Gay Times in Hell

December 18th, 2023

The Guy with the Biggest Hat Makes the Rules

It’s a wonder Christianity has survived Catholicism and its horrific popes.

We are now being told that pacifist, socialist Francis wants to allow the church to bless homosexual marriages. Priests can’t call them marriages, but they can bless them all the same.

The obvious problem here is that the church will now be putting God’s seal of approval on homosexual fornication. Homosexual activities are sin, and so is fornication, no matter what type.

What happens to self-proclaimed Christians who persist in lifestyles of sin until they die? They go to hell. Once they’re in hell, they’re washed up. No matter what earlier popes and fake saints have said in moments of delusion, there is no purgatory.

You go to hell. Then when hell is abolished, you go to the lake of fire. Then you stay there with the spirits you listened to while you were doing poppers, injecting Andrew Gillum drugs into your penis, and having anal sex in mens restrooms, somehow thinking all this was normal.

If you go to hell, your relatives can’t pray you out. God is the God of the living, not the dead. He said so himself. When you’re dead and damned, he has no further involvement with you. To him, it’s as though you were never born. You can will your fortune to the church. Your kids can pay for the construction of a Catholic school. Doesn’t matter. Your case has been closed, and there is no appeal.

There is no reincarnation, either. The word says you die once, and after that, the judgment. Yes, a few people have returned from the dead in their original bodies, but you don’t get to return as someone new, with a clean slate.

So what is this vile new blessing supposed to confer? It can’t be salvation or closeness with God. It can’t be God’s favor.

If Francis is going to bless homosexual marriages, what else will he bless? Maybe he could bless meth labs and whorehouses. How about porn theaters? Going to a porn theater high on meth and then hitting a whorehouse won’t land you in hell if you repent, but a lifestyle of unrepentant sodomy most certainly will.

Paul was a murderer of Christians, in the service of the Sanhedrin, but he repented, and God forgave him. If he had let homosexual Christians use him like a woman until he died, he would now be burning and lost.

Does the church also bless men and women who shack up? They go to hell, too. A blessing doesn’t do you much good if you still go to hell.

It is astonishing that Catholics have listened to a long series of unauthorized, ignorant, worldly clowns in big hats. The things Catholics believe are wild. They think Mary never sinned or had sex, but the Bible makes it clear Yeshua had at least 4 younger siblings.

The Bible says sex within marriage is good. The marriage bed is “undefiled.” Why the squeamishness about the sinless sex Mary had with Joseph, in obedience to God’s command, on many occasions? God himself told people to multiply, and he wasn’t talking about math homework.

Mary didn’t conceive as a virgin because sex was sinful. She conceived as a virgin because the Holy Spirit had no body. God had to impregnate her. He couldn’t use a fallen man’s body for that.

If you want to pick nits, Mary was not an ordinary virgin when she conceived. She had not known a man, but she was impregnated by a male known as the Holy Spirit. Her reproductive parts were involved, just as your mother’s and mine were. And Yeshua came out through the same opening the rest of us use.

The business about worshiping saints is amazing. It is mentioned nowhere in the Bible, except in places where necromancy is condemned. The practice of worshiping statues and dried-up body parts is not Biblical, either. The Bible tells us to worship the creator, not that which he created.

The Bible never tells us to ask the dead to pray for us. It tells us not to be involved with them. Mary and the “saints” are unquestionably dead, and they probably have no idea people pray to them.

I don’t know how much more wrong Francis can get.

Human beings should have known something was wrong when we stopped seeing miracles, prophecy, and other supernatural manifestations of God. These things are common among Spirit-led Christians today, but the dead churches pretend they’re rare, and if they happen among people who dare to wave their hands during hymns, they’re condemned as fakes or works of the devil.

The dead churches believe the devil can still do all kinds of supernatural things, but God can’t. They think the devil can make you speak in tongues, but God can’t. They believe possessed people can do all sorts of superhuman stuff, but Christians can’t be empowered by the Holy Spirit.

If all this is true, shouldn’t we be worshiping the strong one instead of the god of the dead churches? If Yahweh can’t heal you of cancer, can he really save you from hell?

Supposedly, Yeshua came down and worked all sorts of miracles, and so did the prophets, and so did Christians in the time of Yeshua, but now miracles are only for an occasional shepherd who sees Mary beside a pond, and people who practice voodoo. At some point, after thousands of years of supernatural work, God decided he was wrong, but he decided to let Satan keep doing miracles.


God isn’t blessing any kind of fornication or homosexual activity. Snap out of it. If popes knew anything, they’d do what Yeshua did and modern apostles do. They wouldn’t have raised armies, fought wars, sired countless bastards, or, in the most amazing case, run two competing pope offices at the same time. When there are two popes, one thing is for sure: at least one of them is not speaking ex cathedra about anything.

I’ll say it again. The rapture can’t come too soon.

6 Responses to “Gay Times in Hell”

  1. Ed Bonderenka Says:

    24Therefore God also gave them up to uncleanness, in the lusts of their hearts, to dishonor their bodies among themselves, 25who exchanged the truth of God for the lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen.

    26For this reason God gave them up to vile passions. For even their [i]women exchanged the natural use for what is against nature. 27Likewise also the [j]men, leaving the natural use of the [k]woman, burned in their lust for one another, men with men committing what is shameful, and receiving in themselves the penalty of their error which was due.

  2. Aaron's CC Says:

    Look up Bacha Bazi among Muslims. There are arguments that the 72 “virgins” are young males.

    Never understood the appeal of misogynistic Islam to women. I guess it’s about the power, like being a Hells Angels “wife”.

    BTW my website is back up. The web host neglected to update to the latest version of PHP. Not actively posting but that may change soon.

  3. Aaron's CC Says:


  4. Terrapod Says:

    Juan Peron as populist/fascist leader of Argentina (twice, the a-holes never seem to learn though now shall see if Milei is able to shatter the Peronists for good) inspired a whole generation (several actually) of “descamisados” that is to say the street people (shirtless ones) that back then, represented maybe 60% of the population, to put him in power. These are the ones you see in tin shacks in the flavelas of Brazil, villa miseria in Argentina, same all over S. America and now living under overpasses all over the U.S. – something I never though would be, yet here we are.

    Jorge Bergoglio (present day pope) was one of those street urchins that literally grew up under fascism and through happenstance (and who knows how much sodomy) was smart enough to enter the church and learn the system and politics, along with picking up Latin and a few other languages along the way.

    As one who grew up in the 50’s down there, am well acquainted with these “street people” and knew even back then how to avoid getting scammed or worse. The entire sub-culture is one of theft, scams, and crime of all sorts, they do what they have to do to survive at everyone else’s expense. From the 1930’s forward Argentine slowly developed a real middle class, reducing the poor down to maybe 20% of total population with a middle class (or one that could live in fair comfort) of about 70% with the remaining 10% being upper class, mostly wealthy through land ownership, agriculture/cattle and ownership of industry (latter approved by Peronistas of course).

    Thumbnail history but it points at why you cannot trust Bergoglio as far as you can spit, he is not out to unify with the catholic faithful around the world much less ensure the continuity of the faith, he is only out for his own interests and those of his supporters (exactly the same pattern of Peronistas) and absolutely hates western (U.S.) dominance.

    IMHO he cannot depart this plane soon enough though likely what will come next will be worse if those he has advanced and put in key positions hold sway. You notice he has demoted or removed some highly placed U.S. clergy along with others that might assume leadership.

    One could say that a 2000+ year run is admirable for the institution regardless of it’s faults and misdeeds. One can argue that it did produce a net benefit to mankind, knowing others will argue that there were none.

    Nothing says that it is going to continue, like much all else that is being actively marked for destruction by contrary to human nature ideology. We are just along for the ride folks, make the best of whatever the situation is.

  5. Steve H. Says:

    It never occurred to me to compare the portable yet permanent homeless American slums with the slums of South America, but now that it has been pointed out, it makes some sense.

    One big difference is that the tent homeless in America have upward mobility, and the ones who aren’t mentally ill have no excuse for their chosen lifestyle.

  6. Ed Bonderenka Says:

    Good analysis Terrapod.