Roll in the Fat Lady

July 10th, 2023

Over Over Over

I believe God is preparing people to be raptured, by making them want to abandon this world. I keep seeing disgusting things in the news.

Today I saw stories that reminded me how much I wished the rapture had already happened.

I think the worst story was about a young child whose pediatrician asked him if he was a sexual pervert. Maybe you’ve seen this. The kid wants to play football, so his dad had to get him checked out. The doctor asked the boy whether he was non-binary, gender-fluid, or otherwise counted among those who practice abomination.

We used to be upset because doctors were asking patients whether they owned guns. It was a remarkable effort to propagandize and establish a non-governmental watch list of gun owners. Now that they’re alerting small boys to the wonders of sodomy, the gun questions seem pretty innocuous.

The story made me very angry. I can understand how a father would want to punch a doctor in the face. If the creepy bachelor next door, who has a really neat electric train set, asks your young son whether he’s a pervert, the natural response is to want to punch him in the face, and it would be tough to get a jury to convict a parent who obeyed the urge. It’s no different when the person who defiles your kids wears a stethoscope.

I don’t want to be angry at anyone, and that is especially true of those who deserve anger. I don’t believe anyone should use violence unless there is no other choice. It’s not right to punch creepy doctors. I’m just saying it’s natural to be enraged when an idiot contaminates your child.

I also read about two new black mass shooters, one of whom is swishy. I’ll just say “swishy.” I’m tired of trying to find polite terms.

A man named Kimbrady Carriker shot a bunch of people in Philadelphia. He used a semiautomatic rifle. Internet detectives Googled social media photos of him wearing women’s clothing, including a brassiere and fake breasts. Conservatives are calling him “trans,” and leftists are calling them bigots because he has not expressly labeled himself trans.

Look, you can’t have everything your way. You can’t have 597 different genders and expect the rest of us to guess which one applies. Things are so confusing, the last trans shooter was “misgendered” by leftist journalists for two days. Even they couldn’t figure it out.

You don’t need a title in order to belong to the tranny camp. Richard Speck, the nurse killer, was trans. There is a grotesque video of him in prison, prancing around in women’s underwear, topless, with huge breasts produced by injections.

A whole lot of violent criminals in prison are trans, and prison isn’t always what makes them that way. For many, it’s just a safe place where they can express themselves. I don’t think homosexuality makes you a violent criminal, but from history, it seems obvious that violent criminals are more likely than normal people to be homosexuals.

A man who wears dresses and false breasts is definitely trans-something, whether leftists would call him transgender, transsexual, transvestite, or transistor radio. He’s effeminate. He is perverted. He is an alphabet person. The LGB’s own him, regardless of whether he has chosen a label. He’s not a normal heterosexual man.

Anyway, that’s not the most interesting thing about him to me. I find him interesting because he’s black. We keep seeing minority mass shooters in the news. For decades we were told only white men do mass shootings, but now, whenever I see a mass shooting headline, I think, “black,” because we keep seeing black and Hispanic shooters in the news.

So, what’s happening? Has it always been this way, or is mass shooting among minorities become a new trend? It’s hard to say, because the press has a long history of suppressing news about black crime. When you get to know a few black people, they will open your eyes by telling you how things really are.

Now for the other shooter I read about. In Queens, a nut named Thomas Abreu rode around on a scooter, shooting random people. He killed an old man. He’s black. You can look at his last name and say he must be Puerto Rican. Well, Puerto Rico is an island, not a race. He’s black. Look at the pictures.

He appears to be a non-effeminate male, but the way things go these days, that conclusion could change at any minute.

The last big shooter in Baltimore was black, too. Then there was the Mexican guy who shot people in Texas.

Maybe the problem is that “mass shooting” has been redefined. If I recall correctly, you used to have to shoot quite a few people to be called a mass shooter, but now they’re including characters who shoot 4 victims. Most homicides in the US are committed by black people, and the lower the number of victims a shooter needs to be on a list, the more black people will make the cut. My guess is that we are now counting a whole lot of lesser mass shootings, and those often involve black shooters.

I don’t know, though.

Anyway, the stories are discouraging because they seem to show how minority communities are collapsing. And they go hand in hand with the shoplifting stories.

Blue cities are going the way of Detroit because of theft and other crimes. In San Francisco, normal retailing is rapidly becoming impossible. I saw a video of a Safeway supermarket in San Francisco. It’s like airport security. Metal fences everywhere. Receipt scanners. Exits permanently locked. Makes me wonder what will happen when fires–I mean “oxidizing protests”–break out.

When I was young, someone who was inexplicably proud of having moved to California told me the rest of the US got things 5 years after they did. I think there is truth to that, and it’s not encouraging.

I don’t understand why people from Southern California are arrogant about living there, as if they were a higher form of life. In order to qualify, you just show up. Charles Manson lived there. So did Harvey Weinstein.

What do suburbs have in great abundance, compared to cities? Caucasians and Asians. The shoplifting epidemic is largely black. It’s like the actual witches who run BLM have convinced a substantial percentage of black people they already own whatever is on store shelves, so when they take it, it’s just an advance on reparations.

What’s going to happen to America if black areas destroy themselves entirely? What if they become like Somalia? They were awful before this business started. I don’t know how families will survive when life becomes one continuous riot.

The increase in black crime is going to make it harder for black people who want to leave. When they show up in the country and in suburbs looking for housing so they can raise normal children and not be shot at twice a month, people will find ways to avoid renting and selling to them. They already do. Housing discrimination is very hard to prove. The reparations/victimhood mindset is going to turn many black people into prisoners of ghettos.

I also saw a bunch of headlines about states banning “gender-affirming care” for minors. There is so much wrong with that phrase. I don’t need to read the stories to be disheartened. The headlines themselves show that mainstream America is dead.

First of all, they’re not “affirming” anything. You can’t affirm a delusion. The term “gender-affirming” was crafted by pro-perversion people to move the goalposts and make it seem like the claimed genders of confused people are indisputably correct. They make it sound like settled science. That’s not true at all.

An enormous percentage of people who let doctors hack them up and fill them with hormones and hormone blockers later realize they were going through temporary phases or pressured by stupid parents who wanted to use their children as virtue-signaling accessories.

The other problem with the phrase is the word “care.” Castrating your little boy is not care. Slicing your little girl’s breasts off is not care. Skinning her arm and leg, destroying her genitals, and crafting a hideous, non-functional imitation penis from the scraps is not care. Reinforcing damaging delusions is not care.

What do you do now if you want to raise a normal child who is not sexually perverted, has a good relationship with the Holy Spirit, and isn’t convinced white people and capitalism are evil? Not just homeschooling; you have to find a doctor who isn’t nuts. How do you do that? Will they put little decals on their office windows?

What’s life like for normal people in San Francisco? You get up in the morning and get your kids together for prayer. Then you get started on their homeschooling. Then you go to the grocery alone so they won’t see nude men strolling down the sidewalk. Then you enter the store through the one unlocked exit, buy your food, put it in ridiculous paper bags that rip, and go through a security checkpoint. Then if your kids have to visit the doctor, you go in and sit beside them, holding your phone up to record everything in case the doctor or a nurse with purple hair commits a verbal molestation.

Then if your wife divorces you and decides your son is a girl, you may get in trouble with the government if you try to prevent her from castrating him.

We are done here. We need God to come and get us.

It’s sad that people don’t realize the nuts have won. There are people who think the Bud Light disaster proves there is still hope. That’s wrong. One of the curses of godless people is that those they hate rule over them, even as minorities. Read the Bible and see. It doesn’t matter that most Americans quietly disagree with the loonies. Satan gives them power over us because we turned away from the Holy Spirit.

You have to remember the symmetry of the supernatural. One person accompanied by the Holy Spirit can defeat 10,000 heathens. Similarly, one heathen can defeat 10,000 Christians who abandoned the Holy Spirit and followed the world.

We’re not seeing a fight between solid Christians and the godless. We’re seeing a fight between the openly godless and a nation of fake Christians who made themselves their own gods. Both sides belong to Satan.

Back when I was attending worthless Trinity Church in Miami, I thought I was surrounded by Christians. At first. Then I saw all the Obama stickers in the parking lot. I saw Oprah’s magazine on a coffee table in the pastor’s son’s office. Oprah is openly against Christianity. Then I saw the children of prominent church members on Facebook, sassing adults who criticized homosexuality.

I watched Rich Wilkerson, the head pastor, lie to crowds of poor people to get their money. He told them to pay him before paying their utility bills. He said God would reward them with money, which did not happen.

I used to think the people he lied to were victims, but that’s not really true. He told them what they wanted to hear. “Keep doing what you’re doing, and God will save you anyway.”

This was his own plan for life, and he spread it to them. He was giving “doctrine affirming care.”

Most Christians around the world are like the ones I knew in Miami. The rapture will come, and they’ll still be here, among their real brothers and sisters, in a world ruled by their real god.

I want this mess to end soon. My wife and I are in little safe cocoons, enjoying ourselves, but the barbarians are taking more and more ground around us, getting closer every day. Sooner or later, they’ll be in my yard, and the government will be on their side. They’ll be the government. I’m not going to join the dupes who plan to fight them. I just want God to evacuate us.

One Response to “Roll in the Fat Lady”

  1. Ruth H Says:

    One of the things I am most personally disturbed by is all the terrible stories of child sex rings, trans mutilations, etc. is that it makes me hate. I do not want hate in my heart. I discussed this with my older sister (89 years of wisdom) and she told me God would not be bothered with me hating those kinds of people. I know she is right but I hate being a hater. I hate being made into a hater because there are demons harming children.My heart breaks when I think of all the evil in the world.