Well Versed

November 12th, 2023

I Love You, but Stay Out of my Yard

Last night, I dreamed a blonde woman and her employees were trying to get in my house. I was yelling at them and so on from behind sliding glass doors. I gave her the finger. I opened a door to give her some more, and she somehow inserted a wire in the opening so I could not close the door. I got out a knife to cut it, and I think made a small cut on my left hand.

Anyway, I would have been better off leaving the door shut.

I think obnoxious people in dreams often represent spirits, and we all know spirits try to get inside us, like vampires asking permission to enter houses.

Maybe I am too angry these days, and it gives spirits openings. The cowardly, racist, terrorist attack on Israel, and the terrorist attacks on Jews elsewhere, and the gaslighting and cancel fever among leftists all over the world, have had me thinking a lot about how I hate bullies and liars. I hadn’t thought much about self-defense in a long time, but I started getting back up to speed. I have a wife on the way here, terrorism will definitely reach rural American gentiles, and I can’t play around.

Christians have to be people of love, and we don’t get a break when people start abusing us. That’s the time when we have to be most careful not to fall into hate.

I believe I’m right to arm up, but I also have to prepare my mind and my heart.

I cast out spirits of anger and fear. I asked God to pour his love through me and help me to be rid of adverse spirits. I spent a lot of time praying in tongues. I feel much better.

As I woke up this morning, I heard my wife’s voice say, “Now we can read Hebrews 5:11.” Of course, she is not here, because the consulate is dilly-dallying. I thought maybe I had heard from God. I looked up the verse.

Discussing Yeshua, it says: “Of whom we have many things to say, and hard to be uttered, seeing ye are dull of hearing.”

I wondered the obvious wonder: “Am I resisting things God is telling me?” I’m always asking for correction as well as help in accepting it.

I still have lots of rough edges, but I don’t think I’m the main problem here. I think God was telling me and my wife what people are like.

First, Paul (assuming the traditional attribution is correct) says he has many things to say. Of course he did. He spent a lot of time alone with God, and God poured him full of information other people did not have. This happens to everyone who prays in tongues. Sometimes you get so much stuff, there is distress mixed with the pleasure, because it’s just more material you won’t be able to get anyone else to accept.

What if you lived in a country where almost everyone was dying of scurvy, God kept sending you pallets of Vitamin C, and virtually all of it went to sit in a continually-expanding warehouse, where it would never be opened?

The other day I felt like asking God to stop telling me so many things. “More stuff I can’t tell anyone.” But I immediately stopped myself and told him to give me as much as he wanted. Better for a few people to get revelation, and to feel bad about not being able to share it, than no one at all.

Second, Paul talks about how hard it is to say certain things. Wow. I know what he means. God has shown me all sorts of things, and there are pretty much two people on Earth who listen. Other people don’t respect me enough to listen. Some think TV preachers know everything. I get through to almost no one. So yes, it’s hard to make myself say certain things, because most of the time, people who get revelation are around people who won’t listen and would not understand if they did.

Yeshua told us not to cast our pearls before swine. We are his pearls, but the same principle applies to words. The best way to make swinish Christians mad at you is to tell them something God told you.

Third, Paul says the Hebrews are dull of hearing. That is true of most modern Hebrews as well as most Christians. Yeshua is the Messiah and God of the Jews, but Jews continue to suffer more than the should, because they don’t like him, they have no interest in Judaism, or they believe their confused sages have the answers. Israel would be having a much better time right now if most Jews belonged to Yeshua, but God’s help is limited because their ears are closed.

In the Tanakh, problems for Israel always indicated a state of disobedience. Somehow, most Jews think this is no longer the case. Israel is a pure victim, not in need of correction.

No confession, no repentance. No repentance, no relief. See Psalm 32.

If you are not baptized with the Holy Spirit, you are dull of hearing. Only the Holy Spirit enables people to receive truth. Reject Yeshua and you reject the Holy Spirit. It’s that simple.

Communion consists of two things: flesh and blood. The flesh of Yeshua represents his grace. Every good thing God does for you is grace. It’s charity. None of it is earned. The wine represents the sacrifice. If you share Yeshua’s cup, you agree to share in his rejection. You agree to stand up for him and be persecuted.

If you want the grace, drink from the cup. Don’t defend yourself. Don’t say God owes you anything good. He owes you hell. If you want the good, admit you deserve the bad.

Hebrews 5:11 is an interesting verse in an interesting chapter.

The enemies of Israel are in the wrong, but if you want protection from the wicked, you need to know God. America is like Israel, moving away from the one who protects it.

I will try to keep listening to correction I don’t like. I’m taking solid measures to arm my household, but I don’t need to be weighed down by anger. I will keep praying for the vicious, psychotic enemies of Jews and Christians, and I hope God takes us off this planet before I ever find myself in a situation where I have to consider picking up a weapon.

One Response to “Well Versed”

  1. Vlad Says:

    I had the same type of bullying dream yesterday except it was a black man with various followers. I usually forget my dreams but this one is sticking with me. Also saw the same meme around the same time!