The Republic of Hymeria
October 15th, 2008Jackson Exposes the Agenda
Here’s a big DUH for everyone who supports Obama. Especially Jews.
Jackson is especially critical of President Bush’s approach to the Israel-Palestine conflict.
“Bush was so afraid of a snafu and of upsetting Israel that he gave the whole thing a miss,” Jackson says. “Barack will change that,” because, as long as the Palestinians haven’t seen justice, the Middle East will “remain a source of danger to us all.”
“Barack is determined to repair our relations with the world of Islam and Muslims,” Jackson says. “Thanks to his background and ecumenical approach, he knows how Muslims feel while remaining committed to his own faith.”
Yes, what we really need is to see to it that the world’s 12 million Jews quit bullying the world’s 1.2 billion Muslims, who are actively financing terror around the globe.
Liberals will say Jackson doesn’t speak for Obama. No, but he’s part of the same crowd, and according to Jackson, Obama is very close with Jackson’s boy. And Obama spent twenty years in an openly anti-Semitic church, and he was very close to the pastor, whom he called on to officiate at his marriage. Jesse Jackson didn’t pull this notion out of thin air. He knows Obama better than we do.
Go look at black forums on the Internet, and you will discover something America’s Jews don’t know. There is a very serious problem with black anti-Semitism in America. It’s very common. There is no shame or repentance connected with it. It’s vicious. And it’s not just the Muslims. Get out there and look; don’t trust me. For that matter, you can look at the records of prominent black leaders, such as Jesse “Hymietown” Jackson, Crown Heights riot-inciter Al Sharpton, Jeremiah Wright, and Wright crony Louis Farrakhan.
American journalists ignore it, because as far as they’re concerned, criticizing the bad acts of a minority member is equivalent to racism.
You may think Obama is above pandering to the anti-Semites. But is he? Has he yet found a population segment to which he is not willing to pander? You have to realize something. He’s getting over 90% of black votes. If he’s elected, he’ll need those votes again. There is no way he’ll give them up. And he will risk losing many of them if he supplies Israel with unwavering support.
Obama will want to hold onto Jewish voters, too. They make up about 2% of the electorate, though. And many Jews are self-haters who will go along with a turn against Israel. Blacks and Muslims pack a much bigger punch at the ballot box. If he has to make a choice–and he will–who is he going to capitulate to?
This nation is already helping destroy Israel. We are partial to Israel, but we and the secular Israeli government have nonetheless embarked on a strategy of appeasement. We’re taking big chunks of God-promised land and handing them over to Muslims who use them as bases to attack Israel. And there is no possibility that it will bring peace. The Jews are interested in peace; the Muslims are not. They have proven it time and time again. If they were, they would stop the shelling and the suicide-bombing. Israel is not getting a return on its rebellious investment.
What’s going to happen to us if we elect a President who is partial to Israel’s enemies? What if Obama accepts and acts on the Western European notion that the world’s problems can be solved by abandoning Israel? This country would be punished horribly, and we would deserve it.
All of Obama’s promises regarding Israel have been weasel-worded to prevent them from obligating him to do anything. You can’t say that about John McCain. He says Jerusalem will not be divided, and he wants to put an embassy in Jerusalem. Obama has admitted that he is willing to cut Jerusalem up. Warning bells should be going off in every Jewish home in America. Regardless of how safe America seems at the moment, Jews have only one refuge in times of trouble. And it’s not Skokie or Manhattan or Miami Beach.
We ought to be grateful to Jesse Jackson for jumping the gun. Maybe Jewish voters will wake up and remember who their real friends are.
October 15th, 2008 at 4:37 PM
I don’t think that Obama is pandering to the anti-Semites (isn’t pandering tossing a position which you don’t really hold to a constituency that is interested in it). He came out of a very anti-Semitic area of Chicago, in a church where that sort of thing is promoted. I suspect that Obama is himself of that mindset.
October 15th, 2008 at 6:32 PM
Have you seen the Sarah Silverman website “the great schlep?” It is to encourage young Jewish people to go to Florida and convince their grandparents to vote for O”barf”ma.
October 15th, 2008 at 8:35 PM
I’m hardly an expert, but I believe the giving up of land to Palestine (or whatever) is because Israel is in a demographic vice. They’re just not reproducing, whereas the displaced Arabs are explicitly fecund as part of a broader strategy. Israel either gives up the land with all the Arabs in it, or purges them from the land. Otherwise, it’s bye-bye Jewish majority.
October 15th, 2008 at 10:47 PM
Isn’t there still a significant influx of Jewish immigrants?
I just emailed the New York Post article about Jackson speech to a bunch of random synagoges in my area yesterday. The reform one’s probably think that’s a hate crime I just commited right there.
October 16th, 2008 at 2:54 AM
The problem isn’t Jewish voters. It’s voters, born Jews, who erroneously believe the solution to antisemitism is to completely assimilate and to actively work to eradicate Judaism.
Want Jewish Jews? Support programs at Orthodox schools to give scholarships to non-observant Jews. Not sure if ANY of my kid’s classmates have parents who will vote for Obama.
October 17th, 2008 at 12:35 AM
Hey hey, if anyone’s reading this, a couple of people I emailed said that if I email them again, they’re going to report me to the FCC or sue me or something. What would happen if they did that, am I technically a spammer or something because I didn’t ask them if they wanted the original email? If the results of them taking action would DEFINITELY just be to embarrass them, then I want to do it.