Termites and Probability

February 5th, 2024

Welcome, Friends

If you’re old and moderately good at math, and you know the Holy Spirit, you often know the answers to simple questions other people, oddly, find difficult.

This week, someone asked me if I thought Chinese spies were entering the US under our no-borders policy. I didn’t say I thought they were entering. I said they were, in fact, entering.

Imagine you’re a Chinese official. You want to have many spies in the US. That is not a statement a reasonable person can dispute. You have a choice between working hard to get them in legally, with lots of documentation the US government can rely on to track them, taking a great deal of time, or you can tell them to walk in from Mexico.

What would you do?

I’m sure many Chinese moles are coming in legally. There must be advantages to legal entry in many cases. But the Chinese would have to be morons to refrain from sending people in illegally.

Yesterday, I saw a news item saying Denver police had arrested 50 Al Qaeda members in two months. I can’t promise you it’s true. It comes from a popular Twitter channel. The proprietor says he got the info from a Denver cop who could not allow himself to be identified.

For a moment, let’s forget the question of whether this story is true. Let’s ask ourselves an easier question. Have a lot of Islamist terrorists, from numerous organizations including Al Qaeda, entered the US since we decided borders were racist and promoted global warming and transphobia?

Yes. Of course they have.

There are hundreds of millions of Muslims who want to destroy the US and Israel. There are millions who are willing to get involved personally. They have a long history of violating our immigration laws to enter our country and commit acts of terror.

Why would they choose not to take advantage of an open door policed by a lying dotard who cares a lot about himself and his degenerate children, but very little about his country? There is no plausible scenario in which that happens.

It doesn’t matter whether the Denver story is true, because Islamist savages are definitely coming in. It’s like asking whether fat women will show up if Cinnabon gives away rolls.

If Muslim terror countries let people cross their borders with no vetting, we would be sending people in to undermine them. Why would they behave differently? It’s common sense.

How many terrorists were on the hijacking teams on 9/11? Nineteen. By now, the number of terrorists Biden has let in must be thousands of times that number. If 19 killed over 3000 people in a few hours, what will thousands do?

“DHS will stop them. We have all sorts of top people, using brilliant strategies and great surveillance tools.”

Wrong. That’s not how the government works. That’s how Google and Facebook work, to deprive us of our rights.

We have surveillance and tracking tools that are easy to get around, and they are administered by…government employees and contractors. Chelsea Manning was a government employee. Edward Snowden was a government contractor. They guy who leaked Donald Trump’s tax returns was a contractor. Do I have to go on?

Joe Biden is a government employee surrounded by Secret Service agents, and he threw boxes of classified boxes into his garage and left them there.

It would be so neat if Secret Service agents were like Frank Farmer in The Bodyguard. They’re not. They’re not master martial artists. If a real agent got in a fight with a guy the size of Frank Starr, he would probably get squashed. They can’t shoot a fly out of the air at a hundred yards. They’re not particularly smart. Look at Dan Bongino. Reasonably bright. Not a genius.

Very smart people rarely become law enforcement officers of any kind. That kind of work grinds smart people down.

How many incredibly stupid things has the government done since you were born? Things you, personally, with zero training, would have prevented had you been in charge?

Think about January 6. Eighteen years after 9/11, a bunch of beered-up, unarmed, untrained, disorganized rally attendees walked right into Congress. They could have killed all sorts of legislators had they desired to. That tells you everything you need to know about the security our government provides.

If I were an ayatollah, I would have slapped my forehead on that day. “We plotted and struggled. We shot down complicated plans because we didn’t think they were sure things. We waited and waited, hoping for an answer. We could have just WALKED IN.”

If you think 15 Islamists with AK-47’s couldn’t jump the White House fence and kill the president in 10 minutes, you are way more charitable than I am.

They’re here. Don’t be stupid.

Reagan was surrounded by Secret Service agents, and he still took a .22 to the chest. A mental case with a Saturday night special shot him and two other people before the professionals managed to do anything. I doubt things are much better today.

We rely very heavily on the power of intimidation. We create the false appearance of competence and formidability, instead of taking realistic measures that work. And our enemies consistently fall for it, until they don’t.

You know who we should hire? Casino owners. They’re better at security then the government will ever be. They know when a grandmother from Des Moines is counting cards, and they ban her right away, sending her photos to every casino in America. We let the same deportees come in over and over until somebody gets raped or murdered. The only tools we have that stop illegals are prison and the death penalty, and they’re in the hands of the judicial system and the corrections system, not the State Department or our intelligence or security agencies, which fail every hour of every day.

Well, we have one other tool that works wonders. The Second Amendment.

Illegals swarming the borders remind me of vampires in movies, who have to ask permission to enter houses. If you let them in, it’s on you. It’s our responsibility to keep them out, and we could do it if we wanted. Easily. We have too many DEI concerns to do it right.

The stupidity we are witnessing comes from spirits. We have rejected God so we can have pride and so men can get at each other’s filthy anuses without legal or social impediment. It’s astonishing. It makes no sense. It is literally mental illness. It’s what happens when you get away from the Holy Spirit. You can believe anything, no matter how absurd, and you can think it’s righteous to murder those who tell the truth.

I wish God would end this age and get his children out of here. I feel like I live on the grounds of a mental asylum. No wonder they’re called “asylum seekers.”

2 Responses to “Termites and Probability”

  1. Steve in Idaho Says:

    I feel like I live on the grounds of a mental asylum. No wonder they’re called “asylum seekers.”

    I am definitely using that.

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