Interview with an Umpire

June 20th, 2023

It Picks a Side or it Gets the Hose

My wife and I are waiting for her final immigration interview. I don’t know if anyone who reads this blog cares, but I am providing this information anyway.

The whole process could have been considerably shorter. I am responsible for most of the unnecessary delay, but neither of us is rushing around as, perhaps, we should be.

We haven’t seen each other in a long while. We talk and pray every day, though. Because things were up in the air, we were uncertain about traveling.

It’s possible we may see Europe soon.

Our government has a crazy requirement: to come to the US, you have to provide an original marriage certificate at your interview, and the interview doesn’t take place in America. We have a digital certificate which is authenticated by blockchain technology, but Uncle Sam won’t take it, so I had to ship the original to Zambia.

The last time we tried to go to Europe, we applied at the Czech embassy, and they rejected us because the marriage certificate was in the States. Now that it’s in Africa, they might, conceivably, let us visit.

Once we’re in the Schengen area, we can go anywhere we want, so a Czech visa would get us into Switzerland, France, Austria, and Italy. My favorite destinations.

My big concern these days is that Uncle Sam will find some unexpected nit to pick, and I will end up living in Zambia. This is extremely unlikely, but what if it happened?

Down side: Zambia. A poor country. Hard to get things we want or need. Lots of witchcraft. I would have to get rid of all my US assets. I would miss a lot of things and a few people.

The power goes off frequently in Zambia, so in that regard, it would be a lot like California, except no one poops on the sidewalk.

Up side: Christian country, in spite of the paganism. Surrounded by Christian countries. No more pronouns. No more sexually indeterminate people humiliating the rest of us with forced compliance. No more legal elective murder of the unborn. No humidity. Moderate weather.

If I moved there, I guess I would renounce my American citizenship in order to avoid paying income tax. The likelihood of moving back to the US would be small in the extreme, so citizenship would probably be about as helpful as an appendix or a sixth toe.

In the past, America seemed like a stable shelter, but now it’s like living in a wooden building with several fires already started. Zambia actually looks more stable. No one wants to invade, and rioters aren’t burning cities or killing bystanders. That kind of thing is reserved for South Africa.

We just had at least 14 mass shootings in one weekend which combined Father’s Day with Juneteenth. That shows you the state of the American urban temperament. MLK Day and Juneteenth are constantly compared to the movie The Purge. If you can’t get away with a crime the rest of the year, just wait.

When the ship starts to sink, a floating milk jug starts to look a lot better.

I used to think Americans who left America or gave up their citizenship were nuts, but I lived in a different country then. I felt like an American. Now I feel like a splinter a boil is trying to push out. I am not wanted here.

I have been blogging for over 20 years. A very long time ago, I started saying it would be very bad when Christian America ceased to exist, because there was nowhere else to go. Was I right, or is Christian Africa going to be the lifeboat?

South Africa is not a possibility, so it has to be written off. It’s no place for white people. There are other places between South Africa and Nigeria that could work in the short term.

I’m pretty old now. If I make it another 30 years, it will be a surprise. First, the world will have to last that long. On top of that, I’ll have to take good care of myself, and I’ll have to turn out to be a person who is blessed with longevity. I think 30 years would be a worst-case scenario. With any luck, I’ll be gone in fewer than 25.

The thought of growing old and feeble in the new Sodom is scary.

Right now, I’m strong, I have money, and I live in a very conservative county in a fairly conservative state. I have never had to lie about anyone’s sex or praise BLM. I have never had to take sensitivity training. I have never been at the mercy of perverts or socialists. I’m in a low-priority area for murderous rioters, and I can sleep with a high-capacity rifle beside the bed.

When I’m really old, in the fairly near future, things may be different. You can’t assert your rights when you can’t walk or you have to be helped to the toilet. You’re at the mercy of whoever is paid to care for you, and if that’s a squad of shemales who enjoy abusing old Christians, you’re out of luck.

Longevity and youth used to be blessings. Now they’re problematic.

It would be much better to die prematurely or move to Zambia than to live in a country where the spirit of antichrist is in near-complete control.

Assuming my wife gets here, I suppose the best thing will be to keep asking God to move us to the best possible places. Maybe I already live in one. There will be peaks of relative sanity, and they will go under the water later than the rest of the world.

I believe I truly understand what God meant when he had Moses write that Lot was “worn out” from his exposure to Sodom. Living in a world that is like an arm turning gangrenous is tiresome. Being under attack every second of every day, from people and spirits, is tiresome. Having to treat mindless leftist brats as though their deranged opinions are important is tiresome.

Accomplishing nearly nothing is tiresome. Being rejected by unbelievers is not great, but I’ve been rejected by Christians, too. When God tells me things and I pass them on, Christians are usually the ones who “correct” me or tell me I’m an enemy of God. God has told me a lot of extremely useful things, but nearly no one is interested, so I feel I’m doing very little.

When I was in high school taking psychology, my (angry atheist) teacher taught us about extinction, as the term was used by psychologists. It works like this: a dog barks for attention. You ignore it. The dog doesn’t get its reward. It stops barking. The behavior has been extinguished.

I feel kind of extinct. I wonder how God must feel, when he looks down from a very great distance, from his place in a world of love and total agreement, and sees Americans castrating themselves and their kids because of gender delusions. I wonder what he thought of the LA Dodgers, honoring a bunch of male perverts dressed as nuns. It can’t be encouraging. I’m sure he’s not saying, “Things are going great. I’ll just keep investing in this race.”

Today my wife told me she feels lazy because she feels she can’t move on with life until she gets here. I told her I feel the same way about the rapture.

Civil war seems more likely than ever. Hunter Biden just got a light sentence for some felonies, and it looks like he may not be punished or fully investigated for influence-peddling or bribery. These were the crimes that concerned people.

No one cares if a tax cheat or someone who lied on a NICS form gets off, but if the president and his family appear to be involved in a huge bribery scheme, and the government decides not to investigate it, it’s a very big deal, especially when a former president is being prosecuted for non-crimes in New York and federal crimes that are very similar to things a Democrat Secretary of State got away with.

Corruption nullifies democracy. It’s not a small problem, so it causes a lot of anger.

I actually prayed for Hunter Biden to get leniency, because Joe is a horrible father who seems to have predestined his kids for failure, but I felt the truth should come out, and the bribery mess should be exposed. I’m fairly cool-headed, so if I’m disturbed by the prospect of an abandonment of the bribery investigation, there must be many people who are not cool-headed who are about to blow their tops.

I don’t want to be here for the hot war. I don’t want to join a militia. I don’t want leftist nuts trying to kill me and my wife. I don’t want far-right nuts abusing me because I won’t go out and shoot hippies with them. I don’t want vigilantes confiscating my guns and ammunition and whatever else they want for the cause. I don’t want to hear about what I owe my neighbors.

I don’t know too much about civil wars, but I think boundaries are important. It seems like a civil war between enemies with boundaries is not as bad as a civil war in which enemies are mingled. There are a lot of places in the US where it may not be possible for front lines to be drawn, and I would expect people in that situation to live in rage and terror all the time. There would be no civilians, in the sense that everyone would be considered a legitimate target. Every able person would have to be viewed as a potential killer.

I hope the end comes before people have to choose sides.

6 Responses to “Interview with an Umpire”

  1. Ed Bonderenka Says:

    “Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation, or any nation so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure.”

  2. Steve H. Says:

    Now Durham has told Congress the FBI knowingly and uncritically swallowed the fake Russia dossier, knowing it came from Hillary.

    This is very bad. People are going to realize their votes meant nothing. That’s the kind of thing that makes people start shooting.

    Perfect storm.

  3. Ed Bonderenka Says:

    I have to be careful what I say on air, but I believe that this administration has no legal, certainly no moral authority to “govern” this nation.
    It is not insurrection to advocate the removal of these criminals from office. It’s how it’s done that decides that.
    Are you acquainted with The Doctrine of the Lesser Magistrates?

  4. Vlad Says:

    Please don’t think that no one is interested in the revelations you reveal.

  5. Terrapod Says:

    Having done my interview in 1985 for citizenship (did the residency in 1980), bone up on civics, the 3 branches of government and some basic historical facts. The interviews are pretty much pro forma, some drone has to do it and does dozens a day. Just pay close attention and answer truthfully on any questions regarding crime, drugs, foreign allegiances, desire to be a good citizen and not becoming a drain on the state. Not sure they even bother on that last bit any more given the situation on the border.

    My biggest smile was when the judge at the swearing in ceremony for new citizens in 85 commented to me that I was likely better educated on our founding documents than most natural born citizens. Made me feel good but I think this is the case for most legal immigrants, we come here because we believe in the system of the founders and WANT to be productive citizens.

    Wishing you and your Mrs. great joy and success.

  6. Chris Says:

    I mentioned to someone the other day that people in third world nations with no indoor plumbing basically think the US is a joke now, because its elites act as if they don’t know what a woman is. These same elites are influencing the current presidential administration to put actual Satanists in positions of influence.

    What’s happening here reminds me a lot of Israel right before a pagan nation completely wrecked it and sent its inhabitants into an exile that lasted nearly 70 years.