Domesticity and Savagery

November 21st, 2023

Plus the End of Candace Owens

In case anyone is wondering how my life is going now that my wife is a resident of the United States, I am here to let you know. Exactly what you would expect is happening. She is in the process of throwing out everything I hold dear.

Slight exaggeration.

Today, she pulled all the drawers out of my awful dresser, and she has been using a HEPA-filter vacuum to suck the dust out of the dresser itself. The contents of the dresser are all over the room. Hope there was nothing incriminating in there.

We went to a ritzy restaurant as soon as we got away from the airport. Of course, I am referring to White Castle. I thought she might be too tired after around 40 hours of traveling, but she insisted. Sadly, it turned out she didn’t like it as much Shake Shack, so we failed to knock off our bag of 10 cheese sliders.

I did my part.

A friend of mine needed a place to stop on a trip to Miami with his kids. His grandmother raised him, and he was on the way to her funeral. They met my wife on the way back. I made pizza both times.

The kids cleaned up my downstairs. I have no idea why they enjoy doing that, but I don’t exactly discourage it.

My wife is finally caught up on sleep, and this is why she is going over the house. I am trying to look involved. I changed the P-traps under two sinks. They were leaking. The character who installed them used something that looked like a combination of plumber’s putty and pipe dope. Here’s what you’re supposed to apply: nothing. I put a little Teflon grease on the threads, though.

I believe he used a pipe wrench to tighten the joints. They’re supposed to be hand-tight. They were torn up, and I had to exert myself to get them off.

I also took one of the horrible Chinese casters off Marvin’s cage and checked the threads. I have 4 much-better casters on the way. If we’re going to fix up the house, we have to fix Marv’s house as well.

We have Thanksgiving supplies laid in, and I am making cornbread for dressing. I’m making a lot of bacon because I need 3/4 of a cup of grease.

She has been tearing strips of bacon in tiny bits and eating them one at a time. Why do women do that? I told her she knew she was going to eat the whole strip, so she should quit fooling herself. She said, “You’re so vicious.” Then she ate more.

Our plan is to fix the bedroom, living room, and kitchen before anything else. My adored queen size mattress may be exiled to a guest room.

We’ll have to hit Orlando soon, because that’s where the real stores are. I hope the spending tsunami starts to abate by New Year’s.

I have been reading the news. It looks like Candace Owens has decided to murder her own career. Is it admirable, because she’s saying what she thinks is true, regardless of the cost, or is it just ridiculous, because she hasn’t spent two minutes verifying the things she says before buying herself a one-way ticket back to nowhere?

She seems to think Israel is an apartheid state, and she made an ambiguous remark about genocide which seemed to be intended to justify criticisms of Israel.

She said something nutty. She said Jerusalem’s Arab Quarter was the place where Arabs were “allowed to live.” Really insane. As a whole lot of other commentators have remarked since she made her claim, Arabs can live wherever they want in Israel. They hold Knesset seats They serve in the IDF.

The Arab Quarter is pretty small. It holds a small percentage of Israel’s Arabs. This is not classified information. How could an otherwise-bright woman fail to check this out before tying an anvil to her leg and diving into the Ann Coulter abyss?

By “Ann Coulter abyss,” I mean the hole where smart pundits go when they go off the rails publicly.

Owens appears to think the Arab-Jewish conflict is a spat between two peoples, each of which has major legitimate grievances. She seems to think Israeli’s Jews are foreign oppressors who showed up one day and decided to throw Israel’s bona fide historical occupants out, and she doesn’t seem to have any idea how differently Jews and Arabs in the Middle East have treated each other.

Every adult in the US should read a recent article about the rapes that have occurred since October 7. Muslims have raped girls, women, and old ladies repeatedly in more than one orifice. They have broken pelvises. While one victim was being gang-raped, a Muslim sliced her breast off and took it around for others to play with. One Israeli was raped standing up, and while the Muslim was still inside her, he shot her through the skull.

You can go online and see at least one Jewish captive with huge blood stains on the back of her pants and between her legs.

Close your eyes and try as hard as you can to picture Jews doing this.

Yes, Jews have killed civilians. While trying as hard as possible not to. On the other hand, they haven’t deliberately set fire to living babies. I doubt you will be able to find any stories about Jews cutting babies out of women and beheading them while their umbilical cords still tied them to their mothers, but at least one Muslim did that during the terrorist raid.

Antisemitic Muslims are not like Jews. They have equalled the barbarism of the Nazis and the imperialist Japanese.

I keep calling them “Muslims,” not “Hamas,” because their religion is what caused all this. Islam is a religion of murder, torture, rape, slavery, theft, and pillage. It encourages its adherents to do the kinds of things we have seen them do this year.

If Hamas itself were the big problem, we wouldn’t have a slew of other Muslim terrorist groups, and Hamas would not win elections in Gaza by overwhelming margins.

Islam got its start as a protection racket. It’s a shame people don’t know this. Look it up. Mohammed’s new religion was going nowhere, but one day he decided to tell Muslims they were free to raid the towns of infidels and do pretty much what they just did in Israel. People converted not because God opened their eyes and confirmed Mohammed’s ravings, but because they were terrified of their terrorist neighbors, and also because they wanted to be able to do to others what Muslims had done to them.

On October 7, many Muslims celebrated their religion’s origins.

I have never hopped on the Candace Owens bandwagon. I’m relieved I can say that. I saw her saying things I thought were immature and obnoxious, and after that, I didn’t really care whether she was right on the issues. I saw her as a person I did’t want to endorse wholeheartedly. I liked some things she said, but that was as far as it went.

I don’t see politicians or self-anointed pundits as our saviors. It is often enjoyable to see them put leftists in their places, but conservatism per se is not what the world needs. It needs the unity that comes from the Holy Spirit. Conservatism isn’t the answer to our problems. Holy-Spirit-led Christianity is the answer to our problems, and conservatism is just an essential and natural by-product.

Here is one thing I like about watching Candace Owens out herself: it shows how blind intelligent people can be. Conservatives keep telling themselves that if they out-argue and out-meme the facially idiotic left, eventually enough people will come to their senses to bring us victory in the voting booth. It’s not true. If brains and logic mattered that much, nearly all Jews would believe Yeshua was the Messiah and God.

People are subject to supernatural blindness. Only the Holy Spirit can enable you to know the truth. If you’re not full of the Holy Spirit, you’re full of other spirits, and they deceive. They may give you part of the truth, plus some toxic adulterants, but overall, you will be blind.

Candace Owens doesn’t know the Holy Spirit, so in spite of her intelligence and general knowledge, she believes things so stupid a 5-year-old can debunk them in two minutes.

We are swimming in a sea of demonic deception, and only a tiny number of us are hearing the truth from the Holy Spirit.

Ben Shapiro and David Horowitz are done with Candace Owens. They think she’s ridiculous. She is, but so are they. They can’t figure out who their Messiah is. Who is more blind?

Maybe she got her ideas from other black people. No one is willing to talk about the huge problem of black antisemitism. Who knows what Owens heard from her parents and grandparents when she was young? She used to be a leftist. Maybe she hasn’t rejected all the mythology and libel.

The deception is going to get worse, and it will be everywhere. People need to understand this. You can argue and meme all you want. You might as well try to describe sunshine to a rock.

2 Responses to “Domesticity and Savagery”

  1. Juan Paxety Says:

    I wish you two much happiness.

    For sliders, take her to the real place – Krystal.

    The first time I saw the video of the hostage with blood on her pants I cried. I was moved to find out who she is. Her name is Naama Leyy, and she’s 19. She had been a member of the IDF for only a few weeks.

    I pray for her.

  2. Chris Says:

    “Conservatives keep telling themselves that if they out-argue and out-meme the facially idiotic left, eventually enough people will come to their senses to bring us victory in the voting booth. It’s not true.”

    You see this mindset in a lot of the 90s-00s conservative vanguard at places like The Dispatch. They are extremely fixated on the pretense that “ideas” and clever snark will result in a permanent political majority. They’rre particularly notable for believing that man lives by bread alone, which is why they are constantly hand-waving social deviancy as “dumb culture war issues,” even though these are spiritual war issues that manifest themselves in the culture.

    Also I’m extremely glad to hear that your wife arrived safely, and hope you both have a wonderful holiday together.