That’s not my Jam

December 1st, 2023

Was Eugene Stoner Really on our Side?

While I wait for my wife to emerge from the bathroom, I am making a list of killers whose fun was cut short because they weren’t smart enough to buy AK-47’s.

1. Nikolas Cruz, the Marjorie Stoneman Douglas shooter.
2. Andrew Warrender. Las Vegas Turnberry Towers.
3. James Holmes. Aurora, Colorado.
4. Orlando Harris. St. Louis, Missouri.
5. Caleb Sharpe. Rockford, Washington.
6. Armando Hernandez. Westgate, California.
7. Omar Mateen. Orlando, Florida.
8. Adam Lanza. Newtown, Connecticut.

Man, they keep popping up. This only took a few minutes.

Why does anyone trust an AR-15 for self-defense?

7 Responses to “That’s not my Jam”

  1. Juan Paxety Says:

    There are 9mm AK47s. Any good?

  2. Ed Bonderenka Says:

    I was just talking to Major General Jim Mukoyama (ret’d) today.
    He served under Col Dave Hackworth in Nam.
    He flat out states the AK-47 is the superior firearm.
    It also has the advantage of a superior cartridge.
    Having said that, I will pick up my AR-15 pistol in 7.79×39 before my AK for self defense. Maneuverability.
    But I should have spent more for the Draco.

  3. Steve H. Says:

    “More for the Draco.” Isn’t it strange how things have turned upside-down? The simple gun costs more now.

  4. Ed Bonderenka Says:

    Yeah. I know.
    But the Dracos look like they have more finesse than my AR pistol.
    The wood looks beautiful.
    I also can’t believe I typed 7.79×39 instead of 7.62×39.
    Thanks for the grace of not pointing that out.

  5. Steve H. Says:

    I was about to Google to see if there was a new chambering out there.

    I wish I had bought a dozen AK’s about 15 years ago.

  6. Steve H. Says:

    “There are 9mm AK47s. Any good?”

    Search me. I am sure the AR-15 has serious problems, but I am far from an expert on firearms, so I don’t know anything about a 9mm AK.

  7. Chris Says:

    Yeah, ARs can be a real pain. The AR-15 Kyle Rittenhouse borrowed jammed on him while he was trying to get away from deranged hoodlums, and it was only by God’s grace that he managed to clear it in time to defend himself and get out of there.