Not so Sunny

April 9th, 2024

Isaiah 3:4 Comes to Life

I heard a shocking insight on the problem with today’s soft, coddled, narcissistic, sociopathic, ignorant, racist, Jew-baiting younger generations.

It came from a weird source: the TV show “It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia.” In so many words, a character said that that social sites had changed people’s priorities. On social sites, people slavishly compete for “likes.” That’s the basis of the problem. I’ll just post the video here. It’s under a minute long.

The idea is that young people aren’t concerned about being virtuous. All they really want is for other people to admire them, so they say what they think other people want to hear so they will be popular.

As you see in the video, the character used his knowledge to get flighty, conceited, deluded young women to have sex with him. He said things he knew they would approve of, and he soon found himself on top of them, which is all he wanted from the start.

Back when there was a real Blogosphere, which means maybe before 2004, we saw something similar among bloggers. There were a lot of bloggers who would do anything to be linked. They treated website visits as though they were rubies piling up in a vault. A lot of people sucked up to Glenn Reynolds, because a link from his site would generate 30,000 or more visits.

People shaped their writing to please Reynolds and the other link rainmakers, and they formed cliques.

I didn’t get into this because it wasn’t my nature. I liked it when I got traffic bumps, and I hoped I would end up with a steady stream of heavy traffic, but I didn’t care enough about it to become a whore and kiss up to people I didn’t respect or agree with. I remember when Pajamas Media arrived, and I was a huge critic. I realized it would ruin conservative blogging. It was an attempt to put a small cabal in control of other people’s traffic and shut non-favored bloggers out. I offended a lot of people who were too thick to understand the problem. They thought every conservative owed loyalty to anyone who tried to increase the influence of conservative bloggers, but that was as far as their limited comprehension got them. They never tried to understand my objections.

I’m not good at manipulating people, because I hate manipulation. My natural approach to life is to try to get things through my own efforts instead of manipulating others to do my work for me. This is an interesting subject, because it has supernatural roots.

For a long time, I’ve been disgusted by big-church preachers who teach lies, and one day, God showed me the difference between his sons and Satan’s sons, and it made me understand why big-church preachers were so vile. One way to tell a son of God from a son of Satan is that a son of God will use his tools to get what he wants, while a son of Satan will use people. People are his tools.

Leftists are children of Satan. They hate meritocracy. Instead of trying to get things on their own, they use libel to force other people to give them what they have and become their de facto slaves.

The episode from which the video comes aired in late 2021, which was a year after we saw Americans tear each other apart online for things like welcoming Donald Trump’s shots, criticizing the same shots when they were touted by Joe Biden, and refusing to wear masks that didn’t work. Covid showed us how stupid, mindless, vicious, cowardly, and herd-driven Americans really are. It showed us the tip of the iceberg, anyway. We are capable of doing everything the Nazis and Japanese did.

A silly, crass TV sitcom has helped me understand just how lost humanity is. We have never had much character, and now we face attitude-shaping forces we will never be good enough to overcome or even fight. Young people wander through life now with their phones in front of them, competing to see how much they can impress other unthinking children by agreeing with them on X, Tiktok, and Instagram. The punishment for disagreeing is banishment from everyone else’s sight. If you speak the truth, the tech sites shadowban you into digital solitary confinement.

It’s too bad Orwell didn’t foresee shadowbanning. That would have made this century more interesting.

Nobody ever gave humanity a needed breakthrough by agreeing with what other people said. You can’t agree with anything that hasn’t been mentioned before, and by its very nature, a useful new idea can’t be something that has already been mentioned. The kids are just rehashing seductive, pathological errors other kids have already made, and they are actively blocking genuinely progressive thought that would heal society.

We need wise people to bring the world back to reality, but wise people are aging out of the population. They are dying without being replaced. The system shames their replacements out of existence, or at least out of the public eye. Wise young people are few in number, and they are systematically deplatformed. A homogeneous population of self-righteous, nonthinking simpletons is rising up to replace generations that had some hope of self-correction.

People who aren’t smart or very good make up the vast majority of human beings. People should realize they need to be led. Low-intelligence people are constantly reinforced in their delusions of cleverness now, so there is no hope they will realize they need to start listening.

In earlier times, the ratio of fools to wise people didn’t change much from one century to another. Now, because of the social-site feedback loop, the ratio is zooming upward with no brakes. Smart people created technology, and technology is turning human beings into fools.

We have never faced a challenge like this. We’re losing. There is no hope we will pull out of it.

Satan has always loved going after the young. He loves turning them against the old, because the old have all the wisdom. Communists, all of whom served Satan, always took kids away from their parents so they could be programmed without unwanted injections of time-proven wisdom. During the 20th century, Satan used changes in music and entertainment to segregate kids from older people who could save them. He used the arts to convince young airheads that older people were stupid. Now he uses cyberspace to do these things, much more effectively. “Likes” have turned out to be more powerful than drugs.

What do we do about our problem? We post videos explaining why the kids are wrong. We p3n the libs with reasoned arguments. It’s not going to work. If reason mattered to people, we wouldn’t be in this situation.

It makes me sad to see Christians and conservatives proudly filling the web with material they think will solve the problem. A lot of these people will probably be rounded up and killed within 20 years. After they lose. If I’m still here when leftists get what they want, I guess I’ll be right in there with the unpersons in cattle cars, because I have tried to change the world, too.

I feel alienated for many reasons. One reason is that I have never had much motivation to be popular. I can’t relate to the kind of people who run for third grade class president or captain of the pep squad. I don’t understand the desire to be admired greatly by dunces. I understand the desire to be left alone.

I wonder if this is why I have no fear of public speaking. I have never had high self-esteem, I don’t crave attention, I hate fame, and I have always been somewhat shy, but it doesn’t bother me at all to speak in front of crowds. If a van pulled up to my house right now, and I was asked to stand in front of a camera and address the planet for an hour, I wouldn’t be afraid at all, except for the fear–the certainty–that legions of undeveloped people similar to baboons would start harassing me. My lack of fear must be related to the fact that I have nothing but contempt for crowds. I don’t respect them at all.

A crowd voted against Moses. A crowd voted against the Jewish priests and demanded tyrannical and incompetent kings. That was catastrophic. A crowd voted to have the Romans murder Yeshua. A crowd tried to throw him off a cliff. Crowds beat Paul. These were religious crowds, too.

Throughout the Bible, crowds were against God maybe 90% of the time.

Crowds pour into hell all day. Individuals are saved out of crowds.

The Bible tells us not to incline after the majority to do injustice. It doesn’t say anything like that about individuals, because people feel very little pressure to follow individuals. You don’t have to caution people against doing what they don’t want to do.

When we feel pressure to follow individuals, it’s almost always because crowds are already following them.

Here’s something funny: Jewish sages have decided the Bible tells people to incline with the majority, even though the text clearly, indisputably says the opposite. How perverse can you get? The majority of sages must have overruled God.

Things are worse than we thought. They will continue to get worse. There is no collective solution. The only answer is to stay close to God and constantly invite correction. You can’t save the ship, but you can get a seat in the lifeboat.

2 Responses to “Not so Sunny”

  1. Iver mectin Says:

    I’m practically estranged from my kids because they believe all the climate change , Covid, transgender bulstuff.

  2. Ruth H Says:

    I was extremely shy as a child, I did not want to be looked at. I have an identical twin, she is outgoing and was from birth. It was easy to hide behind her and let her lead in everything. After I married I didn’t have that twin to lead, but I did, and still do, have my husband. I am not really shy anymore but I am an almost recluse using old age and infirmity as an excuse.

    When I worked with illiterate adults in Louisiana I found it easy to be seen and even did a TV interview with no sweat. I’ve been in an herb and rose club for many years and there are probably some people who wish I would shut up.

    When I need to speak up, I do. I often talk to strangers in the produce section who ask my opinion on produce. I guess they think and old lady will know. I speak to people in the checkout line when our eyes meet and we smile at each other.

    I shocked my children by saying I wanted to be cremated and not displayed in a casket, I never wanted to be looked at as a youngster and don’t want to be when that time comes. They had no idea I was ever shy about being seen or speaking.

    You may have noticed, I’m not shy when writing.