Bedtime Draws Near at the Heavily-Armed North Florida Compound

January 11th, 2024

Living on Charity

I feel so blessed.

Far from crowds. Far from turmoil. Best wife possible. Two prayer sessions a day, with my wife and the most wonderful God anyone could ask for. Funny little bird by my side watching me type. Excellent strong wheat ale from a recipe I wrote in 2004, improved by using Bergamot hops.

I hope everyone reading this gets close to God and receives the desires of their hearts.

4 Responses to “Bedtime Draws Near at the Heavily-Armed North Florida Compound”

  1. lauraw Says:

    Continued congratulations on winning at life!

    Are you still aging beef primals? I saw this and thought you would find it interesting:

  2. Ruth H Says:

    I am happy for you both. You have found your best person.

  3. John Bowen Says:

    Do the hops make it taste even a little bit like Earl Grey tea?

  4. Steve H. Says:

    Thanks, Laura and Ruth. John, it’s sort of like Blithering Idiot ale, but without the funky taste.