Greetings, Pinata

May 7th, 2023

Now You Know Your Purpose

I just saw the news about California “reparations.” I’m thrilled. The boil came to a head, leftist politicians popped it, and now the hot pus is flowing over every citizen who voted for them.

According to Fox, payments can add up to a few thousand to over a million dollars for one “victim.” I wish it were more. I guess it will be, though, because as far as I can see, this is only the state version of “reparations.” I believe the local versions are yet to be announced. San Francisco is talking about payments that could add up to tens of millions for some individuals.

Do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it.

We need to see the appendix burst and the patient roll into the OR, only to find out the surgeon is on the side of the sepsis.

I like using quotation marks for “reparations,” because it’s a misnomer. Reparations are for actual victims, and they are paid by actual offenders. There are zero American former slaves alive today. There are zero American former slave owners alive today. I guess I’ll quit using quotation marks now, though, because typing them is a pain. Just pretend they’re still there.

Reparations have already been paid, over and over. Money and opportunities have been piled onto American blacks for many decades. People who had nothing to do with slavery were deprived in order to provide all this assistance. It’s time to let it go. But that won’t happen. Reparations will keep increasing. The apocalypse is here, and delusion that only escalates is one of the symptoms.

I want to see this world fixed. I’m tired of the mass psychosis. I’m tired of living in a broken world.

This place is a mess. Think about it. Think about all the passwords you know. Think about the locks you have to lock. Think about your antivirus software and the stupid puzzles you have to solve to get into websites. In a sane world, would criminals be out to get you every hour of every day?

Think about the suffering around you. If you’re used to the murders and rapes and so on that take place among humans, think of the animals. Think of the horrible suffering they endure due to predation and pointless intraspecies fights. None of this is normal.

I’m tired of it. I’m tired of solving Internet puzzles. I’m tired of being told I have to make up new passwords. I’m tired of knowing leftist lunatics are planning for a time when they can come to places like my county and do things that would shame the Japanese who invaded Nanking.

I’m tired of the hatred and childishness in the news. I’m sick of politics. I hate democracy. I want King Yeshua.

Is hating democracy and rooting for a thousand-year monarchy treason? No. There’s kind of a loophole. You can’t get in trouble for supporting a foreign monarch who lives in heaven. Only earthly enemies.

None of the world’s big problems will be fixed until this age ends, so bring it on. Let’s rip the Band-Aid off the festering scab. Reparations! Pronouns! Sodomy in the streets! Mass firings! Confiscation of property! Socialism! Censorship! War! Racism! Let’s do it.

Maybe the reparations storm will serve to wake a few leftists up and bring them into the family of God before the rapture. Maybe it will wake up other people who have been asleep.

The suffering of the apocalypse is going to happen anyway, and things are never going to get better than they are right now, so the quicker the end comes, the better off the world will be.

Am I the only one who is sick of this place? Am I the only one who has a great life yet wishes to spend the rest of it in a better world?

Most days, I talk to my buddy Mike, who has come around as the Holy Spirit has done his work. Mike always says the same thing: “It’s over.” The Air Force is using trannies to recruit airmen. “It’s over.” Bud Light used a tranny to attract customers. “It’s over.” Satanists are opening clubs in elementary schools. “It’s over.”

I saw a great video a couple of days back. It showed San Franciscans venting to the Board of Supervisors. This is the Board that wants to give millions to random black people. One lady said she was going to spend her microphone time screaming, and she did.

Instead of putting her in a padded room, the supervisors sat and took their punishment. A homelessexual with green hair appeared, and he yelled out his demands. He DEMANDED good housing and medical care, like someone owed it to him. He was furious. They took him completely seriously.

It reminded me of something I witnessed.

My sister is a drug addict, and she is beyond redemption. She is the incarnation of entitlement. She was mad at my elderly dad about something or other that was completely her fault.

I don’t know what she was mad about. He had paid for her rehab more than once, without telling me, even though she had money of her own and some sort of law practice. And equity in a house for which he paid most of the cost. I think she was upset about something related to more money, but I couldn’t tell you for sure. It was years ago. I haven’t had any communication with her in 8 years, I think.

She stomped into his house and slammed the door, and she barked, “I’m going to give you ONE more chance!!” I heard her footsteps as she marched across the hardwood.

She didn’t know I was there, a few feet away, in another room, with the door open.

After her warning cry, I heard her telling him not to touch her and generally venting her shock and anger. I heard their feet moving across the floor. Then I heard the front door slam again. She was outside. He had taken her by the arm and deposited her on the porch.

This is what the supervisors should have done to the nuts who lectured them. Unfortunately, the supervisors are apparently not much different, so if crazy people were going to be ejected from the room, the supervisors would have had to go, too.

Interesting side story: my sister called me a few minutes after she was expelled, threatening to have my dad arrested and disbarred. She had broken her arm in a kitchen fall weeks earlier, and she claimed my dad had re-broken it by escorting her out the door. She was furious.

While she was telling me this over the phone, she bought a Coke at a drive-through. I heard her paying and receiving a big cup. So was in terrible pain with a fresh disabling injury, but she still managed to drive to McDonald’s and buy a huge soda through a window.

As a witness, I knew the whole thing was nonsense, but I didn’t bother letting her know. I figured it would be best to provide that information after the police came, if indeed they did. They never showed.

She did call the cops on another occasion, and they took her about as seriously as you would expect. A middle-aged woman with a BMW 335i and few front teeth, making unsupported claims about an octogenarian who looked considerably less threatening than Wilford Brimley.

Not the Wilford Brimley from The Firm. The one from the oatmeal commercials.

Anyway, I know what entitlement and hatred of the truth look like, so when I saw the video, it was almost nostalgic.

The common thread is the inability to perceive one’s complete lack of leverage. In both cases, people attacked other people they depended on, made bizarre demands as though they had been cheated, and verbally abused the individuals they hoped would show them charity.

It’s not a good approach.

Government bodies and voters have become enablers, and what happens to enablers if they don’t stop? They die, consumed and defeated. Then their parasites move on to other hosts.

If you’re in God’s good graces, you have favor, and he makes you the head and not the tail. That means your enemies fail, and either he ejects them from your life, or you rule over them. You can’t have God’s favor and be an enabler. Enablers are losers.

A person who has favor will get victory over others, no matter how strong their enemies seem to be. As the Bible says, one will put a thousand to flight. If you don’t have favor, you’re the thousand, not the one. People who have no power and no leverage will push you around and eat you alive, no matter how big and strong you think you are. This is what happened to my late mother. My sister emptied her like a tube of toothpaste.

America has lost God’s favor. That’s why nuts can paint lying slogans on busy streets and throw Molotov cocktails at the police without getting in trouble. It’s why Californians are going to get some amazing tax bills in the future. They will lose and lose and lose. They turned on God, and now they’re enablers. Hosts. The parasites will eat them.

Every day, I pray for Yahweh to send Yeshua as soon as possible, to get us out. The days of revival are over. We are not going to see significant numbers of souls saved, but we will see many people lose their salvation.

Actually, there is a revival going on, and it’s huge. It’s global. It’s Satan’s revival. He has revivals, too. He lost a lot of souls in the flood and in God’s salvation campaigns. Now he’s winning again. His crusades are everywhere, and they are winning a staggering number of souls. You can see it in statistics. Now 40% of millennials identify as sexual degenerates, and Christianity has declined by about the same percentage in the US, since 2000. Those are horrific figures. Ten percent would be amazing, but we are looking at 40, and the next decade will be much worse than the last. We’re done.

It’s over.

Reparations for everyone. A global round of Bud Light. Let’s just do it. Sell drugs at McDonald’s. Let women go to malls and church naked. Take white people’s wealth. Open the prisons.

Do it do it do it. But I pray my wife and I will not be here to see it.

One Response to “Greetings, Pinata”

  1. juan Says:
