Seth MacFarlane, Immunologist

December 30th, 2023

Life Imitates Cartoons

Bill Maher is slowly becoming conscious. He moves rightward inch by inch. Maybe the prayers of one of his Christian ancestors are being answered.

Today people are talking about a clip featuring Maher correcting Seth MacFarlane, who is the very picture of leftist ignorance, willfull blindness, and smugness. MacFarlane seriously believes natural coronavirus immunity is a myth. He is a full-blown Lysenkoist vaccine warrior.

I had to look this guy up, because I didn’t know whether he had worked in any productions other than cartoons. He’s the creator of The Family Guy, a destructive leftist cartoon show that corrupts its viewers. I used to watch it, but I realized what I was doing was like connecting my well to my septic tank, so I quit.

Here’s something ignorant people like MacFarlane don’t understand: vaccine-generated immunity IS natural immunity. One way or the other, your body is forced to deal with spike proteins, and it creates antibodies. There are no antibodies in the vaccines. That isn’t what vaccines do. They’re not like antibiotics, which kill microbes. They train your body to kill microbes.

It’s really odd, if you think about it. Our bodies can cure things like polio and rabies, but for some reason, there are diseases they refuse to fix until vaccines train them, so people die from diseases their bodies can cure.

Coronavirus isn’t like polio and rabies, though.

I don’t know if MacFarlane finished high school or what. Being funny with cheap, easy shock humor is not the same thing as being informed.

MacFarlane also seems to think vaccines provide perfect immunity. He says he got the shot, and he has never had covid. BANG. Game over. He wins. Because what he says about his history has to be true, and if true, it proves no one who gets the vaccine gets sick.

Or we could consider the real and simple truth.

1. He may be lying. People have been known to do it.

2. He may have had covid without knowing it. He may have been asymptomatic, he may have told himself he had a cold, or he may be one of the many millions of people who have been tested while infected and received false negatives. I’ve tested negative and flown, twice, within days of infections that were probably coronavirus. I’m not a rarity. The percentage of false negatives is very large, for all types of tests.

3. Any American over the age of 10 who doesn’t know that MOST vaccinated people get coronavirus should be ashamed of himself.

MOST vaccinated people get coronavirus. Look it up.

I’m not going to provide citations, because I’m citing things that are common knowledge. It would be like citing authority to prove cigarettes cause cancer.

The worst thing about MacFarlane’s performance is his shamelessly snotty, dismissive, ironic condescension. It’s a little weird to see Maher participate in a discussion where he’s not the one with the biggest ego and the least patience with other people’s reasoned arguments, but MacFarlane has managed to make it happen. He talks down to Maher, using arguments a 4-year-old could shoot down, as though Maher were insisting the earth were flat. The whole time, Maher is not just correct but obviously correct.

Maher says young healthy people don’t need the vaccine. That’s a hundred percent true. Their odds of having severe covid are right down there with the odds of winning two trifectas in one day. The government figures show this. Doctors admit it. It’s not controversial. MacFarlane doesn’t buy it, because apparently, he gets his medical information from The View.

If you’re young and healthy, it’s extremely unlikely you’ll get very sick with covid, but you could have serious vaccine-related problems. The vaccine they gave me is now partially banned because of such problems. I can’t get another booster even if I ask for it.

Can’t be true, though, because a guy who created a cartoon show with a talking dog heard otherwise while watching his Hollywood pals do blow at a party raising money to castrate boys who like to dance.

A year or two ago, God told me, “The truth has gotten lost.” He was so right. It’s hard to find the truth about anything now. Elections. Coronavirus. Shortages. Wars. Antisemitism. And finding the truth is going to get harder yet now that we have deepfakes.

“Here’s video.” “So what?”

It doesn’t help that the socials are spreading lies and censoring truth as policy.

The death of truth will coincide with the end of the age and the arrival of the rapture. Why? Because the inability to spread the truth means the end of spreading the gospel, and the world’s only purpose is to spread the gospel and enlarge God’s family. We are close to a pivotal moment. One day, God will decide he is not reaching enough people to justify leaving his children here to suffer, and he will pull us out. It will be a lot like what happened in Vietnam, Afghanistan, and Somalia. The people in those low-trust countries, by and large, were too worthless and dishonest to continue trying to save.

The arrogance of celebrities is an absurdity. You play a few songs, you play make-believe in front of cameras, and suddenly, you’re a botoxed, rehabbed god. You know everything about everything, even if, like Peter Jennings, Tom Cruise, Jennifer Lawrence, Leonardo DiCaprio, and Michael J. Fox, you didn’t graduate from high school.

People should buy the brand of underwear you recommend. They should smoke the cigarettes you like. They should listen to your 650-SAT opinions about medical science.

Maybe we should fire every scholar and expert, build a couple of golden thrones for Barbra Streisand and Drew Barrymore and do whatever they tell us. “Drew says eating meat causes earthquakes, so from now on, it’s soy for everybody.”

You’re going to get coronavirus if you haven’t already. You probably have, even if you didn’t feel it or you mistook it for something else. Vaccines will not prevent it. They may lessen your suffering, but then again, you may get very sick and die. The immunity they provide doesn’t last long, so if you rely on them, you will have to take shots until you die or science comes up with a better solution. If you’ve had coronavirus, your body has vaccinated itself.


There are surely a few people out there who were born immune to coronavirus. You’re not one of them. Oh sure, you might be. And you might win a billion dollars in the lottery. Don’t bet on it. If you haven’t gotten sick, the odds that you were asymptomatic are much higher.

One of the things that makes the rapture so alluring is knowing that those who make it will leave all the rotten, annoying people on Earth behind for good. We (I hope it’s “we”) will never have to listen to another idiotic lecture about misgendering. We’ll never have to hear about the evils of whiteness. There will be no morons telling us Christianity is a slave religion. And we won’t be abused by conceited ignoramuses for refusing dangerous shots.

Bill Maher asks for this kind of thing when he invites people like Kathy Griffin and Cameron Diaz to serious discussions. I can’t say I have any sympathy for him.

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