Flour Power

March 3rd, 2024

Satan’s Children Project as Well as he Does

Sometimes when I make predictions, I am proven wrong, or it turns out the bad things I predict are not as bad as I thought. For example, I was convinced that when Bush and Obama printed money with no basis in real wealth, our economy would quickly experience a disastrous crash. It didn’t happen, although it looks like we are experiencing monstrous inflation as a delayed effect. And young people can’t buy homes or survive as one-income couples, the way couples supported by factory jobs did when my dad was young.

Generally, I turn out to be right, and the weird thing is that it always shocks me. It amazes me that what I expected has happened.

Unfortunately, the things I’ve predicted about antisemitism are coming true, faster than I expected.

Antisemitism is now acceptable and considered virtuous by perhaps 60% of the population. And the change has been like the changes we saw regarding acceptance of homosexual pseudomarriage and the sudden decision that a Confederate flag was no different from a swastika. It’s not taking a decade. It’s happening in a much shorter period. This indicates a supernatural cause. Entire populations can’t change their minds that fast without help from spirits.

People are talking about the “Flour Massacre” now. Hamas, an organization made up of lying, raping savages, says the IDF fired into a crowd rushing a truck delivering food, and of course, they say there was no provocation.

1. “Flour Massacre” will stick. You watch and see. Even when Israel’s defenders talk about the event, they will call it the Flour Massacre. Hamas always wins the PR battles, no matter how obvious the truth is.

Satan really does rule the mainstream media, and it controls the thoughts and opinions of most people. That will not change. Only the Holy Spirit can fix this problem. Most churches teach rejection of the Holy Spirit, and only a tiny percentage of people hear him.

2. The IDF says troops were helping with food distribution, as they had on several preceding nights. They say there was a panic and stampede, and many people were trampled to death by fellow Gazans. They say a few menaced the IDF and had to be shot as the IDF retreated. This explanation is being characterized as military propaganda from a guilty state.

3. Why would anyone believe Hamas over the IDF? How many lies does Hamas have to tell before people stop listening? Hiding a terrorist facility in a school, mosque, or hospital is a lie. Calling a dead terrorist in civilian clothes a civilian is a lie. Calling for a ceasefire you know you will violate shortly is a lie. Blaming the IDF for the deaths of civilians you hold as human shields is a lie. Calling Israel an apartheid state when Muslims can be generals, cops, judges, and Prime Ministers is a lie.

Known, proven savages are lying. The Jews, who have a great reputation for struggling not to hurt civilians, are correcting the lies. And people are listening to the savages.

Someone needs to explain why the IDF would help with food distribution for several consecutive nights and then suddenly perform a massacre the next night. It’s not credible.

Here’s an important point: if you are presented with two stories, one from the IDF and one from Hamas, and you choose to believe Hamas, knowing what Hamas is, how do you explain your decision if you’re not antisemitic? Can you point to a long history of Hamas telling the truth and Israel lying? Do you think the incessant stream of lies that has characterized the public pronouncements of Palestinians for almost 80 years should be ignored for some reason? What reason is that?

The explanation is that you don’t like Jews. An opportunity came up, and you were given the choice between believing Jews and believing filthy, raping, burning, looting, mutilating, torturing, lying savages, and you decided, without evidence, to believe the savages. You are an antisemite.

People are claiming they disagree with Israel but are not antisemitic. They say disagreeing with Israel is not antisemitism. There are serious problems with these claims.

Israel does wrong sometimes. Every nation, even if generally guided by good intentions, does wrong. Israel is a nation generally guided by good intentions. It is exemplary in this regard.

It’s fine to say you think this or that action by the Israeli government is wrong, if you have good reason. It’s not fine to blurt out your accusation without evidence or any effort to learn the truth. Going to nutty leftist websites is not a credible effort to learn the truth.

It’s okay to say Israel needs to make something right. It is NOT okay to say Israel should be abolished because of its government’s actions. Saying Israel should be abolished is always antisemitism. Always.

Israel was reestablished fairly. The events of the last century (and the last year) prove the Jews are not safe without a homeland. There is no other piece of land available for them. Without Israel, Jews will be abused and murdered wherever they go in exile. Real genocide, not the absurd imaginary genocide claimed by uncountable Muslims, will happen.

It’s also wrong to attack random Jews because you disagree with Israel.

In many places around the world, Jews are now being attacked because of the Gaza war, which Gaza started for no reason. Not Israeli officials. Not IDF officers. Business owners. Random pedestrians. College students who have to cower behind locked doors while pro-Gaza animals try to get in to beat them. Jews who are against Zionism and support Hamas.

That’s antisemitism. Hatred of Jews for being Jewish. It’s everywhere now.

If you’re not against Jews for being Jews, and you are only against Zionism and the Israeli government, why would you attack individual Jews who don’t appear to have any connection with the government of Israel and whose positions you don’t know?

I feel safe in making more predictions. Things will get much worse for Jews, very quickly. It will be worse for Jews than Christians because Jews are fewer in number and have generally rejected their Messiah.

Many leftists and Muslims, along with phony Christians who reject the Holy Spirit, have been looking to the left and right, at other people, trying to find out what kind of antisemitic language and behavior are tolerated and encouraged. They’ve been quiet because they’re cowards and herd creatures, and until recently, the herd wasn’t telling them it would protect them and join with them. Now the herd is changing direction. As soon as these people think they’re in a safe majority, they will spring out and go after Jews very openly.

We are not supposed to look to the left and right to find out what is correct and moral. Other people are evil, and they have no authority. We are supposed to look up to God and do what he tells us. But very few people do this.

We will see mainstream Jews, not just a few early birds, openly looking for options. We will probably see a big increase in things like gated communities. Maybe there will be a wave of people moving to Israel, figuring it has to be safer than any country full of treacherous gentiles.

We are already seeing changes in Jewish attitudes. Some are buying guns. Some are abandoning leftism and the fashionable two-state solution. These changes are coming too late, so they won’t do much good. The time to buy guns, move to Israel, partner with conservative Christians, and drop leftist fantasies came maybe 20 years ago. Jews are changing too slowly, as they did in Europe, so a new shoah will start. They will not be ready.

One strange thing about all this is that religious Jews like Islam better than Christianity, the religion of the Jewish God. They say Christianity is polytheistic and Islam is monotheistic. They think Allah is Yahweh. They say a Jew who becomes a Muslim and kills Jews is still Jewish, but a Jew who accepts Yeshua and serves quietly in the IDF is a gentile.

The world is a big lunatic asylum now. Everyone believing a thousand impossible things before breakfast.

Is there anything Christians can do to help Jews? Can we shelter them? I have always hoped so, but it didn’t work well in Europe, and how do you hide people in the age of the Internet?

Israel is winning a war of bullets and bombs, but it has already lost the more-important PR war. Israelis are smart and tough, but they are few in number, and unless God himself protects them, they can’t survive without help from other nations. Israel is entering permanent pariah/scapegoat status.

Israel is getting what Hamas deserves.

It looks like Zechariah 14 is starting. If that is true, the remarkable protection Israel has experienced since 1948 is going to end quickly, and we will soon start to see scenes from Israel resembling the destruction in Gaza.

There is nearly nothing I can do about any of this. All I can do is observe and tell the truth. I can pray and donate, and maybe I can help a few individuals, but prophecy can’t be changed, so the overall picture is very bad.

One Response to “Flour Power”

  1. Vlad Says:

    I know I posted about this before but the entire world needs to see the evil of October 7th. That day on Twitter was some of the most horrific images and videos that I will never forget. Poof! All gone. Down the memory hole.

    Its been said that the equivalent would be a foreign force coming into a US border state and raping and murdering 30,000 civilians. Imagine what the US response would be! Most likely we would show far less restraint with civilian casualties than Israel is.