Tractor Beaming

June 6th, 2023

The Apollo Program Took Less Time

Last year I converted my Kubota L3710 and bucket to quick attach, and that meant I could no longer use my crazy chain-on fork tines. I decided to cut them up and make a quick-attach fork.

Seeing the way the world was going to hell kind of killed my enthusiasm for a lot of things, but I got back to work this week, and now I have a nearly-completed tool. I haven’t finished the paint, and there are a couple of welds I still have to do, but I tried it out today on some fallen trees, and it seems to be okay. In an hour of slow-paced work, I moved a huge amount of stuff.

It gets better leverage than the old tines because it’s closer to the FEL, and these tines can’t move around because the whole fork is rigid.

One thing I didn’t think of: the bucket had a sloped rear surface, so when I used the forks, I was able to rotate them up maybe 20 degrees when the FEL was down. Now the tines are pretty much level when the fork is on the ground and the hydraulic rods are retracted. It doesn’t seem to slow me down, though.

I am thinking of welding some square tube crossmembers between the tines about 10″ from where they join the frame, to take stress off the welds at the rear.

I should be able to lift no more than 1200 pounds with this thing, based on Kubota’s specs and the weight of all the hardware. That’s the kind of load I have to think about when considering adding reinforcement.

I was considering putting goat fencing across the vertical members to keep things from coming back at me. It hasn’t been a problem in the past, but I suppose it could be.

I could have bought a grapple, which is a wide attachment with hydraulic jaws, but I think they’re stupid. They don’t hold much more brush than a person. They hold logs, but so will my fork, and I don’t have to add new hydraulics. Maybe a grapple is more useful on hills, where it’s harder to keep things on a fork. I doubt it. I think the grapple is just a bad invention.

In other news, I got more revelation yesterday and today. Whenever you pray in tongues a lot, revelation will follow within a day.

I saw a video about a Christian Youtuber who fell and injured himself. As background, he talked about how his faith was still tested sometimes. That’s remarkable, because years ago, he went to hell. He smoked some kind of synthetic weed and lost consciousness, and he found himself in hell. Apparently synthetic weed is dangerous.

You would think a person who had seen hell would never lack faith. That isn’t true, though. Believing faith works this way shows a lack of understanding of how the universe works.

Only the Holy Spirit makes us believe the truth. Similarly, our flesh, other people, and evil spirits make us believe lies. If you don’t hear from the Holy Spirit daily and get revelation, you can end up believing anything. This is why a big percentage of Westerners now think a man can be pregnant. It’s facially absurd, but very few people hear from the Holy Spirit, everyone hears from man and Satan, and man and Satan generally win.

It’s possible, and even common, for people to believe things they know are untrue. It sounds insane, but we have all seen it.

We even see it in the Bible. The Hebrews saw God part the Red Sea, and they saw him in a pillar of cloud and a pillar of fire every day. They still lost faith, and idolatry became a huge problem for the Jews. Were they stupid? No. They just didn’t have the Holy Spirit inside them, reminding them of the truth every day.

Yeshua warned us about this danger in the parable of the sower.

After all I’ve experienced, I should have perfect faith by now, but I don’t. Sometimes it’s extremely strong, and sometimes it waivers. It seems like knowledge, which I have, should make my faith unshakeable. But knowledge doesn’t always become faith. Many people have seen miracles yet have not believed.

Yeshua told us about two dead Jews. A rich man and a beggar named Lazarus. The rich man was in hell, burning, and Lazarus was with Abraham, awaiting salvation. The rich man asked Abraham to send Lazarus back to Earth to warn his brothers, and Abraham said, “If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead.”

What he said was true, and it explains why the descendants of Jews who didn’t believe are in the situation they’re in today.

1. They didn’t see Yeshua in the Bible, even though he was there. Isaiah said a virgin would give birth to a son, and he would be God. There are all sorts of verses pointing to Yeshua. His name, “Yeshua,” is all over the Psalms. Isaiah talked about him a lot. Moses was a type of Yeshua.

2. When Lazarus, the brother of Mary and Martha, was resurrected by Yeshua, most Jews didn’t accept Yeshua. Instead, their leaders plotted to kill Lazarus. So a man named Lazarus really did come back from the dead, and most Jews would not be persuaded.

3. When Yeshua was crucified, many people rose from the dead in Jerusalem, but most Jews didn’t see it as a sign that Yeshua was divine.

4. Yeshua himself rose from the dead, and there were many witnesses, but most Jews were not interested. They didn’t know the Holy Spirit.

No matter what the objective truth is, you’re going to believe what spirits tell you, and only the Holy Spirit will tell you the truth. You have to keep hearing from him every day. This is why Paul said, “Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.” He didn’t mean you have to listen to people recite from the Bible. He meant you had to hear God speaking, every day. When you pray in tongues, you hear God speaking through you, and the Bible says tongues build faith.

Unbelief is a delusion, like any other delusion. It’s not rational. Your mind can’t protect you. Only the Holy Spirit can.

It’s amazing to get all this revelation and to see what Bible passages really mean. Preachers get these things wrong all the time. Of course, most of them don’t know the Holy Spirit, so they don’t have a chance.

We now have unbelieving generations of descendants of Christians. The Jews rejected Yeshua, and our young people have rejected both Yeshua and the Holy Spirit. We’re going down the same road the Jews traveled, but this time, there is no fourth manifestation of God to come to Earth and give the world another chance. This time, the game is over.

The Psalms and other Old Testament books show that gentiles would believe in Yeshua and be saved, and this has happened. Now that Christianity is withering, there is nobody else to preach to. When the apostles gave up on the Jews, they went to the gentiles and had tremendous success. The gentiles are now turning away, and once both Jews and gentiles are lost, whom are you supposed to evangelize? Martians?

If you’re not speaking in tongues and hearing from God, you’re not going to make it. You’ll believe lies, and you’ll still think you’re among the elect. You’ll have lots of famous company. Maimonides thought he was special because he was so learned, and he’s burning in hell.

I hope people make good use of the things I share, because there aren’t many people broadcasting this stuff.

The person you really need to listen to is the Holy Spirit, not me, but I can help you get in touch with him.

One Response to “Tractor Beaming”

  1. vlad335 Says:

    The LORD bless thee, and keep thee.The LORD make his face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee. The LORD lift up his countenance upon thee, and give thee peace.