More Fuel for the Dumpster Fire

June 30th, 2023

Leftists Infuriated by Threat of Fairness

I never thought I’d see it happen. Government-backed racism is dead in the United States, at least on paper. The Supreme Court has finally admitted that affirmative action is unconstitutional.

It has always been obvious to any thinking person that racist persecution is wrong, regardless of the segment of the population a victim belongs to. Nonetheless, America persisted in harming white gentiles, Jews, Far Eastern Asians, and men for decades. It never made any sense.

God has shown me that when things don’t make sense, there is a supernatural reason. We didn’t hold onto government racism for this long because there was a credible argument in favor of it. We held onto it because Satan supported it.

An earlier Supreme Court weaseled around the issue in the Gratz and Grutter cases, using diversity as a transparent pretext to continue the racism. This, in a country where Yale Law school professors tried to prevent Robert Bork from being hired because they feared his presence, as a third conservative, would tilt the institution’s political balance to the right. Leftists have never wanted diversity.

Diversity has always been a sham. The very word implies inclusion of people of differing beliefs and ethnicities and so on, but diversity programs have been used to exclude more than include. If diversity were the goal, leftist institutions would be trying to hire men, straights, Christians, conservatives, Asians, and Jews, and that has never happened.

So now that affirmative action is supposedly finished, what good will the change do? Not much, I would guess. I don’t think the tribulation is sufficiently far off to permit changed policies to have a great effect.

I believe one group will benefit a lot in the short term: Far Eastern Asians. They will fill up our best schools now. Until yesterday, orientals were pushed down in applicant pools simply because they were oriental. Under the new scheme, their blistering test scores and grades may result in some pretty funny-looking student bodies. Far East Asians will presumably start getting what they earned.

I say “Far Eastern Asians” because I’m acknowledging something no one wants to talk about: Indians aren’t as smart as the Chinese, Koreans, and Japanese. Sorry. It’s true. Thais don’t seem exceptional either, and people from Cambodia and Laos don’t appear to match the ability of their neighbors to the north. Maybe I’m wrong.

You can’t say “Mongoloid” now. Science used to divide human beings into Caucasoids, Mongoloids, and Negroids, and it was a pretty good system. Indians are Caucasoids, and Far Eastern Asians are Mongoloids. Or they used to be, before things changed. As everyone knows, “mongoloid” became medical slang for “person with Down Syndrome,” and of course, it became a schoolyard insult. I assume this is one of the reasons “Mongoloid” with a capital M went out of style. Also, anthropologists have been trying to deny that race exists. Not an easy case to make, in view of reality.

It’s sort of ironic that some large Mongoloid groups are smarter than Caucasoids.

I think the main significance of the new decision will be that it provokes leftists to violence. I think Satan let it happen for this purpose.

The Revelation says the world will come to be filled with lack, death by various causes, and murder. You need anger in order to have murders. The anger has to come from somewhere.

Over the last decade or two, we have seen conservatives, whites, and Christians hit with extreme provocation. Our enemies keep filing meritless civil and criminal suits against innocent right wing politicians, from Newt Gingrich all the way to Donald Trump. They have started marching in sodomy parades while chanting, “We’re coming for your children,” which is about the most provocative thing a person can say. They prevent us from getting jobs. They get us fired. They force us to take sensitivity training when we’re in the right. They force us to lie about gender in order to avoid destitution and ostracism. They close businesses that don’t bend the knee. They castrate and skin confused children. It really does look like the last election was stolen, even if machines weren’t rigged.

People on the right are more mature and slower to anger than leftists, so we haven’t responded with the level of vitriol they have displayed. I think we’ll catch up.

What about the things that provoke leftists? It’s easy to name things. Bush won twice, fairly. There have been a lot of victories for people who read the Second Amendment correctly. Trump won. Roe was overturned. DeSantis exists.

I think Satan allowed affirmative action to be taken away to drive leftists even crazier than they are.

The court also says it’s illegal to force people to say things they don’t want to say. It ruled in favor of a website owner who did not want to produce pro-perversion content. Presumably, the ruling will also apply to bakers, the great public enemies of the left. This is another decision that will enrage leftists.

The decisions were made by a court that exists because of actions that enraged leftists. Clarence Thomas was cleared of ridiculous harassment allegations from an eccentric coworker. Neil Gorsuch was appointed after Merrick Garland was shot down because Ruth Ginsburg died so late in the last Obama term, and leftists somehow concluded this made Gorsuch illegitimate. Kavanaugh made it to the bench in spite of asinine and libelous accusations of harassment dating back decades, and leftists assumed the accusations were true.

Many leftists don’t care what the Constitution says. They think Trump himself was an illegitimate president because Hillary Clinton got the popular vote. Never mind what the Constitution says about the Electoral College. They think an illegitimate president appointed illegitimate justices who make illegitimate decisions.

You could fill a book with a list of exceptional provocations that have occurred since 2000.

We have two perfect storms: one that provokes the right, and another that provokes the left, and they combine to make a single perfect storm that will lead to guerrilla warfare across the country.

To me, this is the real significance of the two decisions that were announced today.

What about me? Should I be siding with leftists? My wife and I intend to have kids, and they will be black. Don’t I want them to have every advantage?

Well, here is the thing; our kids will be intelligent. I mean, barring genetic problems, accidents, disease, and so on. My wife and I are smart. My parents were both over 140 on the IQ scale. Our kids should be able to get good test scores and grades. And if they’re not smart or they don’t make an effort, why should they get things that should go to smart kids who do the right things?

I don’t want to be the father of the next Kamala Harris.

I hope to raise kids who know the Holy Spirit and depend on him, not nutty, slow, malevolent human beings, for advancement.

Speaking of kids, my friend Mike has a real problem. His ex-wife has become a godless leftist, and her mother is a witch. His ex pretty much abandoned his two sons, and now that they’re grown, she curries favor with them. One son is way out on the left, and so is his wife.

Mike has a baby granddaughter, and his ex gave her a book: The Hips on the Drag Queen Go Swish, Swish, Swish. This book was written by a man named Harris Kornstein, whose drag pseudonym is Lil Miss Hot Mess. He’s a professor. The book is about a bunch of homosexual men who dress like women and dance through a town.

How this book is supposed to be helpful to a little girl several years away from literacy is not clear. The ex says her favorite TV program is the Rupaul show, however.

This is a person who used to be a Republican and made her kids go to church. Before moving away and leaving Mike to raise them.

Mike called his ex and tried to talk to her about God and the problems with perversion, but she has serious mental issues (my opinion), and there is no talking to her. She did what you would expect. She accused him of not wanting his kids to be happy.

He wants to hide the book where his granddaughter will never see it. He ought to burn it and keep quiet so they don’t replace it.

As everyone knows, “swish” means “effeminate man.”

Kornstein is big in the drag story hour business. Yes, they really are coming for our children. Present perverted men reading perverted stories to very young children, and at least some of the kids will grow up to think perversion is normal and fun, and the flip side is that they will see normal people as hateful, stupid, and primitive.

This girl (the granddaughter, not the tranny) has no shot in life. Only God can rescue her. My wife and I pray for her all the time.

To get back to the main point of this post, I don’t think favorable court opinions are as helpful as many conservatives think they are. They are just pushing us closer to civil war, and if the rapture comes soon, we won’t have much time to enjoy any benefits they bring.

Trump could be acquitted and/or reelected. Can you imagine the riots? If Trump isn’t the last straw, something else will be.

My response to all this is to try to spend a lot of time inside the presence of God. Last night he gave me a real revelation about what the Bible means when it calls him our fortress and refuge. The presence of God is like a cloud you can sit in. When you’re there, you can feel it around you, and the insanity of the world seems much less important, because it is. When God surrounds you, he protects and improves you.

I believe that if you want to be raptured, you need to be close to God when the moment arrives. We know of three people who were raptured, and they were all close to God. In fact, the Bible actually says Enoch “walked with God.'”

I hope God pulls the plug on this planet soon, and I don’t feel bad about saying it. I want the best for people who are already his, and the tribulation will help everyone who is left behind and who is capable of repentance.

“Tribulation” refers to harvesting useful grain through harsh means. The tribulation will be the world’s last big revival, in a way. It will save millions. When you ask God to rapture his people soon, you’re also asking for the tribulation to start, but the tribulation will bless many, many people, and they are people who can’t be helped by anything short of the tribulation. The Bible says stripes are for a fool’s back.

I wouldn’t wish hell on anyone, because it’s final, but many people need the tribulation.

One Response to “More Fuel for the Dumpster Fire”

  1. JohnP Says:

    Bullseye in every way!