Arise, Aryan Sons of the Delaware Fatherland!
August 1st, 2023Hunter Biden Does it Again
So what will have to happen before the leftist press admits there is a problem with the Bidens?
Yesterday’s hilarious revelation: Hunter Biden referred to himself and his friends as “Aryan godlike men.”
Try to imagine the array of instruments of torture that would be in preparation right now, had any member of the Trump family so much as said the word “Aryan.”
Here is an excerpt from a Hunter Biden email:
Your question — why does Super Chair love me so much? — is easily answered. It has nothing to do with me and everything to do with my last name (and I bring along very handsome Aryan godlike men wherever I go)
I don’t really know what an Aryan is, and I am too lazy to check, but my understanding is that the term is related to “Iranian,” and I believe it has nothing to do with blonde Europeans from countries where humor is believed to be a symptom of mental illness.
Okay, I’ll look.
Wikipedia says it applied to Indo-Iranian people, whatever they were. They are remarkable for not having a noun associated with their place of origin. There are Indo-Iranians, but there is no Indo-Iran.
You know, it’s amazing how smart the Nazis were to settle on that term. Whenever I see video of Indians wandering around in Mumbai or Iranians burning American flags, right away, I wonder if I’m looking at Germany or Austria. It’s nearly impossible to tell Germans, Indians, and Iranians apart. Those square jaws. That fair skin. Those piercing blue eyes.
Shameless liars are trying to get Hunter off the hook by attributing the remark to a Chinese guy. It was Biden that wrote the email, and he doesn’t say he was quoting. There is no reason at all to think anyone but Biden chose the word “Aryan.”
Does it sound like something a serious business contact would say, or does it sound like a snotty, sarcastic, elitist, racist paraphrase from a spoiled rich kid whose life is one continuous toga party?
The words came from Hunter, not a Chinese contact. It’s clear.
As we all know, the Nazis had this idea that there was a race of Aryans who were innately superior to everyone else and destined to rule over other races. To the Nazis, “Aryan” pretty much meant white people from Europe. Officially, it even included swarthy Italians. In modern usage, we all know what it means. It means people who look like Chris Hemsworth and Uma Thurman, except they’re supposed to be intelligent and talented, not actors.
When you use the word “Aryan” in a positive way, to describe the people in your tightly-knit, exclusive work circle, it’s very likely you are something of a white supremacist. A real white supremacist, not the kind leftists keep moaning about.
The term “white supremacist” is thrown around very irresponsibly these days, almost always in a libelous, baseless way, but there truly are wealthy white men out there who think their kind is the acme of creation.
It sounds like Hunter Biden is way too excited about his whiteness, which is funny, because he’s supposed to be part of the political party that has turned whiteness into a bad thing. Democrats are constantly jousting at white supremacist windmills, imagining wrongs that haven’t taken place, in order to get power over innocent people and abuse them, but here is the son of a Democrat president, using the absolute worst kind of white supremacist language–pseudoscientific Nazi jargon–to describe himself and his buddies.
I thought Hunter’s choice of words was interesting, because it reminded me of the privileged Northeastern frat boys I knew when I was in college. Columbia didn’t have much of a frat system because it was dysfunctional. It had frats that were even more embarrassing and silly than real frats at normal schools.
Columbia had a frat which was officially named Delta Psi. It was commonly known by another name, and it was packed with Northeastern kids who looked like Brooks Brothers mannequins. People who went on to join the wealthy elite and glide above the unwashed herd of random riff raff with undistinguished DNA.
For a long time, I’ve referred to frats as “affirmative action for mediocre white men,” and I stick by what I said. The purpose of a fraternity is to promote people who don’t deserve opportunities, over those who have merit but lack connections. Blackball and boost. Shoot the innocent from cover, and promote the undeserving. This is the entire purpose of fraternities. If they didn’t help weak-minded members defeat abler competition, no one would join or pay dues.
My impression is that Hunter and his pals belong to the same social stratus as the Bushes and Romneys. The secret handshake club. The people who belong to country clubs you can’t join. It makes sense to me that they would see ethnicity as one of their unifying and empowering traits.
Donald Trump, in bizarre contrast, the supposed patron of elites and racists, is the son and grandson of immigrants. He’s still kind of an upstart. An outsider who has to be tolerated.
I don’t think the Illuminati exist, and I know the Jewish conspiracy is a myth, but there really is a powerful, secretive guild of wealthy elitist Americans, and Hunter Biden’s remarks seem to confirm that he has made it his business to be part of it.
So, what happens now? I’ll tell you. It will turn out to be perfectly okay for the son of the president to use Nazi terminology, which was a basis for genocide and conquest, in an admiring way, to cast himself and his pals in a favorable light. No problem.
CNN won’t even notice. A royal got in trouble for wearing a Nazi uniform in jest, but Hunter Biden will not be punished for proving he believes handsome “Aryan” men are godlike.
American Jews will stand with Hunter, because they always commit political suicide. They always side with their enemies in American politics. Maybe some Orthodox Jews will get upset, but nobody pays attention to them.
I kind of wonder what Netanyahu will be thinking the next time he has to show up to kiss Joe Biden’s ring.
Maybe I’m wrong. Maybe the human race won’t disappoint me quite as much as it usually does. Maybe someone on the left will start a stampede and hold the Bidens accountable.
I guess it’s a bad sign when you’ve known someone all your life, and you’re still disappointed when they do what they’ve always done. Says something about your ability to embrace reality.
August 2nd, 2023 at 1:55 AM
I really think that Hunter is just about to be tossed under the bus. A very big bus and his dad may possibly be dragged in with him.
This is just all my opinion but I really don’t think the dimos want biden next time. Can’t really come up with who it will be right now but who has the best chance of cheating? They might be the one?
I’m with you. I don’t think the Illuminati exist and I am skeptical about the Jewish thing.
There is something out there and I am not sure of exactly what or who it is. I have first-hand seen some examples of it.
Like Carlin said: It’s a big club and you ain’t in it.
August 2nd, 2023 at 11:13 AM
If the Jews were organized enough to conspire, the borders of Israel would look a lot different.