Goebbels Would be Proud

October 20th, 2023

My Phone is Now Antisemitic

Written on October 19.

I have an Android phone, and I do not use the browser it came with. I have never used it until today. I didn’t actually use it; it sent me some garbage I never asked for. It decided to put an AP story in a notification I never agreed to permit.

I’ll post a screen capture.

This is outrageous. Why am I receiving anti-Israel filth I never told anyone to send me? I’m not supposed to receive ANY notifications. I didn’t even know they existed, and I’ve had this phone for months.

Someone in the tech/government complex signed me up. Someone with a hair color not found in nature.

The headlines deliver a pretty clear message: “You should sympathize with supporters of terrorists because Israel is bombing their ‘country’ in order to kill terrorists the people help hide. Israel is dishonest because it bombs areas it previously called ‘safe’.”

This is not journalism. It’s propaganda. Propaganda spam, from a company I bought a product from. What kind of morons is Samsung hiring?

Here’s a lesson for people who are truly so stupid they don’t understand how war works.

1. Collateral damage: what happens when you do your best to strike a legitimate military target while sparing noncombatants, and you harm noncombatants accidentally.

2. Atrocity: walking into a baby’s nursery and slicing his head off with a sheath knife while he screams and thrashes.

There is zero moral equivalence here, and you know it. If you hate Jews, just admit it. Don’t be a liar as well as a genocidal bigot.

The terrorists carried torture manuals with them when they invaded Israel.

Ordinarily, torture is intended to advance a political or military goal. Waterboarding, for example, was done by desperate, fearful nations in order to prevent nuclear, chemical, and biological attacks by Muslims. In the case of the Hamas raids, the purpose of the torture was recreational. Terrorists who were busy were not supposed to take time to torture people. Those who had more time were encouraged to torture Jews prior to killing them, and Hamas gave them a book to help them do it well. The purpose was to make the invasion more fun for the baboons who perpetrated it.

Israel does wrong from time to time because its enemies place it in very difficult situations with constant, unnecessary existential threats, but Hamas is in the terrorism and atrocity business, full time.

As for pitying the Palestinians, what is the rationale? When I see videos of feral teenagers destroying stores and hurting people in blue cities, I have no sympathy whatsoever, because the people in those cities voted for their own destruction over and over. They got what they fought for. I don’t care if Chicago or San Francisco is a pile of ashes this time next year, because it’s unhealthy to torment yourself over the self-inflicted problems of incorrigible people. I can’t fix it. I didn’t cause it. I’m not going to give myself stress over it.

If I can’t pity leftists in American cities, how can I pity Palestinians who gave terrorists a mandate?

Hamas got 57% of the vote in the last election in Gaza. It’s not like a minority regime took control by force. Palestinians knew exactly what they were voting for, and they got a majority the likes of which we generally do not see in our own presidential elections. They’re getting exactly what they voted for. They knew Hamas would stage large-scale terrorist attacks on Israel, and unless they’re stupid, they knew bombs would then fall on Gaza. They knew they were placing the Israelis in a position where they had to choose between extremely harsh military action and permitting and encouraging further atrocities against their own people. As people like to say on the web these days, the Palestinians found out. That’s on them. On the civilians.

As always, however, to the press, Israel is the problem. Just like Israel is the problem when terrorists blow up their own hospital.

The spirit of antichrist is becoming more transparent, to use a word Biden used insincerely about his administration. The spirit of antichrist has a body of people it uses against Jews and real Christians, and it’s helping its slaves come out of the closet. Not just Palestinians. The Antichrist has drones everywhere, especially among American leftists.

If you read the news, you must know that two male college professors who think they’re women have just drawn attention for going after Israel on social media. One called Israelis “irredeemable excrement” and “pigs,” and the other man said they should fear “us,” and he put up emojis of a cleaver, an axe, and drops of blood. So far, no outrage from the universities’ administrations.

Donald Trump is being tried because his efforts to stop a riot didn’t satisfy leftists. The idea is that an insufficient response is the same thing as incitement. If that’s true, what about a professor who encourages the slaughter of Jews with edged weapons in front of the entire world? Is that kind of speech legal?

Federal case law says speech can be censored when it incites violence. The Supreme Court failed to add something, though. They failed to point out that this only applies to conservatives. Al Sharpton and Maxine Waters incited a murder and riots and got in no trouble whatsoever.

You can disagree with Israel on certain points without being antisemitic. You can’t call all Israelis “irredeemable excrement” or threaten them with cleavers and axes unless you have a problem with Jews per se.

Antisemitism is cool now. That’s amazing.

The spirit of antichrist uses the flesh’s herd instinct against human beings. Only a few people out of a thousand do what they think is right. The rest look to the right and left to see what the imbeciles around them are doing, and they follow suit. This is how you get orderly, civilized Germans and Austrians to herd people into gas chambers.

“Cool” is a word that became popular about 60 years ago. Whatever you may think it means, it really means, “tending to evoke admiration and approval from others.” Coolness is sick. It’s pathological. Most people can be manipulated into doing nearly anything by the admiration and approval of others.

One of the most socially debilitating problems you can have is to be declared uncool. You become an object of ridicule. Nothing you say is taken seriously, simply because you’re the one who said it. You lose friends. You can lose your family. Cancellation.

Thanks to the Internet and things like Tiktok, we now have a world in which the promise of approval or disapproval is more strongly motivating than ever before. A complete pinhead with a million followers can get people to do things a monkey is too smart to do. Kids all over America have deliberately eaten laundry detergent in order to be admired.

This is one of the tools the spirit of antichrist is using to move the apocalypse along. “Agree, or live under a blanket of contempt and rejection.” People are being herded like pigs or sheep. They don’t think. They listen to their base drives to be admired and accepted. Because they don’t think, they do things that are clearly stupid and evil.

License. They have license from the mob, and it was handed down initially from the mob’s leader. The false shepherd. Satan.

Coolness belongs to the left. You can’t become cool by having a successful show on Fox News. Who are the coolest people? The biggest fools on the planet. Whore rappers. Spoiled athletes. Drug-addict actors who can’t work a crossword puzzle. By and large, leftists.

The antichrist’s zombies are freed from the heavy burden of reason. From the bonds of righteousness. “Righteous” simply means “correct.” “Righteousness” literally means “rightness.” People who don’t reason are unrighteous, because correctness comes from reasoning, and the righteous are their natural enemies.

Virtually no one on Earth has any idea what the spirit of antichrist is or how it works. I’ve never seen anyone but myself describe the way it uses approval and admiration to herd idiots to persecute their betters and destroy themselves.

The ignorance is amazing, and it is destroying billions. As God said once, his people were destroyed for lack of knowledge. It still happens.

Knowledge comes only from the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, and you have to spend time with him, praying in tongues and so on. No Holy Spirit, no revealed knowledge. No revealed knowledge, no protection from destruction. If you are ignorant, you will be destroyed, and you will do most of the destruction.

Virtually everything I saw coming years ago is coming true now, and I predicted it would get worse, so you can expect that to come true, too.

It amazes me that my phone is being used to send me blatant antichrist propaganda without my prior consent. I wonder what’s next. Gradually, or not so gradually, we will have to cede more and more of our will, our privacy, and our dignity in order to be tolerated. Already, people have been fired for refusing to call male perverts women. Preachers in Western nations have been arrested for committing the crime of criticizing perversion. We’re being told we have to pay “reparations” to people we never harmed. Kids who want to play sports are ostracized for refusing to kneel and endorse a racist, Marxist, pro-perversion, anti-Christian, city-burning terrorist organization founded by three witches.

The mark is just one more straw on the camel’s back. When it comes, you’ll have to beg or grow your own food. You won’t be able to use stores or buy things online. Cancellation will be perfected.

Fortunately, the Bible says it won’t come until the beast is revealed. That happens in the middle of the tribulation, which hasn’t started.

You probably don’t realize how bad things are, because you’ve gotten used to it. I wish I could go back to 2000, bring my then-self to the present, and show him what’s happening. I would love to see what he said.

One Response to “Goebbels Would be Proud”


    “The Antichrist has drones everywhere, especially among American leftists”

    I think of them more as NPCs than drones: crudely pre-programmed and unconscious of their actions