God Comes in Like a Flood, Too

May 9th, 2023


I feel like testifying about a great experience I had this morning.

I like to spend a couple of hours praying when I wake, so that’s what I was doing. I was thinking about how insane the world had become, and I started telling God something I tell him a lot: “I hate this place. I hate this place. You were right.”

I guess that sounds like depression, or that I’m complaining about my miserable life, but that’s not what it is. My life is very easy. I have a wonderful, attractive wife. My health is fine. I love the area where I live. I never get depressed. I don’t struggle to get out of bed in the morning. I’m ready to go as soon as my eyes open. I’m enjoying myself more and more, every month.

Here’s what I like to say: I’m depressed by proxy. I am depressed on the world’s behalf.

Leftists are unhappy people. Surveys show this. They are much less happy than conservative Christians, even though many of us think the world is ending. Leftists enjoy drama and misery. It gives their lives purpose. They don’t think anything good is in their future. They expect to live pointless lives on a planet that’s going to sink under rising oceans, and then they expect to die in terror and vanish.

These are generalizations, but so are sentences like, “Cats don’t like to be bathed,” and, “Bud Light drinkers don’t want to be identified with sexual perversion.” Nothing wrong with generalizing. You do it every minute of your life without realizing it. If you couldn’t, you would be mentally ill and unable to function.

“Is that a red traffic light? Am I supposed to stop? I don’t want to assume anything. It’s shaped like a traffic lights I’ve seen before, but maybe it’s art, and the city paid some artist to put it up as a statement.” No one thinks like that. All day, every day, you assume things are what they seem to be, and you react to them based on prejudice which is, itself, based on past experience with similar things.

Anyway, leftists are unhappy, and they reward each other for willful unhappiness. March and riot, call yourself a victim, and you get what you want, even if it’s several million dollars from the state of California, just for being black. Even if it’s the right to steal from Walmart and then whine when Walmart abandons your city.

To me, every human being who isn’t a Spirit-led Christian is a leftist. “Leftism” is just rebellion against ordained authority. Anyone who belongs to an incorrect religion is a leftist, because God only authorized one way. Anyone who thinks government is the proper authority to appeal to to get most of his problems fixed is a leftist, because we are supposed to take everything to God first, in the name of Yeshua, not Allah or whatever. Not just Yahweh.

I see the world as leftist, because it is. Almost no one knows or obeys Yeshua, and that goes for Christians as well as everyone else. To me, this is a leftist planet.

America is a leftist nation, and it always has been. George III was anointed by God, and we chose a republic, which is a degenerate type of government which moves us closer to anarchy. The Bible doesn’t endorse democracy or republics. It endorses men of God and kings, period. Yeshua is the king of kings, not the president of presidents.

Our silly ideas about mob rule came to us through Greece and Rome. Nations that hated Yeshua and worshiped evil spirits. It’s weird how so many Americans think democracy is a gift from God. Far from it. It’s a curse, and we are now seeing what happens when a nation chooses a curse. Eventually, things go sour.

Our leftist world is washed up, and when I say I’m depressed by proxy, I mean I feel there is no hope at all for the world. Things will continue to get worse. Violence, disease, and lack will rise to unprecedented levels, and billions will die.

There’s an interesting scene in the movie The Book of Eli. Eli, a prophet, finds himself and a friend in a house full of weapons. It belongs to a prepper couple who eat travelers. Eli’s enemies surround the house, and it becomes obvious a shootout is imminent. He tells his friend God has assured him he and the friend will get out. A prepper says, “What about us?” Eli responds, “Didn’t say anything about you.”

My future is bright. My wife’s future is bright. God has told us. If you’re not his, he didn’t say anything about you. Well…nothing good.

So I was telling God how much I hate this place, and I was unhappy about what was happening to the world, and suddenly the Holy Spirit poured into me. When he did that, I didn’t want to think about the world’s mess any more. I let it go and thought about what I was receiving. What a privilege, to feel his peace and let the world go.

Once it started, I began thanking God over and over and asking him to help me maintain it.

Eventually, I thought about the state of the world again. I told God I had been pursuing him for so long, and it was only recently that I started feeling great pleasure, consistently, in his presence. I asked him what hope there was for everyone else, and by “everyone else,” I meant the 99-plus per cent of humanity that had no interest in him.

To find out how good God is, you have to go after him, and not many people are doing that. Leftists are now openly against him in America, just as they are in England and many other countries. “Conservative” has become a code word for “Christian” in the US. People who call themselves progressive are literally fighting to end the worship of Yeshua here.

It’s hard enough to get a self-proclaimed Christian to get to know the Holy Spirit. What chance is there for a nation of people who support castrating boys and putting them in dresses?

It reminds me of the true story of Lazarus the beggar. In the underworld, there were two places for the dead. There was a nice place for those who would be taken to heaven, and a place of torture for the rest. The majority. There were Jews in both places, so Judaism was no guarantee of anything. And what was between them? A great gulf, fixed in place, with no way to cross it. That’s America now. There are millions of people here who can’t cross to this side no matter what happens. If Jesus appeared to them in person and turned swimming pools into wine, they would still reject him.

There is symmetry in the supernatural. This is a time of great cursing for people who reject Yeshua, so it’s also a time of great blessing for those who know him. These are days of pain, fear, defeat, and failure for those who don’t belong to him, but they are days of victory, improvement, safety, and peace for his children.

Yesterday, I had things I needed to do. The pool is green. I need to mow the yard. At 5:30 p.m., I felt supernatural peace and sleepiness, and I had to go lie in bed and be with God. The other things didn’t matter. I had to do it.

We’re in a centrifuge. A gaseous diffusion plant. People are being separated according to their type. The other day, God told me this was a time of sifting. You can either be part of the baby, or you can have your pride and be afterbirth.

The only purpose the damned serve is to support the saved. They think what they do has lasting meaning. They build infrastructure and governments. They build and repair things. They provide services. They fight in wars. None of that stuff has any permanence. They are here to provide a workable environment for God’s children. It’s not our job to do the menial things. Hard work is not for us. We’re here to be improved and to be used to save others. We are supposed to be like Mary, not Martha.

The unsaved will fall away like afterbirth, which supports a baby until it enters a new world. Then they’ll be discarded and go to hell, the world’s garbage dump. They’ll burn like chaff after grain is harvested.

They’ll be forgotten, along with their names. Nobody names afterbirth.

After the tribulation, a lot of names will be gone. The Vietnam memorial will be gone, with all its names. The holocaust records. The list of Academy Award winners. The list of Nobel winners. All that stuff is carnal. It belongs to an age which is about to be ended and largely erased.

People donate fortunes to schools and hospitals so their names will be carved on them. They think it gives them immortality. It’s all going to be destroyed. God will be like a kid grinding his heel into a bunch of anthills. If ants could think, they would think anthill destruction was a very big deal.

Shakespeare, destroyed. Michelangelo. The works of Maimonides, who is burning in hell for blasphemy. The Koran. Chopin. Every presidential library and monument. The Louvre. The pyramids. Medical science. Most music. Poof. Everything that doesn’t advance the kingdom will be washed away like a smelly stain.

The end is really here. It’s not a paranoid fantasy. We are at a point where our activities are no longer sustainable. Not in some imaginary, distant future, where the oceans are a foot higher. Now. We are watching it happen. A reprieve is not possible, so all we can pray for is that things unfold very quickly, to prevent unnecessary suffering. Another 20 years would be unbearable.

For a long time, I’ve been saying, “If you think things are bad now, wait till you see them 6 months from now,” and I’ve always been right. Life is tolerable for most people today, but it was better 6 months ago, and it will be much worse 6 months in the future. It makes no sense to say things are fine because you can stand the current situation. You’re not going to have the current situation next year. You’ll miss 2023.

If you ride a motorcycle, and you do the intelligent thing and take a class, you will hear about decreasing-radius turns. A constant-radius turn is a circle. A turn with a decreasing radius gets tighter and tighter. Many highway exits have decreasing-radius turns. Motorcycles don’t handle them well because they brake poorly.

If you’re on a bike, and you enter a decreasing-radius turn at the wrong speed, you may think you’re fine on the way in, but as the radius shrinks, the centrifugal force will shoot up, and you may go down and end up in an ambulance. You can’t judge the turn by the beginning; you have to look ahead.

We’re in a decreasing-radius turn. We can stand what’s happening now, but it won’t be long before we can no longer take it.

I will try to fix either the yard or the pool today, but mainly, I want to be close to God so I won’t be wandering around when the ship leaves the dock. Unless you’re a rare individual, you don’t understand how good he is.

One Response to “God Comes in Like a Flood, Too”

  1. juan Says:

    An even bigger