March 27th, 2023

Ter·ror·ist: a Person who Acknowledges Fewer Than 11 Genders; a Sane Individual who Won’t Shut Up

I can’t get Youtube to stop sending me annoying political videos. It also sends me cute animal videos. I keep telling it to stop, but they come and come and come.

I have another Youtube account. It’s hard to resist looking at a political video once in a while, so I know I’ll give in from time to time, and I assume that encourages Youtube to send more. I decided to try to get political videos to pop up on the other account so I could use it when I felt like slumming, without polluting my main account. I watched a whole bunch. It’s not working. The main account is still being flooded, and the other one isn’t getting nearly as many political videos.

I don’t understand how this can happen. It makes no sense. I have learned that things that make no sense have supernatural causes, so I asked God what was going on. I believe he is behind it. I think he’s showing me how insane the world is so I won’t be attached to it.

When the rapture comes, God is not going to ambush people who go to church twice a year and live with their boyfriends or girlfriends. He will take people who are ready to go. People who know him. I’m being conditioned so I’ll be happy to leave.

God tells us about himself through patterns. He does similar things over and over. In Genesis, he delivered Lot’s family from Sodom, which is similar to what he will do in the rapture.

Lot was surrounded by sexual perverts, and because they had numbers on their side, they let their true natures emerge. They bullied other people. They roamed the streets in gangs, raping men and presumably boys. What does the Bible say about Lot’s feelings about Sodom? A passage in 2 Peter explains:

And he condemned the cities of Sodom and Gomorra, reducing them to ashes and ruin, as a warning to those in the future who would live ungodly lives; but he rescued Lot, a righteous man who was distressed by the debauchery of those unprincipled people; for the wicked deeds which that righteous man saw and heard, as he lived among them, tormented his righteous heart day after day. So the Lord knows how to rescue the godly from trials and how to hold the wicked until the Day of Judgment while continuing to punish them, especially those who follow their old natures in lust for filth and who despise authority.

Lot was surrounded by perverts who were ungodly. God rescued him because the wicked deeds he witnessed tormented his heart day after day. Peter says this shows God knows how to rescue the godly from trials and how to hold the wicked until the day of judgment.

Leftists love to say Sodom and Gomorrah were only punished for selfishness, and they claim this means anyone who opposes laws authorizing the secular government from confiscating money and giving it away to others is against God. Of course, forced giving is neither giving nor charity, and God gives you no credit for it. We are supposed to give according to the commands of the Holy Spirit, not the commands of Joe Biden.

The truth is that Sodom and Gomorrah were punished for rejecting God’s authority, and while the Bible says selfishness was part of it, it makes it clear that oppression by sexual perverts was the final straw.

Lot hated Sodom’s culture, just as Christians who actually know God hate the world’s culture, which is the culture of hell. Lot was ready to leave. His wife and sons-in-law felt differently, so his wife became a pillar of salt, and his sons-in-law stayed behind and burned.

We know his daughters were not nice people, so why were they saved? Maybe because they were Lot’s seed. God likes to preserve the descendants of the righteous for the sake of the righteous.

I used to criticize the term “homophobia” because it made it sound as though people were afraid of homosexuals. Back then, this wasn’t true. Now things are very different. Today I saw a video about Angela Reading, a New Jersey mother who objected to a government schools homosexual indoctrination of her small children and who was then (allegedly, allegedly, allegedly) censored by government employees in the police and military.

Reading says and Army Reserve major and a civilian Air Force employee got the persecution rolling. She says Major Christopher Schilling used his official email account to blast her in emails to parents and school officials. She says Air Force employee Joseph Vazquez reported her to New Jersey Office of Homeland Security and Preparedness and the New Jersey State Police because of his “hopes of getting an Incident Detection and Response sent to schools and police departments.”

She says these hysterical individuals got Robert Duff, the police chief in the town where she lived, to push Facebook group administrator Nicole Stouffer to remove her post. She says Duff told Stouffer people could die as a result of the post.

She says Schilling’s superior approved of what he did.

You can read the complaint online. It’s worse than I’m making it sound.

If true, we are looking at a clear violation of the First Amendment. It’s not a close call. There is no grey area. This is exactly the kind of behavior the First Amendment was written to prevent. Military officers are not supposed to tell Americans what to say.

Here is the text of her post:

**I welcome respectful debate if you read my entire post. Also, the below statements are made in my capacity as a private citizen/mother.** Last night, I attended an elementary “Math Night” My 7 YO daughter, while reading posters at the school’s main entrance, asked me what “polysexual” means. To say the least, I was livid.

Why are elementary schools promoting/allowing elementary KIDS to research topics of sexuality and create posters? This is not in the state elementary standards (law) nor in the BOE-approved curriculum. It’s perverse and should be illegal to expose my kids to sexual content. Look up the terms, and you will see they are sexual in nature.

Also, how can my young children be accepting of people “who are sexually attracted to multiple genders”? They don’t know what sex is! Are adults talking about their sexual life with my kids and looking for affirmation? Are there elementary students engaged in polyamorous or multi-gender sexual activity who need my kids to know about it and cheer them on? I am very confused and very angry.

Kids should respect differences. Kids should show kindness to all. Kids should respect and understand there are various family structures. However, kids should not be forced to learn about and accept concepts of sexuality in elementary school.

Below are some additional points:

(1) My concerns do not come from a religious perspective. They arp rooted in In long-standing scientific principles of age-appropriateness, parental rights, and the health and safety of elementary children (key word – children).

(2) My concerns do not come from my personal views about individual sexual identities. I don’t care what anyone does in their personal life. All people are deserving of respect and dignity. I don’t care who you marry or who you love. I have instilled in my children a respect for differences without having to talk about sex. It’s possible.

(3) I have been told (by parents and a current NH Board member) that I should accept this because my kids will see it on social media and hear it on the playground. My kids are not on social media. And kids are only talking about it on the playground because it’s being forced on them by teachers, at home, and by unsupervised social media time. With that said, It does not mean it should be endorsed by the public school system. It also does not mean I should accept it.

(4) Parents have been told that they can opt out of the health curriculum. North Hanover has done an exceptional job of modifying the health curriculum to make it as appropriate as possible. Why go through all that trouble? Clearly, there is never going to be an opt-out. Our elementary children will be exposed to sexual content without consent, even if we opt out.

(5) There is no way elementary students knew the spelling and flags for each of these identities. This means the school had open internet, which exposed them to these concepts. That’s very concerning. There are supposed to be online search protections.

The above statements are made in my capacity as a private citizen and not in my capacity as a board member. These statements are also not representative of the board or its individual members and solely represent my personal opinions. My statements are not authorized by or written on behalf of the board. This matter involves the local public school district, I do not serve on the board.

I can’t find any reference to anything else she did, so it appears this Facebook post is the sole basis of the government’s actions.

Her cause was taken up by the Thomas More Society, about which I know just about nothing. An attorney affiliated with them is suing on her behalf. Their site says:

What Reading received was outright censorship of her speech followed by a dedicated smear campaign begun by a military officer, U.S. Army Reserve Major Christopher Schilling, who emailed parents and school officials condemning her and her actions. Schilling, using his official military email account, then involved Joseph Vasquez, a U.S. Air Force civilian employee, who forwarded Reading’s post and Schilling’s claims to the New Jersey Office of Homeland Security and Preparedness and the New Jersey State Police in what Vasquez admitted were “hopes of getting an Incident Detection and Response sent to schools and police departments” – meaning there would be a widespread law enforcement “threat” alert regarding Reading based solely on her clearly protected speech.

The poster she objected to is a masterpiece of leftist derangment. It was drawn by children. It has 11 flags on it, each representing a different sexual deviation. Not included? Heterosexuality. I had no idea we were up to 11 now. We live in a time where you literally have to take a class in order to understand all the imaginary genders.

The poster has lots of lettering in childish scrawls. “Don’t be ashamed of who YOU are.” “Don’t let ANYONE Make you feel like a diffrent person. DIFFRENT is COOL!”

This reminds me of my childhood. Before my mother fought my dad and got him to pay for private school, I was a prisoner of the Dade County school system, and my teachers were leftist women, except for Mr. Hubert the math teacher. They didn’t ask our opinions about left/right issues. They just told us what to believe.

On one occasion, I and some other kids from my abusive alcoholic homeroom teacher’s room were chosen to appear on a local program. An aging local TV news personality had been given a half-hour Sunday morning show called “Outside Chance,” and we were selected to appear on a segment about environmentalism. He was going to ask us what we thought. His name was Wilson or Griffith or something. Can’t recall.

My mother was told to get me a red, white, and blue outfit just for the show.

When we got to Channel 7’s station on the 79th Street Causeway, we were positioned on camera with the bay behind us, and Mr. Wilson or Griffith or whatever started issuing his deep local journalist thoughts about pollution and what needed to be done. Then he turned to us, and one by one, we delivered the lines we had been told to memorize. I still remember mine. Here it is: “Or maybe even international!”

It had something to do with passing laws, I think. We needed more laws. Leftists always want more laws unless they reduce crime or protect free speech that doesn’t involve obscenity. And they like central authority, because leftism is authoritarian. International laws. Let’s let China and the Netherlands write our gun laws for us.

I was disappointed in my big TV break. Even as a kid, I thought it was stupid to buy new clothes and go stand in front of a TV camera to say three words that didn’t mean anything to me. It was a big letdown.

What they did to us was filthy and unfair. Someone should have looked out for us.

Anyway, the poster in Angela Reading’s story is described as “student-created.” We know better than that. These kids were told what to say, if not verbatim, then in spirit, and any child who dissented was not permitted to participate.

Calling this poster “student-created” is probably about as just as calling the plantation system “slave-created.”

If Angela Reading is to be believed, a motley crew of Constitutionally-illiterate extremist nuts got her censored based on the insane notion that protecting very young children from involvement in the sexual politics of adults leads to mass shootings.

You know how leftists are always telling us conservative or Christian speech is violence and leftist violence is speech? Today I found out they have a new piece of sophistry to add to their armament. It’s the term “stochastic terrorism.” This is apparently what Mrs. Reading is accused of.

“Stochastic” means “randomly determined,” in case you’re wondering. I guess if you release a government-made virus on the world (to throw together an unlikely example that could never happen) you would expect a lot of people to get sick, but you wouldn’t know their names until they actually became infected. I think that would be stochastic.

“Stochastic” is really a misnomer as applied by the left. No surprise there, because the faux intellectuals who come up with this stuff are not bright. “Random” means resulting from chance, like the result of a dice toss. If you say something on the web and a crazy in another state shoots his neighbors, it’s not a random thing. It’s merely unpredictable with the knowledge you have available. Totally different. The crazy was always out there. There was no chance normal people would have done what he did. Not random at all.

To get back to the left’s new tool of oppression, if you say your very young children should not be told what “genderqueer” and “androgyne” (???) are by employees of government schools, it’s like you’re dropping a dozen loaded machine guns into a crowd of violent criminals on PCP and waiting to see who they kill. This is how it works.

Isn’t Androgyne the company that made the Terminator?

So now our words are violence, and if anyone who seems to agree with us about anything shoots anyone, we should be charged as terrorists, just like the actual terrorists who flew jets into the World Trade Center. But if Maxine Waters tells people to get in people’s faces and make them miserable in restaurants and stores, or if she tells rioters, “No justice, no peace,” that’s education, I suppose.

I would argue that if I say something to 350 million people and only one of them shoots up a mall, I am not guilty of stochastic terrorism because the outcome was “mostly peaceful.”

As long as we’re putting reason through a wind-powered wood chipper, why not run with it?

“Stochastic violence” is like, “I CAN’T BREATHE!”, and “YOU’RE KILLING ME!” Antifers and other lost former human beings who use spurious political theories as an excuse to indulge their preexisting desire to hurt other people now routinely scream these things when police arrest them for acts of violence. They know they’re lying, but the truth is not something they care about. It’s something they view as an inconvenience. They scream these things, slandering innocent police officers, in order to cast themselves as victims and justify their vile, vicious, sadistic methods.

I wish Jesus would come back today. There is no longer any limit to what these people will do to us, there is no possibility of a global revival, and their successful conquest of the world is a certainty. There is no way to fight them in the secular, material world. Their authority will increase, and so will their atrocities. Rifles and rallies aren’t going to work. They will just make us more like the children of Satan, so he will still win.

A wonderful thing about being close to God is that he will hold your enemies off. His promises guarantee it, if you do things his way. See Psalm 41. Look what happened to Noah and Lot. Look what happened to Moses and the Hebrews.

People who are close to God live in a different world. We may not like it here, but we are not terrified, enraged, and undirected like everyone else. Even in the midst of the storm, he gives us peace. As Psalm 23 says, he prepares a table before us in the presence of his enemies.

I remember how leftists hated 2020. They anthropomorphized and demonized it, as though it had consciousness and was out to get them. I had a great year. I loved it.

Still wanted the rapture to come.

I love how God looks after us, but I still look forward to leaving. Like I say, it’s like being on vacation in Somalia, in the nicest hotel with the nicest food and the softest beds. No matter how nice it is, it’s still Somalia, and I want to go home.

If you try to hold onto this place and turn it around, you will wish you hadn’t. We need to be prepared to leave.


  1. Chris Says:

    There’s even more to the story regarding Schilling–he’s the commander of what’s called an “Information Support” battalion. That’s what the military used to call psychological operations, meaning he’s literally trained in how to use misinformation and lies to manipulate people. These are the kind of officers that are getting promoted in the military these days.

    I’m not at all surprised that your post came on the same day a mentally ill woman who thought she was a man attacked a Christian school with the intent to kill as many children as possible. The persecution of Christians who dare to stand up against the current perversion is going to become far more commonplace as time goes on, barring God choosing to give the country yet another reprieve like he did in the 80s after the deviance of the 60s and 70s took place.

  2. Aaron's cc: Says:

    Didn’t Ted Kennedy coin “I can’t breathe!” Oh, right, that was Mary Jo Kopechne.