World of Pain, my Friend

October 16th, 2008


Today just feels right. I feel like I am mutating back to my old self, except for having it more together with regard to religion. Actually, I was headed this way back when I went to Israel, so maybe this is where I was supposed to end up. I will spare you the Jonah metaphor.

I just moved two big but sickly pepper plants to the yard, where they will surely benefit from not having to depend on me and the watering can. I am wearing my crappy Old Navy cargo shorts with the concrete-patch smear on the back pocket. In one front pocket, a loaded Glock. In the other, a brand-new Gerber Gator II. My shoes are IDF commando boots. My sunglasses? Non-nouveau, anti-yuppie Ray Ban aviators. And I am wearing wool socks in Miami. If I were any less appropriately dressed, I would be Walter Sobchak.

Everything here has to be difficult. You would think moving two plants would be a cinch, but when I dug the holes, I came up with a lot of oolite rocks. Several pounds. They make digging impossible, because they stop the shovel. Landscapers and builders here love them. I think that’s because they’re free, and because leaving the rock in a yard, just below the topsoil, saves work. Every time you build a house, you have to remove enough oolite to put down dirt for a yard. And you have to haul it away.

I have not been checking up on Mish Weiss the way I should. This is her last day of chemo and radiation before her bone marrow transplant. And she is having a bad time, as you can imagine. Hair loss and fatigue and so on. She will rest a few days. Then they’ll shoot her full of donor marrow, I guess. Don’t quit praying.

Her friend Uri covered for her on her blog today. His parting sentence: “Sorry my English is very bad and they make me post.” I guess Mish is still pretty tough.

I found my old Israel photos this morning. Me and Aaron, in the Promised Land. The other day I emailed my old kibbutz and asked if they still accepted older volunteers. I got nowhere with that. The site is in Hebrew. For all I know, it says, “Send an email to this address, if you love Ahmadinejad.” I absolutely have to go over there again.

I am going to the hardware store to buttonhole whoever smells the most like manure and make him tell me how to kill my St. Augustine grass.

7 Responses to “World of Pain, my Friend”

  1. pbird Says:

    Hey, get going. There is no reason for you NOT to go! It sounds wonderful.

  2. Aaron's cc: Says:

    How much do I have to pay you to destroy photos of my boxers? Other than that, if you have any ability to scan the photos, I’ll be even more in debt to you forever.

  3. greg zywicki Says:

    I watched Lebowski for the first time while recovering from a world of pain this week. I can see why you like it so much. Just keep in mind that Goodman’s character was an idiot.

    Your post about getting the butt vertical helped me (a small amount) drag myself up this morning. I want to get back to how I was in my youth; springing out of bed. Of course, that was during the years when the brain was awash in the brain chemistry of youth so I guess we’ll see.

  4. DoubleTapper Says:

    Let me know the itinerary. We’ll to the range, and I’ll show you what’s changed since your days in Ohr Samayach.

    DoubleTapper, blogging on
    Guns Politics Defense from Israel

  5. Steve H. Says:

    Wow, thanks, DT. That would be a blast.

  6. Steamboat McGoo Says:

    “I am going to the hardware store to buttonhole whoever smells the most like manure and make him tell me how to kill my St. Augustine grass.”

    That comment should be preserved for all time, Steve.

  7. Ziva Says:

    Advice: Online translators suck, but do allow communication. Email the kibbutz, and then go.