Swimming in the Lies of Worthless People

January 9th, 2024

Kings 1 21:9-10

I wrote about the BBC’s T.B. Joshua hit piece, which came out this week. Since then, I’ve learned some things.

As far as my wife and I can tell, there are 9 women who have accused Joshua of sexual abuse. Yesterday, I thought it was 16 because of what I had read. It’s not good to have 9 women accuse you of rape, but it’s better than 16.

It turns out many, if not all, of these women have raised their claims in the past.

One is South African. She claims that late in their relationship, Joshua told her he was surprised she wasn’t Nigerian. She has a strong South African accent, so there is no way she’s telling the truth. He knew as soon as he met her. If she would like about this, what else would she lie about?

Another has been on Youtube many times, making her implausible claims. She comes across as crazy and desperate for attention. I can’t believe a person like that without physical evidence, of which there is none.

Another is an angry lesbian. Lesbians and other homosexuals have been making coordinated attacks on Joshua for years. A small group of them got his channel removed from Youtube because he posted a video in which he cast demons of homosexuality out. His channel was the single biggest Christian channal on the site, and they got it pulled in one day, with no appeal. I don’t believe her.

Another accuser has a brother and sister who are still in ministry and who continue to endorse T.B. Joshua. The brother has a Youtube channel in which he perpetuate’s Joshua’s teachings and heals in his style. We are supposed to believe the siblings are continuing to support a man who raped their sister, or, alternatively, we should believe she never told them. No. That’s not credible.

There are no witnesses to any of the alleged assaults. One guy said he saw a woman’s feet under Joshua’s bedroom door. That’s about it. There is no physical evidence for any of the cases.

The details about the accusers are even worse than I’m making it seem. I don’t plan to spend a week researching this and writing about it, but you can find out for yourself if you want.

A man who accuses Joshua of corruption was, himself, dismissed from the ministry for corruption and abusing women sexually. He left, accused Joshua of various things, and then returned and recanted. You can find him online, testifying about the wonderful things God did for him through Joshua.

He was thrown out again, and now he’s talking to the BBC. As a news organization, the BBC is supposed to tell us about the credibility issues of its sources, but there is no such material in the documentary.

The documentary has been out about two days, and it’s already falling apart. What will things look like after a month?

SCOAN (Joshua’s church) has exposed some of these people in the past, long before the BBC encouraged them to tell their stories. The BBC should point this out. You can find videos SCOAN produced.

Here’s something else which wrecks the BBC’s credibility: they play horror-movie music in the background of their videos. Who does that? Imagine even a hack outfit like MSNBC filming the Trump White House and putting spooky music in the background. You could put that music behind video of happy baby ducks playing in a pond, and it would make them look like demons. It’s unethical. It’s not just a bad idea. It’s a total breach of established journalistic ethics.

Imagine you’re on trial for something you didn’t do. Every time the prosecutor questions a prosecution witness, he plays spooky music. Do you think the judge would stand for that for one second? They didn’t do that for Ted Bundy or Adolf Eichmann, who were guilty as hell.

All sorts of people are coming forward to tell of their miraculous experiences that involved T.B. Joshua. As I said yesterday, my own wife was healed instantly and permanently of an eye condition, after applying his blessed “Morning Water.” People who worked in the ministry are coming forward and saying they never heard of or saw the things the accusers claim happened.

Here’s the weirdest claim the accusers make: one of them says Joshua hated white people and made them his slaves out of pure sadism. He says Joshua was mad because white people enslaved his ancestors, and in his youth, before his ministry went anywhere, he said he would get revenge by enslaving white people.

Nigerians were not enslaved by white people in Nigeria. Slaves were moved from Nigeria to the New World. They were also sold to other Africans. T.B. Joshua’s ancestors were more likely to have sold slaves than to have become slaves.

I looked into visiting SCOAN. I dropped the idea because it was such a pain in the butt. You have to ask for permission. It takes a long time to get approval and arrange things. They drive you to the church from the airport in an armed caravan because Nigeria is full of violent Muslims. You have to stay at the church because Lagos is not safe.

If Joshua wanted to enslave white people, why did he make it so hard for them to visit? And where are the rest of the white slaves? He had white people high up in his organization, helping him run things. He had white ministers who appeared on camera. He had a few disciples, only a couple of whom claim they were enslaved. Where are the rest? When you look at videos of the church, you see very few whites. If Joshua was collecting white slaves, he did a really poor job.

If I were a Nigerian, and I wanted white slaves, I would invite them to visit. I would tell them they were welcome any time. I would tell them Nigeria was dangerous so they would take precautions and make it to my church alive, but I wouldn’t force them to show up in armed convoys or make them stay in the church. I’d convince them they were as free as birds, and then I’d start closing the trap. Joshua didn’t do any of that.

The whole business is like what happened to Torben Sondergaard from The Last Reformation. The Danish press made an extremely dishonest documentary about him and even passed a law intended to ban his type of ministry. They made it appear he was involved with strangers who ran corrupt ministries. The public ate it up. It was all a lie.

I’ve been to several TLR events. It’s not a cult. You come and go as you please. They don’t ask for money. They don’t tell you what to do. There is zero pressure of any kind.

Torben eventually spent more than a year in prison over bogus immigration problems, and then he was deported. A nutcase who used to work with him joined forces with a rich foreigner who hates him, and they got it done. Torben obeyed the law, and he would have been a wonderful addition to our citizenry. The other two seem like better candidates for prison.

Maybe Joshua will eventually be proven guilty of something. It hasn’t happened yet. I don’t know if we will ever know what really happened. The BBC is full of liars. Many of the accusers are proven liars. On the other hand, ministers and their minions lie like crazy.

I’m sick of this world of lies. It seems like everyone is a lawyer now, interested in winning arguments but uninterested in arriving at the truth. The deception is insurmountable. It’s impossible to prove anything these days. The liars will not shut up, and people believe them.

I completely understand why God burned the Sodomites alive and told Joshua to kill Canaanites of every age. I understand why the Jews were commanded to kill every single Amalekite. Humanity is disgusting and beyond redemption. Only a few here and there will make it. The rest are just the placenta. They serve a purpose here, but they will be discarded once they’re not needed. The rapture can’t some soon enough.

In closing, here’s a great video to give you comfort about the future. These are the people Satan is waiting to unleash on you.

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