their antisemitism. Someone should make a list of these terms. “Zionists.” “Bankers.” I wonder if “New World Order” is code for “Jews.” One Jewish organization thinks so.

Bowman has done some things in support of Israel in the past, perhaps as a nod to the necessity of wooing New York Jewish voters, but he is now an October 7 denier and says Israel is committing genocide, which is somewhat like saying European Jews committed genocide in the 1930’s and ’40’s.

The more time passes, the closer we get to the day when leftists stirring up hate in front of cameras stop saying “Zionism” and “Israel” and start saying “the Jews.” Some are already doing it.

Jews will never be popular. Never. Antisemitism is a permanent feature of human interactions, because Satan hates Jews even more than he hates most people. Most people listen to Satan. Jews keep trying to appease. It’s a pointless strategy; feeding a wolf your fingers, hoping he won’t take your arm.

The things I thought God told me many years ago are coming true. I believed they came from God, but it still amazes me to see myself proven right.

No one listens. Well, a majority put Jeremiah in a cistern for telling the truth. Nothing changes.

Now I have to go check Venmo for my payment from the Elders of Zion.

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  1. DYSPEPSIA GENERATION » Blog Archive » You Don’t Have to Be Jewish to Want to Disempower Dangerous Loonies Says:

    […] Steve Graham. […]