Trans to the Left of Me, Militias to the Right

February 17th, 2024

Here I Am, Stuck in the Middle With Jesus

Teh crazy lies thickly upon us like a fog composed of atomized PCP.

The left is corrupt and insane. Far more corrupt and insane than the political right. But we are not helping ourselves by failing to acknowledge the nutwads among us.

Today I started reading an article about the unconstitutional ways Aunt Sam (don’t judge) surveils us these days, and the article said this:

Last August, an FBI squad gunned down Craig Robertson, a 75-year-old woodworker, for things he had allegedly posted online. The killing was reportedly under review by the FBI’s Inspection Division, but as of this writing there has been no investigation by Congress. As members may have noted, the FBI now operates along partisan lines.

Sounds bad. Like Ruby Ridge and Waco. I looked it up to learn more about the FBI’s egregious misdeeds.

Turns out this guy was as crazy as a tree full of coons. He was “they-worthy.”

He threatened to murder Joe Biden and Alvin Bragg, and he said he was headed for New York to carry out his plans for Bragg. He went to Truth Social and posted this:

Heading to New York to fulfill my dream of iradicating [sic] another of George Soros two-but [sic] political hach [sic] DAs. I’ll be waiting in the courthouse parking garage with my suppressed Smith & Wesson M&P 9mm to smoke a radical fool prosecutor that should never have been elected. I want to stand over Bragg and put a nice hole in his forehead with my 9mm and watch him twitch as a drop of blood oozes from the hole as his life ebbs away to hell!!


The FBI got a warrant. They showed up at his house with lots of equipment, which was good for him, because the more protection they had, the more likely they were to be able to take him alive and get him the drugs or padded walls he needed.

He cursed the FBI and refused to come out. Shots rang out. They shot him. They tried to revive him. He died at the scene.

Where is the problem here? For once, the FBI did everything right.

This guy had no business owning guns. He needed to be confined. There was a need to figure out whether he needed psychiatric treatment or a prison cell. No doubt about it. The FBI had an obligation to throw a net over him, bring him in, and lock up his weapons.

He’s not much like the kids the bumbling idiot Janet Reno killed needlessly in Waco.

Conservatives choose too many of the wrong battles.

This all serves to illustrate a point: though God is indisputably conservative, conservatism is not holiness, and conservatives–even those who nominal or true Christians–are not immune to the delusions that come from the spirit of antichrist.

You can be a true Christian and not know the Holy Spirit. If that’s you, you are vulnerable to Satanic delusion. If you’re not praying in tongues, you’re not hearing from God, but you are hearing from people and spirits that lie all day. You have no help. You have no source of information strong enough to outweigh the garbage that goes into your head all day.

Robertson was a pagan. Specifically, he was a Mormon. Mormons are not Christians. They believe Jesus is God, but they don’t believe in salvation by faith, and they don’t know the Holy Spirit. They have all sorts of sick, demonic practices. For all we know, Robertson was communing with the white salamander or the demon Moroni or the ghost of George Romney. It wasn’t the Holy Spirit who told him to shoot an admittedly twisted, bigoted prosecutor.

When we start seeing armed battles between trannies, homosexuals, Antifers, and Muslims on one side, and Christian militia nuts on the other, it won’t be because God told the militia nuts to mobilize. It will be because Satan is commanding both sides.

The truth has gotten lost, and while the right has more of the remnants of the truth than the left, there is no shortage of nutty, dangerous conservatives who don’t know God.

But Vivek Ramaswamy is a topic for another day.

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