Why Can’t I Have Nice Dreams Like Nebuchadnezzar?

January 1st, 2024

No Way to Greet an Angel

Night before last, I slept around 10 hours. That was strange. When I was young, I could sleep just about forever, but these days, I usually wake up after 7 hours. I don’t use an alarm clock because they’re hateful.

I dreamed I was in my house, and I looked out through some glass doors and saw a young black man in my yard. He had parked a silver Tesla near my house. I was extremely angry to see someone trespassing.

He was walking toward my right, and he passed out of view. I went to another set of doors so I could see him again, and I gave him the finger with both hands.

I may never understand why I do things in dreams that I wouldn’t do in real life.

He gave me a tired look as though he were used to getting this treatment. As though he dealt with idiots every day. People he couldn’t reason with.

I went out to confront him, and I found a bunch of strangers in my workshop. They were some sort of workers. They had a bunch of diesel-powered machines with them. They had brought them so they could do something or other on my land.

I cursed at them and told them to get out. I didn’t want them around my tools. I thought they would steal things. In the dream, my shop had roll-up doors on two adjoining sides, and these people had opened them. I didn’t want my tools exposed to the weather.

One of the guys I yelled at had a huge head, and his teeth were about the size of Scrabble tiles. He just smiled at me like I was a fool. He didn’t make any effort to leave. He apparently took his orders from someone else.

I looked out over the pasture, and I saw a big spaceship coming down. It was dark grey, with a lot of windows and lights. It was wide but not very tall. It was about as wide as the pasture, so maybe 500 feet, and it was not quite as tall as a two-story house. It had an antenna on it.

The first thing that occurred to me was that I was going to make a lot of money. I felt I had to run out and keep people off my property, because a giant spaceship had chosen my farm to land on, and if people wanted to see it, they were going to have to pay. I didn’t want entitled characters from CNN and Fox jumping my fence and shooting video without permission.

I don’t think this would have been on my mind had an actual spaceship landed. Not right away, anyhow.

I must have run too far, because I found myself in town, on the side farthest from my property. It was as though God had transported me to keep me from causing trouble. I wanted to get back. I started looking for transportation, and I got in a cab.

I told my wife about it, and she thought it was a rapture dream. She thought the people on my land were angels.

Why I would give an angel the finger is a mystery to me. In another recent dream, I called someone a really filthy compound word that began with the letter “C.” Something I have never heard anyone call another person.

That was my dream. Take it as you will.

7 Responses to “Why Can’t I Have Nice Dreams Like Nebuchadnezzar?”

  1. Ed Bonderenka Says:

    Pretty brave of you to relate that.

    I had a weird dream dream two nights ago.
    I was at a wash basin in a very nice modern mens room.
    I look to my left and I see a not so tall longer haired blond that I realize is:
    1) crying
    2) a girl.
    I ask why she’s crying and she mentions the name of a guy I’ve never met who is the son of a missionary I know. I pray for him and had the church pray for him.
    I contacted him and he told me of something traumatic he had just experienced. He came to the aid of a traffic accident victim and the person died in his arms from impalement.

    This is a new one for me.

  2. Steve H. Says:

    I’ve had other dreams in which I did things I would never feel like doing in real life. Very strange. I hope I never dream I’m enjoying liver and onions.

  3. Ed Bonderenka Says:

    Years ago in a chow hall, I pointed to what I thought was steak and it turned out to be liver. I ended up liking it! No onion, with bacon.

  4. Steve H. Says:

    I enjoyed liver once in my life. I was at Picasso in Las Vegas, and they served foie gras fried in butter with brandy and some other things. It was very good, but that was because the stuff they fried it in made it impossible to taste the liver.

    You could fry cat poop in that stuff and it would taste pretty decent.

    I wouldn’t eat foie gras again. They really torture birds in order to get it. It’s not a PETA exaggeration.

  5. John Bowen Says:

    Last night I prayed for peace in Jerusalem and blessings upon the Jews. Did that program my subconscious with the dream that followed wherein I was part of a team in an auditorium that was activating an actual force field to protect Isreal from incoming missiles and other artillery? The carnal mind wants to explain it that way.

  6. Ed Bonderenka Says:

    Cool dream!

  7. QgqFXsJOPdNEhS Says:
