Boats in Big Storms Need More Than One Anchor

December 31st, 2023

Don’t Let Leftists Shame the Power Out of You

Last night my wife and I had a conversation about T.D. Jakes, who has been accused of going to homosexual rapper parties and allowing strange men to sodomize him. The allegations came out during the week between Christmas and New Year’s Day, when nothing moves very quickly, so the story hasn’t developed fully. Things look very bad for Jakes, however.

A young man named Manasseh Jordan is saying more than one popular charismatic preacher has groomed men for sodomy. Jordan is a preacher. He calls himself a prophet, and it is said he has worked with Jakes and Benny Hinn. A man who interviewed him claims he has said privately that Jakes was one of the preachers who abused him.

I don’t think Jordan is a person to listen to when it comes to preaching, but that doesn’t mean he isn’t truthful when he reveals the sins of famous sodomites.

I don’t know what the truth is yet. Maybe Jakes has never done anything wrong other than teaching horrible false doctrine in order to get people’s money. I think we will all know much more at the end of this week.

I was thinking about this, and I thought about other things that seemed related. I have learned about the story of Scotty Bowers, a former Marine, Iwo Jima survivor, and homosexual procurer who claims he arranged homosexual romps for people like Walter Pidgeon, Spencer Tracy, Katharine Hepburn, Raymond Burr, and the Duke and Duchess of Windsor.

Bowers died not long ago, in his nineties, after publishing a tell-all book in which he named many big names. Some people in Hollywood were very angry when his book came out, and they accused him of lying, but in interviews, he comes across as a very open and honest person who has no axe to grind.

I think he was truthful in his book. Show business is like prison. It has always been full of sexual perversion. This is even true at the high school level, where the odd boys and girls tend to end up on stage.

A person who knew Bowers well, and who was also part of the sexual showbiz underground, confirmed everything Bowers said, so either Bowers was truthful, or his acquaintance, who was not close to him, had some bizarre motive to lie for him.

While I was thinking about this, God gave me revelation, and I began to think about the two worlds that occupy the same space: the world of the children of light, and the world of Satan’s children. Yeshua used the terms “wheat” and “weeds.” The King James uses the word “tares” to describe weeds that grew in wheat. Reference sources say the weeds he referred to resembled wheat when young, making it hard to pull them without losing a lot of wheat. They were like Satan’s children, who mingle with, and blend into, the children of God on the earth.

Bowers and his like-minded LA acquaintances were weeds, and weeds run show business. Example: Harvey Weinstein is a weed, and it appears he propelled a of unremarkable female weeds to stardom after they had sex with him.

Yeshua gave us communion. We drink his blood and eat his flesh. It turns out the blood represents the contract we make with him. In Judaism, male babies are cut, releasing blood, in order to confirm the Jewish covenant with God. They agree to come out of the gentile world and belong to God. Yeshua was cut for God, and when we drink his blood, we agree to come out of the world of the tares and accept ostracism and persecution. We agree to be unpopular, like Yeshua and the prophets.

The bread represents the pleasant things about belonging to Yeshua. The help. Bread sustains life. Real Christians are hated and cheated, but the bread keeps us going anyway.

Really popular people are tares. A lot of Christians don’t accept this, but Yeshua himself said it: “Woe unto you, when all men shall speak well of you! for so did their fathers to the false prophets.” Great popularity is a curse, and who is more popular than entertainers, including sports figures and journalists?

The tares like to pretend God’s children have the same opportunities they do. You can be famous! You can be extremely wealthy! People will admire you! You’ll be part of the gang! Then they blackball you and torpedo you, both openly and under the table. The work they do under the table is the worst, because it doesn’t teach you to quit. You can spend your whole life trying to get your break, when there is no possibility it will ever come.

Satan doesn’t reward all of his children equally. He heaps riches, power, and glory on a few, so other people will be fooled into emulating them and wasting their lives. The ones he spoils often end their lives in misery and/or humiliation. Elvis fell off a toilet, dead, while he was shacked up with a girlfriend. Whitney Houston drowned in a bathtub in a filthy hotel bathroom. Michael Jackson died in disgrace, weighing 120 pounds, with deep sores and no nose. Jimi Hendrix drowned in vomit. Tupac Shakur died in a gang shooting, after surviving an attack in which an enemy shot him in the testicles. Robin Williams appears to have died masturbating, like David Carradine and Anthony Bourdain.

We tend to think the Christian establishment is somehow separate from the ungodly establishment. For example, many of us think there is a bad secular music industry and a good and holy Christian music industry. No. They’re just different wings of the same Satanic operation. Popular Christian musicians may do some good, but Christian music is full of drugs, drunkenness, fornication, sodomy, and blackballing, just like secular music.

The big church establishment belongs to Satan, just like Buddhism and Hinduism. Popular preachers like T.D. Jakes live in a world where preachers go into back rooms and cut deals for money and fame. I was part of a church where it used to happen. No one should be surprised if someone like T.D. Jakes or Joel Osteen turns out to be a sodomite who likes being on the bottom. The huge TV preachers got where they are by selling out. Many are atheists or agnostics. I guarantee it. They only care about magnifying themselves and taking our money, just like the priests who murdered Yeshua.

It’s hard to organize my thoughts as I write this, because the concept of wheat and a long-established, carefully-disguised society of tares has so many aspects.

The other day, I saw some sad but somewhat funny videos of Orson Welles, who used to endorse Paul Masson wines because he needed money. Welles was often lionized as Hollywood’s greatest talent. He made an awful movie called Citizen Kane, and even though it’s nearly unwatchable, it cemented his reputation as a genius. He developed an extremely bloated ego, and in later life, he had a practice of appearing on talk shows and bloviating to oohs and ahhs as though revealing the secrets of the universe.

A friend of Welles later claimed Welles was suffering the aftereffects of a strong sleeping pill when he made the embarrassing commercials, but the videos were revealed by the man who directed them, as revenge, and it is said that Welles insisted on being given large meals with wine before his performances.

He was supposed to say, “French Champagne has always been celebrated for its excellence,” but he kept saying, “AAAAAAAAAAAH the French Champagne has always been celebrated for its excellence,” in a slurred, halting voice, slumped in his chair. Maybe he was hoping his loud, inexplicable moans would make Paul Masson scrap the ads, which it did.

Because I watched these videos, other videos about Welles popped up on my Youtube feed. I saw one in which he bragged about being a great friend of Ernest Hemingway, who shot himself in the face, probably partly because he boxed and drank heavily. He also had a plane accident that damaged his skull and may have given him CTE.

I was disgusted to see a grown man who held himself out to be a great brain boast about knowing Hemingway, who was obnoxious, phony, and cruel.

Hemingway, who had been a wimpy kid, was extremely insecure about his masculinity, so he became a poser who devoted his life to exaggerating his machismo. He wrote about how funny it was to see horses disembowelled by bulls, running in terror in Spain’s corridas. He wrote a flattering account of himself beating up an untrained publisher in Islands in the Stream.

He tried to spar with Gene Tunney, and, becoming belligerent, he decided to show off his knowledge of foul blows, possibly in hopes of telling his friends how he manhandled a champion. Tunney later said he decided Hemingway needed “a good little liver punch,” which he supplied, buckling Hemingways’ knees and turning his face grey. He said the chastened Hemingway’s demeanor afterward was “charming.”

Hemingway cheated on his wives, and he admired Lady Duff Twysden, an infrequent bather and one of the early 20th century’s most notorious sluts. He used her as a pattern for a paramour in The Sun Also Rises. He thought Josephine Baker, the famous stripper and bisexual adventurer, was “most sensational woman anybody ever saw. Or ever will.”

There was a lot about Hemingway that merited contempt and not much that justified admiration. He was full of it. But he was one of Satan’s special children, so he was treated well by his father until he was no longer useful.

I started thinking about Welles and his snooty Hollywood circle, which was part of the same culture as the culture of Hemingway’s arty Paris community, which included gross, narcissistic reprobates like Anais Nin, Henry Miller, and Gore Vidal. I thought about how such people treated the rest of us: like marks. Suckers. During the last century, such people called us “straights” and “squares,” as though we were stupid and born to be conned and fleeced.

They still treat us that way. They put up facades intended to convince the rest of us they’re decent people, but behind the scenes, they’re disgusting.

I thought about Crazy Days and Nights, the anonymously-written entertainment gossip blog, which uses blind items to detail the baseness of people we admire. Stories of drug use, drunkenness, rehab, domestic violence, pedophilia, career sabotage, fornication, and other trashy activities. All the things Scotty Bowers wrote about still happen.

I thought about how Satan’s children, who dominate our culture, have convinced most of us that evil is good and good is evil. They have made even Christians believe things like pride, perversion, fornication, drug use, feminism, and greed are good, while all the things our ancestors thought were good are evil.

Here is the revelation I got: “We have to hold onto the things we know we know.”

God shows us things, and we find them to be true through experience, but because of the constant gaslighting of the human and supernatural left, we find ourselves doubting and discarding beliefs that are of extreme importance, and in order to fit in, we latch onto filthy lies that destroy us. “Women who raise their own children are losers.” “Follow your gut instincts.” “Believe in yourself.” “You only live once.”

I started listing things I knew I knew.

1. Yeshua is real, and he is God. He has visited me, and he has confirmed his existence and status in many other ways which I will not go into here. You can’t receive eternal life in heaven without Yeshua. If you reject Yeshua and claim Yahweh is enough, you’re actually rejecting Yahweh, too.

2. Self-admiration is poison, and it’s the sin of Satan. It caused Job’s problems as well as Joseph’s. It’s the reason Herod died full of worms. We have to have humility and credit God with our success. We can’t blame him for our problems, though. We cause those.

3. Prayer in tongues is necessary, and it always works. No matter what your problem is, you can get relief if you pray in tongues. It brings revelation. It smooths out life’s bumps. It brings faith. Praying in the Spirit, we ask for all the right things, because Yahweh talks to Yeshua, Yeshua talks to the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Spirit speaks through us. Without tongues, your life will be full of problems you can’t defeat, and you will also feel bad, like a drug user who hasn’t had a fix in a long time. Drugs are promoted by Satan in order to make people feel the way the Holy Spirit makes them feel.

4. Feminism is evil and destroys families and countries, and patriarchy is right and necessary. God is male, period. This is why he calls believers his bride and uses us to carry his children. We are supposed to submit to him through the Holy Spirit. Men are supposed to rule families while guided by God. Women are supposed to submit to their husbands as well as God. Children have to submit to mothers, fathers, and God. When everyone is lined up correctly, blessings flow through the family like water through a hose with no kinks in it. When they’re out of order, authority is inverted, and Satan’s curses flow.

Never be ashamed of patriarchy. God isn’t.

5. There is no way to reconcile homosexual acts or any other repeat, willful sexual sins with Christianity. God hasn’t changed. He hated perversion when Moses lived, and he hates it now. There are no fads in God’s world.

6. Seeking popularity will destroy you. We are supposed to look up, not to the people to our right and left, for guidance, approval, and help. You have to accept unpopularity if you want to be close to God and receive his blessings. If you have 5,000 Facebook friends, you are probably in trouble.

7. Demons are real, and every person on Earth has them. You have to learn how to drive them out and keep them out. The fact that you’re not having epileptic seizures, breaking chains, speaking in strange voices, or having episodes of false clairvoyance doesn’t mean you have no demons. A lot of our demons are with us because we invite them and make them comfortable. They’re like roaches. When a house has a lot of roaches, it’s always because someone leaves food out.

8. Love is the reason God created the universe, and we have to love God. It’s THE most important commandment, according to God himself. It’s even more important than loving people. In order to do it correctly, we have to get the Holy Spirit to flow through us so we love with God’s love. If we get God’s love to go through us, we will come to love people, and that’s the second most-important thing.

9. The world is ruled by Satan, and it’s unspeakably filthy. You have to let it go because you will never fit in. It’s much worse than you realize, because Satan and his children cover up the filth with lies.

I suppose I could add more things to the list, but these occurred to me today and tonight.

If you pray in tongues, revelation will come, and it will change you. You have to hold onto it. Writing it down is smart. Repeat it to yourself from time to time. You’ll actually feel its power.

This world is disgusting. Living here is like sharing a home with a monkey who smears feces everywhere and spits in the food and drink. Just being here soils us. We are submerged in temptation and lies all the time, like tropical fish in a just-used toilet. When God removes us from this place, the feeling of relief will be indescribable, even if we have pleasant lives here before we go.

One Response to “Boats in Big Storms Need More Than One Anchor”

  1. Ed Bonderenka Says:

    Have you read Escape from Christendom?