Reading, ‘Riting, ‘Rithmetic…

February 16th, 2023

And Rape

The run-up to the rapture is proceeding faster than I expected. I guess I’ll be saying that several times a year until Jesus calls us. No matter what I expect, I’m always getting surprises.

I took a quick look at Fox News today and learned the following fact: A SCHOOL DISTRICT IS NOW TEACHING CHILDREN HOW TO MAKE AND SEND CHILD PORNOGRAPHY.

I put that in capitals, figuring it was the one thing anyone glancing at my site really needed to read.

A parent named Jay McDonald, who is an actual male who never had to have breasts removed, stood at a school board meeting in Anchorage and read from a book called Let’s Talk About it — The Teen’s Guide to Sex, Relationships, and Being a Human.

Could any title be more asinine? Leftists who are obsessed with sexual aberration are now proclaiming themselves experts on relationships and being a human? Even if the authors are experts on sex, which is surely not true, no intelligent person would go to a self-anointed sex expert for relationship advice, and there is a lot more to life as a human being than sex.

McDonald had the right to read the material. I should point that out. He had been recognized by the board. He didn’t crash through the doors in a pickup with Confederate flags mounted on the bed.

The book tells kids the Internet is a safe place to meet other people in order to learn about sex, and it tells them how to send each other pornographic photos of themselves.

Here’s something he read: “There’s nothing wrong with enjoying some porn, it’s a fun sugary treat. When consumed right, porn can help you discover new aspects of your sexuality.”

Obviously, this is not a viewpoint a school should be presenting to anyone, let alone children. Most Americans, Christian or not, belong to religions which holds that pornography is evil and harmful. Schools should not be giving kids books that tell them, flat-out, that their religions are wrong.

On top of that, it’s bad advice, even for atheists. Pornography is a real problem. Many people who appear in pornography are poor and desperate. Many are addicts. A lot of pornography is produced by human traffickers. Pornography degrades women and encourages boys and men to think of them as objects, like back scratchers or massage chairs, that are supposed to be used for physical pleasure and then ignored. Pornography addicts people. There are many, many people in the US who are so addicted they end up seeking treatment, and this is a problem that afflicts atheists and pagans, not just members of mainstream religions.

Even if pornography were not harmful, it would be wrong to promote it to minors. That’s exactly what Anchorage schools are doing. What else are they promoting? Cigarettes? Liquor? I’ll bet they’re not encouraging kids to use firearms.

Here’s another horrifying passage:

A great place to research fantasies and kinks safely is on the internet. There’s tons of people and communities out there who share your interests and have all kinds of advice.

So children are supposed to join internet forums and chat rooms and talk to perverts. And it’s safe?

My last pastor is on a fun website for adults who like to share their sexual interests with kids. It’s called the FDLE Sexual Offender and Predator System.

As I told my wife today, if you want to rape and murder a little boy and bury his body in a field, the Internet is the customary place to start. It’s the best possible place to find victims. This is why we keep seeing stories about men who were convicted of crimes after Internet chats with policemen posing as children. I can’t believe I have to point this out. Hasn’t any one heard of To Catch a Predator?

If you want to rape children, and you don’t know how to use the Internet, what, exactly, are you supposed to do? Drive around in a van waving chocolate bars? That’s not how it’s done in 2023. It’s done through chats and forums.

“Kinks” are not harmless. They are mental illnesses which are often caused by demons. It’s not acceptable to promote them to children. Even if this were not the case, children should not be investigating them online with the help of adults. How can any school official not know this?

The book encourages kids to make child pornography and send it to other kids. So children should send other children material, which, if viewed by adults, would ground felony convictions. In its treatment of child pornography, it says, “So before you start sending your naughty masterpieces around the world, take some time to get friendly with photo editing, software and apps.” Don’t just make images people you know will keep and use to humiliate you forever; use technology to make sure you do a nice, professional job.

The school board illegally forced Mr. McDonald to stop speaking. To understand how insane that is, in your mind, project this event back to 1950 and imagine what would have happened. Anyone on the panel who tried to shut down a citizen exposing this book might have been beaten by the others. And that would probably have been a good thing.

The school board panel should have been outraged to learn that this book existed, let alone that they were providing it to children. They should have begged Mr. McDonald to forgive them. They should have pledged to remove every copy from their libraries, discard it, and give the same treatment to similar books. They should have promised to identify and fire every employee involved in approving the book and to provide their names to news outlets.

Evil can’t get much worse than this. In order to make things any worse, they would pretty much have to have classes where they put kids in front of computers and have them visit pervert forums.

So what else will God tolerate before he puts an end to this age and calls his children away? How much worse will he allow things to get before he gives up on evangelism and removes the Holy Spirit from the world? Not much worse, I hope. Humanity has proven conclusively that it will always reject God in the end. Before Jesus, men rejected Yahweh. Then men rejected Jesus. Jesus left and sent the Holy Spirit. Humanity saw signs and wonders. God gave us a big Holy Spirit revival during the last century. Humanity wasn’t interested. But mankind is very interested in sexual perversion, to the point where anyone who has a religious objection to advancing the cause of perversion risks being treated like a Nazi.

One of the strangest and most important things God has shown me is the importance of giving up on people. God has tremendous patience, and he expects us to have patience, too, but he also requires us to quit when the time comes. He gave up on the world and flooded it. He gave up on Sodom and Gomorrah and burned them. He gave up on the Canaanite cities and told the Hebrews to kill even the old people and babies. He gave up on the Jews and decided to kill them, but Moses interceded. About 2000 years ago, he gave up on the temple, Jerusalem, and the nation of Israel, at least for a time. God is not going to wrestle forever with a human race that spits on his gifts and abuses his children. He has proven, and stated, that his patience has limits. In both Testaments, he has commanded human beings not to go too far with patience.

My wife wants to have kids. Right out of the starting gate, we know we can’t send them to public school. In America. The nation that has done more evangelism than any other. How are we supposed to live in a world like this? If it’s like this for us, what will it be like for our children? Is there any hope they won’t go to hell? If they resist the world, is there any hope they won’t be treated like Jews under Hitler?

I hope God does whatever he has to do in order to prepare the two of us for the rapture, and I hope he comes as soon as possible. I don’t want to be here to witness the worst things of which the human animal is capable.

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