Expelled From Satan’s Reeking Blowhole

December 28th, 2023

Mommy Youtube Threatens me With the Playpen

I avoid social media, but I do have Reddit and Youtube accounts. Reddit can be helpful if you need advice on something like installing a toilet. Reddit is boring, so it’s not like enjoyable sites that addict people. Youtube, though full of sinister, unfair censorship, is nowhere near as bad as other sites, and I have gotten away with things like saying God hates homosexuality.

I should also say I have Rumble. I barely use it. I don’t really think of it as a social media site, because it isn’t controlled by oppressive perverts, racists, and socialists.

Every once in a while, Youtube reminds me that I am, in fact, unwanted and suppressed. By doing this, Youtube’s stooges give me helpful reality checks that remind me not to try to appease or fit in with them or their kind. It’s not possible or desirable.

I’ve had two videos taken down. They took one down because I mentioned ivermectin without claiming it worked. They just took the other one down because I speculated about the mRNA vaccines, which are now known to cause deadly cardiomyopathy in people of all ages.

I was enthusiastic about the vaccines early on, because I think people who generally resist vaccines are ignorant, emotional nuts, and I wanted to be able to see my wife in person. We could not travel without the shots. But when I read about the strange new mRNA technology, I decided to go with the other shot, which seemed similar to a flu or measles vaccine.

In my video, I said that even if the mRNA shots didn’t do permanent harm, pushing us to take them could condition us to take shots that were definitely harmful later on. For this reason, my video was removed.

When a video is removed from Youtube, they give you a chance to appeal. Appealing consists of clicking a link that says you want to appeal. You can’t add information. They don’t tell you anything about their analysis process. Maybe an hour or two later, you get a notice saying your appeal was denied, and that’s it.

Basically, clicking the link is like asking, “Will you do nothing to address the problem you just caused?”, and the answer is generally, “Yes!”

If they really don’t like your video, they tell you your channel has a “strike,” and after too many strikes, you get suspended or something. Double secret probation.

It shows how leftists (Youtube is run by leftists) fear death. They live for this disgusting, defiled, short, unsatisfying life. Aging and death terrify them. They think science and/or paganism are their only protection. Because of their terror, they are willing to abuse other classes of people very badly. They think it’s justified.

I am a Christian. I don’t just believe Yeshua is God and that he has saved me; I know these things. Because God is kind to me, I have a very enjoyable, fulfilling life. I don’t worry. I live in a house full of love, in a traditional God-ordained marriage with a noncompetitive woman who loves me. Nonetheless, I look forward to dying, because my life after death will be utterly magnificent. To most leftists, death is a horrifying transition to an unknown destination which could be full of suffering. To me, it’s a move away from leftists and the demons they serve. It’s a move to a better neighborhood, free of vexatious people and spirits, where I will bathe in the love of my God, my brothers, and my sisters for eternity.

It will be like serving in a bloody war and being called home for good.

Right now, I’m surrounded by people who are literally insane, and almost none of them will listen when I tell them how good God is. I’m surrounded by people who literally hate me for believing the unspeakably beautiful truth about the God who loves them and wants to save them. It won’t be long before they snap and start killing people like me in America, in large numbers, for trying to help them. Why wouldn’t I look forward to leaving?

Yeshua says we are not to cast our pearls before swine. We are his pearls, and the hateful, homicidal people who make up the majority are the swine. He’s not going to leave us in their midst forever.

I feel like abandoning Youtube and making the jump to Rumble, which has surprised me be turning into a viable platform. I thought it would never happen. It’s not as big as Youtube, but there are videos that get tens of thousands of views. Right now, I’m doing great if I get 20. Youtube suppresses me. It turns vapid teenagers into millionaires by promoting them, but it pushes people like me into a techno-oubliette.

I’m tired of being censored. I don’t need to be provoked to anger all the time by conceited, disrespectful punks who will only get worse with time. I don’t think I will do any less good on Rumble than I do on Youtube, which is virtually none. You could say it’s a mistake to leave the place where there is the most corruption, because you can reach more people there, but Youtube prevents me from reaching anyone, so that objection falls flat.

If I move to Rumble, it will be a very small thing to me. I don’t care much about my videos. I enjoy making them, but if Youtube deleted everything I’ve done today, I wouldn’t care, any more than I would care if this blog was destroyed by leftists. I would get relief from repeated reminders that my speech is controlled by hateful idiots. That would be nice.

Youtube also deletes my comments on other people’s videos. It’s impossible to predict what they’ll delete. I don’t think it’s AI, because AI would make some sense. I have to wonder if they assign “troublesome” users to real human minders. Rainbow-haired queer-theorist witches, maybe. Maybe there is a pathetic man in a dress, with scars where his penis used to be, monitoring and removing my comments as they pop up.

They can’t do that here yet, and I’m getting something like 2,000 page views per day.

There is no way to know what actually happens to my videos and comments, because Youtube is autocratic. Youtube’s people are smug tyrants who don’t answer to anyone except entities like the Chinese Communist Party and random homosexual activists (like the ones who got TB Joshua banned). They never explain.

The government should break Google and Youtube up, but they won’t, because Google and Youtube and the other big socials are de facto governmental entities. The corrupt don’t monitor or regulate themselves if they don’t have to.

I think I’ll start praying for the destruction of the leftist socials every day. I already pray for the destruction of the entertainment industry, including the sports industry.

I’ll never take action against them, personally. I don’t want to fool with that. I wouldn’t get up from my recliner to hold a sign in front of Google’s headquarters if it were next door. But asking for God to fight them is easy. If he chooses to do what I ask, wonderful. If not, no big deal. The world is going to be destroyed either way, and my wife and I have already been saved.

3 Responses to “Expelled From Satan’s Reeking Blowhole”

  1. lauraw Says:

    If a drug has been tested for only a few months, it is a breach of ethics for any physician to tell you that that medication is safe and effective.

    No one can possibly know that from this short timeframe. It takes 4, 5, 6…10 years to test meds. And even then, some still get pulled from the market when safety signals emerge from population-level stats. Vioxx.

    Every physician knows about this timeframe for testing meds. They know you can’t say it’s safe and effective after only a few months.

    But they all did it, like robots. Even the ones that had initial misgivings were bullied and propagandized into compliance.

    I saw people I respected for their critical thinking, turn into robots and shills. It shook me. I couldn’t talk to anybody. All rational questioning was met with hostility.

    I left the best career I ever had because I wouldn’t take this one. I took all the other ones gladly. No way I was going to introduce this unknown into my body. I have irreparably harmed my future but this was the better tradeoff.

    They say they no longer require it, but that’s a lie. The mandate simply was dropped by government. Every health agency in my state requires it anyway. I keep looking for a new job but the jab requirement keeps popping up. It’s so dumb. They still get sick and they still spread it to their patients, and the more you are jabbed the less you are protected, but the requirement remains.

  2. lauraw Says:

    Apologies for the bitterness. I am very sad about this subject.

  3. Chris Says:

    “The government should break Google and Youtube up, but they won’t, because Google and Youtube and the other big socials are de facto governmental entities.”

    This is more accurate than most people realize. When the internet started getting huge, the CIA created its own venture capital arm called Peleus, now called In-Q-Tel. They made it a point to put investment in a lot of different companies, including Google, for the purpose of increasing their surveillance capabilities. Google Earth, for example, came from Keyhole Earth Viewer, which Google acquired when it bought out Keyhole. Earth Viewer is one of In-Q-Tel’s most notable investment projects.

    These agencies have always found ways to get around the rules (the notorious library “red flag” checkout database they maintained, for example), but the Patriot Act is what really blew their capabilities up to exponential levels.

    Perhaps the most famous beneficiary of these guys is Facebook. Strip away the mythology behind it, and the reality is that Facebook was really nothing more than a crummy MySpace clone when Zuck was running it at Harvard. That changed when Peter Thiel and Jim Breyer started sinking angel investment into it. Thiel’s Palantir was another In-Q-Tel beneficiary, and Breyer has been a well-known front man for the government via investment arms like Greyhawk for years.

    Shortly afterwards, Facebook gained access to a cutting-edge user interface and data mining capability, which has set the standard for how social media sites operate since it became available for the general public. And as Edward Snowden spilled the beans on, they’re all set up not just to squeeze as much money out of people as possible, but to make it far easier for the FVEY governments in particular to spy on everyone.