
February 23rd, 2023

God Wants to Give You the Things You Want to Earn

The other day, I dreamed I was at Thanksgiving dinner with my mother’s relatives, and they were hunched over their plates, bolting their food like starving hogs (even though they were fat) and blocking other people’s access to it. I saw this dream as God’s comment on the church. We go to satisfy ourselves, and we think very little about giving and helping.

Last night, my wife dreamed she brought food to her family, and she tried to put a plate together so she could give her dad his favorite dish. Her relatives swarmed the food and took it all so she couldn’t bring him anything.

Seems like our dreams are pretty similar. Relatives are fellow Christians because the church is supposed to be, literally, a family. Churches teach selfishness, and it comes from good authority, because so many preachers are selfish. They know the material.

She also dreamed she saw a man with a knife preparing to go into a church and kill people. She went in to warn them, and he attacked her instead. A man appeared and gave her a smooth stone. She threw it at the attacker, and it slammed into his forehead. A little man grew out of the wound and started choking the attacker. He represented the power of God.

The armed man is Satan, spewing his tasty but toxic doctrine, and Rhodah represented herself, warning people. The man with the stone must have been an angel. The smoothness of the stone represents the way we are polished and refined by the flow of the Holy Ghost and tongues. A smooth stone will fly truer than a stone that has peaks and flats.

When you try to curse people God has anointed, the curse goes back to you. The man with the knife tried to silence Rhodah, so God silenced him.

Both of us are rejected by preachers. Why? Because we expose grifters and proud ignoramuses, if you want to get down to the root of it. They preach whatever it takes to bring themselves money, financial security, power, and admiration. People who expose them and tell people what God actually wants us to have threaten their rackets.

We have been taught that God loves everyone, but that’s not in the Bible, and it’s not true. God hates some people. If you want God to hate you, be a hypocrite and a leech. It will be a good start. Starve his children of real food and feed them poison.

Sometimes I think there are so many preachers in hell, it’s hard for a whore or a murderer to find a place to stay.

Christians who say God loves everyone only have one verse to point to: “For God so loved the world…” But that’s very general. There are lots of verses in which God says he hates certain types of people. Is the Bible true or not?

The tribulation is described in the Bible as the day of God’s anger. A lot of people will still be here, unraptured. Their suffering will be unprecedented, and it will come from God’s anger. That’s not a sign of intense affection.

God has favorites. That’s what “favor” means. There is a privileged class among human beings, which is why leftists, who take talking points from their father Satan, are trying to shame people over what they see as privilege.

Doesn’t God love everyone equally? Doesn’t look that way. Speaking of Israel’s destruction, God told Ezekiel that if Noah, Daniel, and Job were there, they would deliver only themselves by their righteousness. He didn’t mention big names you would expect, like Moses or David. The Bible calls John the disciple Jesus loved, and the others didn’t get the same treatment.

In Matthew 7, Jesus tells nominal Christians he never knew them as he sends them to the outer darkness. He addresses people who claim they have prophesied, cast out demons, and done many wonderful works. Sounds like preachers to me.

It’s funny how much evil has been done because of a desire for security. We struggle to amass wealth because we equate it with power and safety; we see wealth as a sort of godhood. We try to get jobs with guaranteed security. We invest in things we call “securities” which have guaranteed interest rates.

I know human nature and preachers well enough to assure you that most preachers are very concerned about security. The Catholics provide their priests with everything, and guess who made that their policy? Priests. Preachers in other denominations work the crowds, accumulating money to stash away and invest, or just to spend on things like orange mansions, plastic surgery, tacky $9000 shoes, and sluts. They teach people the false doctrine of tithing, because it obligates people to give them regular payments.

We have this idea that we can stabilize ourselves with wealth. We can cement ourselves in place so nothing can touch us. It’s an illusion. Elon Musk could lose everything in a week. The tech era’s history is full of people who went from billionaire status to working every day to feed themselves. Social Security can fail. Tenure can be revoked. Companies that provide annuities can vanish due to mismanagement. Pensions can be stolen. Even if your financial blessings don’t disappear, things can happen to you that make them worthless to you. A billionaire can have an accident that leaves him paralyzed from the neck down.

Everyone wants a rock to stand on, but the only rock is God.

The world teaches us to give little and work hard to accumulate more. It says we can store up so much money, nothing will be able to harm us. Christianity is different. A Christian knows he has to give, and it can’t be a rare thing. He has to have a lifestyle of giving. You don’t say, “I’ll give Uncle Ernie 50 more dollars, and then I won’t have to give him anything any more.” You give to Uncle Ernie, and then you keep your knees bent and look around for the next person God wants you to help. You don’t glue yourself down and say you’ve given enough. You’re supposed to be a river, and rivers keep flowing.

Most preachers are preparing for old age the world’s way. They think if they have enough Social Security money and retirement savings, they’ll be able to live in a nice place and have nice people change their diapers. They want sources of wealth that come from worldly sources, with worldly guarantees. They don’t want to keep trusting God because they haven’t developed the habit.

God showed me we are afraid of 4 things: giving, believing, loving, and lack.

When Jesus gave the loaves and fishes, he wasn’t afraid of any of these things. He was not worried that giving would lead to bad consequences. He wasn’t afraid to love the people he fed, even though most of them turned on him later. He wasn’t afraid he and the disciples would go hungry if they shared. He wasn’t afraid to believe God would supply more.

When he gave, on one occasion, he got 12 full baskets of food back. One for each disciple, as I saw Mark Hemans point out. He had much more than he would have had, had he held onto what he started with.

Actually, the disciples did the giving. He just told them to do it.

He didn’t bury the food in a hole. He didn’t trade it for gold and hide it. He didn’t give it to the Roman government so they could send him Social Security payments later.

If you get used to giving and believing and loving as a lifestyle, God will look after you. But what happens to a preacher who teaches lies to get money, proving he has no faith in God’s generosity?

I got a funny revelation today. For a long time, I’ve been trying to get God to communicate more clearly with me. When I’ve felt his presence fall on me, I’ve asked him what I can do for him or what he wants to do through me, hoping he will help me hear him. Today, I realized the right thing is to ask God what he can do for me.

It sounds selfish, but the truth is that I can’t do anything for God. All success and power come from him, not me. Many people think it pleases God when they say things like, “Just give me this much, and I won’t ask for more.” I believe it pleases him when you say, “Please give me more and more and more.” After all, Jesus said we have not because we ask not.

Satan and his children aren’t shy about taking as much as possible from us, so presumably God is happy to give us a great deal. Deliverance. Revelation. Healing. Protection. Wealth. Families.

If you’re a person who can’t be cursed, then good things can’t hurt you. I remember saying there was nothing wrong with alcohol. There are entire peoples who don’t have serious issues with it. The problem is the person and his demons. Wealth is the same way. Some people can’t be hurt by billions of dollars. Others can take a hundred-dollar bill and destroy themselves in an hour. I know a person like that. If you give her anything, she uses it to torture you and destroy herself.

The other day I saw a celebrity bragging that she wasn’t leaving her kids anything. She said she and her husband were going to spend it all. She said she didn’t want money to ruin them.

What an imbecile. If money is a curse to her kids, they are already ruined whether they have it or not, because they are cursed. There is something seriously wrong with them. If her kids aren’t cursed, then all the money in the world can’t harm them, but it can be a blessing to them.

She is confessing she believes her children are weak, selfish, immature, and stupid. She’s saying she and her husband didn’t do their jobs.

Wealth does not corrupt people. It’s beneficial and harmless. Corrupt people destroy themselves when they get wealth.

Drugs are the same way. I’ve had access to things like Vicodin, Dilaudid, morphine, and codeine syrup. I never became addicted or had much interest in it. I never raided a stash, got hooked, and started buying Fleet enemas because opioids made it impossible for me to relieve myself. Many people can’t be in a house with opioids or even cans of spray paint. Is morphine bad? Is Dilaudid bad? Of course not. The effect depends on the person and his demons.

Inheritance is the difference between savages and developed nations. Savages don’t learn to write, so they can’t pass information down to their descendants, and their descendants end up just as weak and stupid as they are. They don’t accumulate wealth and pass it on. They don’t record and share what they’ve learned about God. They learn nothing about medicine. Lack of inheritance is why the population of the pre-Columbian Americas went nowhere while Europe and Asia filled up. When you build up information and wealth, your food supply goes up, and life expectancies increase.

If you don’t give to your children, they have to re-do and re-learn everything you did and learned. There is no progress. Nothing is built. Your family becomes like a family of rats or squirrels or ants. Go forward or back 10 generations, and they look exactly the same. A family of human beings is supposed to improve with each generation.

I want whatever God is willing to give me, and everything he gives me is an inheritance, which is why the volumes of the Bible are called “testaments.” I want the maximum. Health, protection, revelation, correction, knowledge, commands, love, faith, joy, power, and even money. Just shovel it over here. Make me a person who can’t be cursed, and then give me everything you want to give.

God is generous, and he is better than an IRA. We just don’t know it because no one teaches that giving and receiving are two sides of the same coin. So are doing harm and suffering adversity.

Satan is very generous with curses, so why shouldn’t God be generous with blessings?

I’m really disgusted with what has happened to Christendom. Theologically, we’re a nation of savages. We didn’t preserve what the early church knew. We didn’t inherit knowledge that would have made our lives easy. We went right back to the Greek excrement that was taught all over the Western World. The failed wisdom of pantheists, sodomites, and crowd-worshiping democrats. We are not as well off as we were 2100 years ago. That’s disgraceful.

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