Adopt a Poor Billionaire

February 19th, 2024

Trump Go Fund Me Established to Vex Sadistic ‘Flakes

I have been saying someone should open a website to collect money to pay Donald Trump’s bills. I don’t mean his legal fees. I mean the verdicts themselves.

He has a PAC called Save America, and it has paid toward his fees, but I see no indication that it will help with the actual verdicts. It doesn’t do him much good to avoid paying his lawyers if he’s still on the hook for $400 million.

A lady in Miami has started a Go Fund Me to pay off the verdicts, and it’s up to about $450K. If everyone who voted for Trump sent 10 dollars, Trump would be in the black by nine figures, even after gift tax. I have no problem with this. It’s legal to give strangers money.

The bulk of the verdicts will go to New York City, which will lose it paying off illegal aliens, so I don’t care about that. Some will go to the lady who seriously claimed it was possible to rape someone at Bergdorf Goodman during business hours. Oh, well. She’s cursed no matter what she gets, so I can live with knowing I sent her money.

The Bible says we should not give to the rich, but this is a special case. This guy is our friend, and he was victimized because of it.

Leftist-controlled Go Fund Me has not taken the page down yet. Maybe they’re afraid to do that. If you’re interested, here is the link the MSM will never publish: LINK.

The verdicts will probably be slashed on appeal. I don’t care. Go buy yourself another jet, Mr. President. Enjoy life.

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