Decline of a Shill

July 8th, 2023

Parasites Abandon Husks and Find New Hosts

Am I the only one who thinks the press covers up for celebrities who die in ways that aren’t flattering to them?

Let’s see. Robin Williams. Died hanging naked, alone, in a closet. The web says nude suicide is very rare, so what happened?

It’s very common for celebrities to be addicts and pleasure-lovers. Their drive to receive pleasure causes many to descend into perversion. One of the weirder things some celebrities have gotten into: autoerotic asphyxiation. The idea is that you cut off your air supply while stimulating yourself sexually. Lack of oxygen puts you in a weird state. Supposedly, it revs up your parasympathetic nervous system, which is involved in the sexual response. People who choke themselves say the pleasure is tremendous, and many people have become addicted to the practice. Nearly everyone who does it is male.

Either Williams–a drug addict with self-control problems–decided to kill himself while naked, leaving his wife and loved ones to face a scene that was pointlessly embarrassing on top of the shock and grief, or he was engaging in an addictive sexual activity when he died. Granted, he was struggling with the knowledge that dementia was killing him, but dementia patients are all over the place, and they almost always die naturally.

Anthony Bourdain, another drug addict, went the same way. He had a pleasant dinner in a hotel in France, went upstairs, stripped, and hanged himself. He was known to have bouts of depression, but as far as anyone knew, he was not in despair the day he died.

Why would you commit suicide in the nude? It makes no sense at all. You would be aware other people would find the body and have to deal with the scene.

The web says it’s common for people whose loved ones die masturbating to rearrange the evidence to cover it up, and of course, most people wouldn’t want the press to cover such stories honestly.

I don’t think these men committed suicide. It doesn’t make sense. I think they hanged themselves for pleasure and died by mistake. There is no way Williams wanted his family to find him dead and naked with a strap around his neck. Bourdain didn’t want the friend he was traveling with or the hotel staff to have to deal with a spectacle like that. Come on.

Then there was Anne Heche. She got in a Mini Cooper, floored it, and drove down a straight road into a house. The sun was out. The house was right in front of her. They still call it an accident.

No one drives into a house in broad daylight while sober by accident. She killed herself on purpose because she was miserable. She thought it would be quick, just as you or I would have. She didn’t know she would survive and spend the better part of an hour in a burning car.

Now they’re saying Madonna passed out and nearly died from a bacterial infection. Well, that happens. But the news also says she was revived with naloxone, the drug they use to save people who overdose on opioids. It’s also known as Narcan. It increases blood pressure temporarily and helps drug users keep breathing. The news says Madonna was so far gone, she was essentially dead, and she had to be resuscitated.

They had to stick a tube down her throat and keep it there for at least a day, so she must not have been able to breathe on her own, even after being rescued and receiving treatment.

Kind of sounds like she has brain damage. She was alone when she lost consciousness, she had breathing problems, and lack of oxygen kills brain cells fast. You can ruin your brain in a few minutes by depriving yourself of oxygen, and her breathing may have been depressed a lot longer than that.

Updates from her inner circle say simply, “She’s good,” “She’s very strong in general,” and, “She’s in the clear.” These aren’t things people would ordinarily say when a person is experiencing a full recovery. They sound like weasel words. People would ordinarily say things like, “She’s up and talking,” or, “The doctors say she’ll be fine.” “In the clear” sounds like they’re trying to say she will live, while withholding information about permanent consequences. “Very strong in general” sounds like she’s alive but has serious problems.

Jeremy Renner was crushed by a snowplow on January 1st, and he posted a photo of himself two days later.

The news articles are carefully worded to say there is no evidence she overdosed, and they are also claiming Narcan is used to save people who have septic shock, the problem Madonna supposedly had. Clearly, someone realized people would wonder why Narcan was used, and someone in the pipeline decided to give them a dubious explanation in order to suppress rumors.

I decided to look it up, and what I’ve found is that other drugs are generally used to revive septic shock patients. I also read a lot of things suggesting Narcan is not normally considered. There is some research saying it could work, but that’s not what you would expect to find if doctors were using it routinely. You’d find all sorts of sources discussing its use.

I’m just a layman, but this is how it looks to me. Google other medical problems, and drugs customarily used to treat them will pop right up.

I don’t think Narcan is something most doctors would use in cases of septic shock. I think the stuff we are reading was put together by Madonna’s team and repeated by a cooperative press. I believe she overdosed, and once the Narcan story was out of the bag, her people made up a phony explanation and pushed journalists to use it.

So the question is this: did Madonna try to kill herself?

I would not be surprised. This is a woman who chose a path of extraordinary emptiness and vanity. While still very young, she created a remarkably slutty persona and milked it as much as she could. She published a book of pornography. She sang sleazy songs about sex. She exposed herself from time to time. She aimed her product at a dumb, youthful, immoral audience, and in order to keep her momentum, she, herself, had to try to appear youthful.

No twenty-something wants to see an old woman bump and grind in her underwear. It’s like homeless behavior.

Madonna has experienced a number of age-related humiliations. Lady Gaga copied her entire act and took her place in the sun. She even wrote a successful song using the same chord progression as one of Madonna’s biggest hits, and Madonna was so irritated, she publicly poked Lady Gaga, saying, “this is a wonderful way to redo my song.”

Rapper 50 Cent poked fun at Madonna last year, calling her “grand ma.” He ridiculed her for posing in her underwear at 64. That had to be hard to swallow, for a former sex symbol with an enormous ego and an army of sycophants.

Madonna has shown many symptoms of being unable to adapt to aging. News stories reported that she worked out so hard, she damaged her health. She has had so much plastic surgery, she has become somewhat grotesque.

This is a woman who used to make a living with her looks. She was never more than a 6, but she worked what she had as hard as she could, and it paid off. Men who lacked an eye for beauty used to fund her career because of lust, but now she knows men find her physically repulsive. Instead of stimulating desire, she kills it.

The only men who find her interesting now are the homosexuals who always made up a lot of her fan base. Their devotion has nothing to do with sex. This is the same crowd that thinks Ethel Merman is a goddess.

I think Madonna fell from a very, very high horse, and it may well be that she can’t face her new life as an elderly woman men ignore and other celebrities ridicule. Maybe she can’t handle watching young, attractive women fill the space she once occupied.

Of course, I don’t know what really happened, and maybe her doctors had some reason for using naloxone off label. But that would be unusual, and unusual things don’t usually happen.

She interests me because she is one of Satan’s shills. Satan lets a lot of people become rich and famous through self-destructive behavior. They do very destructive things in order to make it, demons enter and help them, they sit on top for a while, and then they wither and die in humiliation. Michael Jackson. Whitney Houston. Elvis, who died lying by his toilet, naked from the waist down, with his tongue nearly bitten off.

Satan lets some people who serve him do very well, and through them, he lures others in. It’s a great strategy. For every Madonna with multiple mansions, there are innumerable wannabes who stay in the gutter and live cursed lives. They grow old singing in dirty little bars and sponging off relatives.

Madonna is a loss leader. Satan took a temporary loss, refraining from raining misfortune on her as he rains it on many sinners. By doing so, he got many other women to follow in her nasty footsteps, and now, toward the end of her life, he is removing his blessing and letting her know how he really feels about her.

He did the same thing to Prince, who died alone in an elevator, full of drugs, hobbled by arthritis. He really nailed Michael Jackson.

When you plot your life’s course, you should never pattern yourself after a rare fool who behaved stupidly and then got lucky. You shouldn’t enter an arena where the success rate is below one in 10,000. You should do things that generally lead to success. You should try to be an accountant or a dentist, not Elvis Presley or Janis Joplin. Madonna encouraged people to trade their lives for lottery tickets.

It’s very fitting that she called herself the material girl. Material things rot and vanish. They only shine a short time. The things that have real value last forever. Madonna will probably go to hell, and people she looked down on will be in heaven forever, in mansions built by angels.

Because of HIPAA, we may never get an official, reliable explanation of what happened to Madonna, so she and her team are free to craft whatever story they want. HIPAA protection lasts for 50 years after a person dies, so unless someone outside her circle and the medical profession comes up with clues, it will be a very long time before reliable information comes out.

If she did try to do herself in, she’ll probably keep trying. If her infection was a suicide attempt, I doubt she’ll ever admit it. I don’t think her pride would let her.

2 Responses to “Decline of a Shill”

  1. Vlad Says:

    An older woman I used to go to church with said one time,(I’ll never forget it.) “When the devil is done with someone, he will make a fool of them.”

  2. stephen j mcateer Says:

    I think you’re right about Madonna / Naloxone.