How not to Deal With Stalkers

December 13th, 2023

Clues are Wasted on Some People

I saw an interesting story on the web today.

A guy who used to be a Christian conservative Youtuber gave in to the soy and became a leftist. He had a girlfriend who used to date a lunatic stalker. The girlfriend knew the ex-boyfriend was a stalker, because he had put tracking devices in her belongings. The stalker came to the new boyfriend’s apartment to kill him, possibly thinking a liberal male was a softer target than a woman.

While waiting to receive the consequences of supporting a political faction that disapproves of gun ownership, the boyfriend phoned the police, because they are able to arrive instantly and protect us from all threats. He nearly whimpered as he begged. Ugly.

The stalker fired a shotgun offensively at least once and then killed himself. At least one pellet hit the girlfriend. The boyfriend was unharmed.

He is now accused of using his girlfriend as a human shield. I don’t know if that’s true, but she got shot, and he did not. In the video, they appear to be on his apartment’s balcony, and she is between him and the apartment, looking in.

The police arrived during the attack. That’s very unusual. It appears the stalker killed himself because he didn’t want to surrender. He texted the girlfriend before he died, saying, “I should have killed the coward.”

It’s not fair to call a man a coward because he won’t fight a guy who has a shotgun, but maybe that’s not what the shooter meant. He may have been referring to other disappointing behaviors he saw during the attack.

He later denied lacking bravery, saying he simply depended on his girlfriend for situational awareness. That’s one of the worst defenses I’ve ever heard. He’s a man, she’s a woman, and she’s not even married to him, but he depends on her to be his bodyguard. Without weapons.

The whole purpose of not being married is to allow for sudden escape. If you haven’t married your girlfriend, it’s because you think something better, be it a better girlfriend or peaceful solitude, may come along, and you want to be able to hit the silk at a moment’s notice. What’s sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander. You can’t fault a girlfriend for running off when a mere boyfriend is in danger. She can get another one that doesn’t have holes in it.

I proposed in a hurry. Extremely unlike me. I was certain. My wife wasn’t on probation. There was no free trial period. I knew what I wanted, and I wasn’t hoping someone better would come along.

Note the contrast, ladies. Cold feet aren’t actually normal or okay.

The Youtuber is on Gofundme, trying to get $5000 to pay for moving expenses. The stalker is dead, so insisting on moving seems excessive. He claims he wants to get away from the memories. Doesn’t sound all that sincere to me.

I think he should be trying to get $5000 to pay for rifles, pistols, lasers, ammunition, and optics.

I tried to comment several times, but Youtube deleted my remarks almost instantly. I guess I offended some pink-haired girl who wears plaid shirts and hemp boxer shorts. Or maybe it was a pink-haired computer.

I tried to say the shooting was a great victory for feminism, like dying alone, surrounded by cats. I shouldn’t have said that. The injury the victim received was relatively minor, but it was still an injury, and she had a very bad day.

I tried to remark on the decisions the victims made.

The woman is as much to blame as the man, if it’s fair to blame a victim for failing to prepare to respond to someone else’s bad acts. She chose a man who chose not to be able to defend her or even himself. She also chose not to have a firearm. She did all this, even though she had found Airtags in her stuff and knew who had put them there.

The man chose not to arm himself, and it may be that he chose to put her between himself and the shooter. People are claiming he stayed behind her when he called the cops, and the video, though not conclusive, gives that impression.

They knew she had a crazy stalker. She had found tracking devices in her belongings, and she knew who put them there. The stalker didn’t go John Hinckley Jr. in one day. There is no way she didn’t tell her new boyfriend. They both knew they had a problem. Even if they didn’t think the shooter was going to try to harm them, they knew they lived in a dangerous world. They could have prepared. They decided not to.

I am careful about blaming victims. For example, if you leave your keys in your car, and someone steals it, I’m not going to say you’re to blame for the theft. That’s stupid. The thief is to blame.

On the other hand, I will say you’re to blame for not preparing like a responsible person. You didn’t steal the car, but you didn’t do what any responsible person would do.

If you leave your keys in your car and go around claiming people who don’t are racist, imperialist, performative, sexist, or whatever, you are beyond irresponsible. Many people who are against gun ownership are like that.

The folks in this story are guilty of irresponsibility, and it cost them. Unless they are legally barred from owning guns, they have no excuse.

My situation is a little different. I don’t think anyone is trying to kill me, but I’m prepared anyway.

I bought my first pistol right after my addict sister told me she was going to send her white trash addict friends to take care of me. I didn’t wait around to see if she was serious. If one had shown up, I would have shot him as many times as I had to in order to make sure he was rendered harmless. When you hear a credible threat, you don’t sit around doing nothing until a tattooed miscreant starts banging on your front door.

I keep a lasered Eastern bloc rifle where I can reach it from bed, along with electronic ear muffs and my cell phone. My wife saw the ear muffs and said she wanted some, so now she keeps some handy, too. That’s her attitude toward self-defense. None of that girly business about not having scary old guns in the house. No quietly-held hopes of trying to “fix” me and my attitudes about guns.

The rifle is actually hers. I gave it to her before she even got here. I have another one in the process of being set up, and when it’s ready, I plan to put the first one on her side of the bed.

I also have a pistol with a laser, ready to go in her purse when she learns how to handle it. No permit required in Florida. I want to get her a permit anyway, because there are additional benefits, but she can carry today without being arrested.

If we get uninvited guests, and I am not able to respond, they will have to deal with the wife, and I am pretty sure she will not hesitate to shoot to kill. Everyone thinks they’ll back down when the time comes, but that’s unusual. If you read up, you’ll learn that people who are in immediate danger of being shot or raped are generally very enthusiastic about shooting criminals, regardless of their backgrounds, sexes, or inclinations. Kids shoot criminals. Women shoot them. Old people. Preachers. Liberals. It’s normal. People don’t want to be hurt.

I don’t pretend to be brave, but I certainly hope I will be out in front if we are attacked. It’s my plan. I can say that much. If I have an attack of cowardice and hide behind my wife, I won’t make ridiculous defensive remarks about situational awareness.

Owning firearms isn’t a guarantee that we’ll be okay, but it’s a hell of a lot better than doing nothing whatsoever while pretending our dumb choice is virtuous and smart, insulting people who have the good sense to do the right thing, and striving to take away their civil rights.

It’s terrible that this lady was shot. Fortunately, her injuries aren’t very bad. I hope she and her boyfriend rethink their leftist notions, and I hope their story helps others to drop the insincere virtue-signaling and get back to ideas, like gun ownership, they know really work.

Leftism is a luxury. When things get really bad, no one will care about pronouns or sorting trash that can’t actually be recycled. People will fall back on the mindset that worked for earlier generations. Smart people don’t wait for a wake-up call in the form of buckshot. They face reality without being slapped in the face by it.

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