Our Primary Purpose

February 12th, 2023

Bad Priorities Destroy People

My site had some problems over the last couple of days. The comment page refused to load, and then the site started redirecting to the “About” page. I used chat to get support from my hosting company, but they were not helpful. They kept asking the same questions over and over, and it wasn’t until after I contacted them that the site started redirecting, making things worse than they already were.

The person I chatted with seemed offended when I pointed obvious things out, and he or she told me they were not responsible for fixing problems like the one I had. I was told they were doing me a favor by even trying. Of course, this is not true. If I set WordPress up wrong, that’s my problem, but I didn’t do that. Something had to go wrong with the data in the server, and that’s on them. Something must have been corrupted, and finding and fixing corrupted data is 100% their job. They have access to server backups, and the whole purpose is to recover data. I can’t do that as far as I know.

Anyway, I was disconnected from the person I chatted with, and I think he or she hung up on me.

So why would there be a server problem?

Most likely, it was one of those inexplicable things that happen to computers. A few electrons go to the wrong places, and errors pop up. Another possibility: a hacker figured out my password and went in and changed a few things to be an annoyance. Third possibility: a company employee with delusions about sex roles and Christianity didn’t like things I was writing.

I think it would be pretty hard for a hacker to get my password, but I know host company employees can mess with files without my password because I can also do it. I doubt they can create a new WordPress account, because that requires a password, and anyway, I would see it.

Whatever the explanation is, the whole thing is trivial, and it was a helpful taste of the future, when Christians will be banned from the web. If this blog vanished for good right now, I would not despair or threaten to sue people or call the FBI. I like blogging, but it’s not my life. I don’t make money from it. It serves no essential purpose. It would bother me if my data were destroyed, but I would be over it in an hour or so.

It’s not like we would be losing the works of Chopin.

I thought I should write about it, because ths blog still gets a surprising amount of traffic. How much of the traffic is human, I can’t say, but last time I looked, it was something like 1500 per day. Someone out there will be interested in what’s happening.

I always wonder what people thought when I vanished from Facebook. I announced it in advance, but I was the kind of person Facebook shadow-banned, so who knows if people saw it? I’ll bet a number of people thought I blocked them and still wonder why. You can’t shadow-ban a blog, so whoever looks at my blog regularly will read what I’m writing now and know I didn’t pull the plug.

Enough of that. There are more important things to write about.

I get a lot of revelation, and there is no way I can convey it all on a blog. If you really want to understand what’s going on in the universe, you have to hear from God directly. It’s too complicated and interwoven for one person to explain to another. I can relay bits and pieces, but the whole picture is multidimensional and can’t be transmitted well using a one-bit connection.

Or is it two bits? Is one wire a one-bit system because only one piece of information can be carried at a time, or is it two bits because it can send both 1’s and 0’s? I don’t know anything about computers. Anyway, writing comes out one character at a time, and nobody can read multiple sentences at once.

Yesterday, I really, really heard from God.

I was in my car, which is something I should write about. I had a huge music collection, and I used to listen to secular music in the car. Then I got to where I only wanted to hear certain Christian artists. Then I got to the point where I only wanted to hear the Bible. Now, I turn the Bible off because it drowns God out. I supposed this is how things are supposed to work as a person gets closer to God.

I’ll tell you some of the things I heard.

First, God is very angry at all the people who have abused me, and there are a lot of them. I don’t think about it a lot, because my life is very pleasant anyway, but he does. My life is better than the lives of all the people I know of who have mistreated me, but that doesn’t mean they didn’t do harm or that my life should not have been better.

People have cheated me out of many opportunities. They have lied about me. They have stolen from me. They have abused me verbally. They stabbed me in the back behind closed doors and kept it quiet, thinking they had gotten over on me for good. They set me back in life. My wife is in the same boat. She’s an orphan, and she literally had a wicked stepmother.

People who are stupid enough to participate in the occult have cursed both of us. I guess I should mention them. It’s worse for Rhodah, who lives in a country where cursing people is more popular than video games.

If you’re a Zambian, as soon as anything good happens to you, at least one of your relatives will put a curse on you. It’s expected, like sending a high school graduate a nice card.

When you curse someone God favors, the curse comes back to you, but when it returns, it’s a lot bigger than it was when you sent it, and you can’t do anything to defend yourself. Witches and various types of pagan nuts don’t believe this, so they curse themselves and their families all day, thinking they’re hurting people God loves. It’s very silly.

Think of Haman. He tried to kill the Jews and destroy his rival Mordecai, but Mordecai got to stand by and watch as Haman and his 10 sons dangled choking on ropes attached to the gallows Haman had built for Mordecai. This is a picture of what happens to people who have joined the supernatural underclass and decide to attach the nobility. The people God favors are the nobility.

To get back to my situation, I got an overpowering conviction that God was going to bless Rhodah and me very, very powerfully not just because he loves us, but to punish the people who have mistreated us. To an abuser, few punishments are worse than watching a victim succeed. It absolutely kills them.

I also learned about the rapture.

The rapture will be a gathering of wedding guests. Oddly, the guests will also be the bride, but that’s how it works. So what happens when you marry a woman? Do you burst through her front door unannounced and yell, “I just bought a tux! Let’s get married!”?

No. She would murder you. You get to know each other. You become engaged. You prepare yourself financially. You get your house ready. The bride, in all likelihood, tries to lose 25 pounds. You prepare for the ceremony. You plan a honeymoon. By the time the wedding rolls around, you and the bride are ready, if you’re doing it right.

When it comes to the wedding of Christ, it’s a little different, because he’s marrying a bunch of people who started out as dirty, crooked peasants. We have to be cleaned up a lot. He’s not going to drop out of the clouds and snatch Christians off prostitutes or out of crack houses. He’ll prepare us. The word says the bride will be without spot, blemish, or wrinkle, and those things appear to be people.

We are always in danger in this corrupting world, and if God leaves us here long enough and doesn’t step in frequently, many or all of us will backslide and go to hell. Human beings have peaks and troughs in their walks with God, like athletes who train for events and then eat cheeseburgers during their down time. God is monitoring our peaks and troughs, and he will time things so we will be on peaks when the rapture comes. I’m only referring to Christians who will make it. Most will be left here to suffer.

Three people have been raptured. We should look at them and ask ourselves why we would be raptured if we’re not like them. Enoch, Elijah, and Jesus walked with God. The Bible literally says Enoch walked with God, and then he was not. Elijah was a loner; he complained to God about it. Jesus was constantly wandering off to be with God, abandoning even the disciples. If you’re not walking with God before the rapture, why would you expect to be taken? It’s not speed dating. He’s going to take people he knows. Are you better than Enoch and Elijah?

There isn’t going to be any worldwide revival. Christians who think there will be don’t understand how the world works. We already had our big revivals. Generally, the world has chosen Satan over Jesus, and there is nothing God can do, because he will not interfere with free will.

I had a dream last night. I was invited to an event thrown by The Last Reformation, a pretty good charismatic ministry. They work miracles, prophesy, and baptize people with the Holy Spirit. They think they’re changing the world, though, and that isn’t true.

I was given a hand-drawn map. I was supposed to drive down a residential street, make a turn, and park by a house where people were meeting. A lot of people were supposed to be there.

When I got there, there was no house. There was a big building containing warehouse condos. They faced inward, opening onto an indoor hallway. It was a winding hallway just wide enough for a car. I got out and pushed my car up the hallway.

I ran into Torben Sondergaard, the imprisoned leader of TLR, and his wife. There were only a couple of other people there. The warehouses were empty.

I woke up, and later on, I dreamed I went to a similar building where my late father owned warehouses. This building doesn’t actually exist. My dad was there, working hard to get the warehouses in shape for new tenants. He was so tired, he was stumbling. He limped. He was sweating. I was afraid he would die if he didn’t quit. He said the people who built the warehouse had covered up a lot of problems. All I saw was a need for some paint, which I could have applied, personally, in a short time.

I marveled at the size of the warehouses and asked what they were going to rent for. He said they would go for around $4000 each. I was happy. I had this idea that 10% would go to me.

I believe the empty warehouses show what has happened to the church.

During the last century, pretty good evangelists filled stadiums and expensive venues. When they came to town, newspapers announced it without being paid, and people showed up to get help. It’s not like that now. A Satanic evangelist like Joel Osteen can fill a stadium, but Torben Sondergaard visits churches that meet in tiny warehouses. Warehouses are pretty much standard for serious charismatic churches now. It’s an insult to God. Catholics can teach demonic doctrine, own perhaps trillions of dollars’ worth of real estate, and build huge, grotesque churches, but a man who casts out demons will probably have to rent, not own, a warehouse surrounded by car repair joints and little businesses that fulfill Amazon and Ebay orders.

My dad represented misguided preachers who have great power. They work hard in the flesh to build churches, but very little comes of it. They are so busy wasting time, they don’t spend much time with God, and that destroys their effectiveness.

God also showed me that the most important thing for me to do was to spend time with him. It’s more important than going to church, being with Rhodah, helping the poor, or any other aspect of Christianity.

Your main job as a Christian is to see to it you hold onto your own salvation and continue to be improved by God. If you fail, nothing you have ever done for anyone else will matter. In order to fulfill your main task, you have to avoid becoming busy with other things.

There are Christians out there who are proud of themselves because they put in long days doing things for churches and people. They work so much they have no time to spend with God, and they think he will be happy about it. They’re wrong. The main thing he wants is you, not your ridiculous works.

He gave us Mary and Martha to show how he feels. Jesus was in their house, and Martha was serving people and cooking and cleaning and so on. Mary abandoned her, let her do all the work, and sat at the feet of Jesus. When Martha accused her to Jesus, he told her Mary was doing a better thing than she was.

It was better for Mary to sit next to Jesus and interact with him, while Martha worked like a slave, than it was for Martha to do the work of two people in order to look after a gathering of believers.

Many times, God has said, “Stay close to me and enjoy my love and my favor,” and I have asked him to help me do it. He’s doing it now. By turning off the car stereo, I’m getting closer, and I’m hearing more from him.

Jesus isn’t going to have an arranged marriage where he meets the bride for the first time and hopes for the best. Read the Song of Solomon. He will be marrying a bride he already knows very well, whose heart is aligned with his.

Revival is not coming. Not in any grand way. A few people here and there will be saved. The Last Reformation will not grow. Not unless they abandon their principles and whore out. Men who heal incurable diseases on Youtube will not get large followings. Things will get worse, because people’s hearts have gotten too hard for God to break.

That relates to another thing God showed me.

A tribulum is a board with nails driven into it. Sort of resembles a cross, now that I think about it, but that’s a digression. Tribulums were used to remove the husks from very hard grain. A man would stand on the tribulum, and an animal would drag him around over grain spread on a rock. Sort of like the rock the sower threw grain on, but that’s another digression.

The nails protruded from the bottom of the board, and as they ran over the grain, they would break the husk. Tribulation was only necessary for very hard grain. Other grain came out of its husk with less persuasion.

The tribulation will be God, using extremely harsh means to harvest a few of the extremely stubborn people who have not yielded to nicer means of persuasion. Some people are easy to bring to God. Others have to feel the flames charring their feet.

People who have already yielded to God will be raptured before the tribulation, because tormenting them would serve no purpose, and because God could not do it if they were on the earth to pray for it to stop.

How do you know it’s time to get the tribulum out? You get it out when only the hard grain is left. When using other means fails to produce results, you resort to tribulation.

God showed me this: we are now in a time where almost all the grain is hard. Even the little warehouses aren’t very full. God has sent us preacher after preacher. He has performed sign after sign, and we have ridiculed and rejected the people who were used to perform the signs. The soft approach has been exhausted, so the tribulation is about to start, for man’s own good.

The tribulation will be the last chance for the people of this age. Anyone who won’t listen when the world is burning up and the trees and the fish are dead will go to hell, and it will be the right place for them, because there is no reaching them.

Yesterday I heard Jeremiah in the car. All the bigwigs and clergymen in Israel hated him. They called for his death because he prophesied against Israel. They didn’t say he lied, which is funny. They said he prophesied. Maybe they knew, or at least suspected, he was right. Maybe they were willing to risk killing a man for repeating a message God had ordered him to give. No wonder God stopped sending the Jews prophets for 400 years. He had to be tired of watching them torment and kill them.

I can relate to Jeremiah. Every preacher and church rejects me sooner or later. They’re with me up to a certain point, and then they turn on me when I set God above them and their imaginative, self-serving doctrine. I could have been very, very helpful to the people at the churches I belonged to, but Christians drove me out. They do it to everyone who speaks the truth.

Christians love to look down on the Jews and talk about how stupid they were for rejecting Jesus, but we do the same thing every day. We torment and exclude everyone who goes a little too far in telling us what Jesus is saying.

If Jesus came back today under a different name, Christians would kill him as soon as possible. They hate being told this, but it’s true.

We would celebrate his death. We would say, “God really showed HIM.” We would post memes showing his dead body, taunting him and anyone who believed him.

Most Christians, including charismatics, hate the doctrine of Jesus.

If you think I’m wrong, read the Revelation and see what people will do to the two witnesses he sends. I’m sure nominal Christians will be among those who throw parties.

If you’re not rejected by the world and the church, which is really just part of the world, you’re doing something wrong. I didn’t say that. Jesus did. Look it up.

One of these days, this blog will be gone for good, because persecution will increase, and whoever takes it down will smirk, thinking I’m washed up. In reality, he will be driving nails through his own hands and feet. And things will keep going better and better for me.

2 Responses to “Our Primary Purpose”

  1. Jim Simpson Says:

    I will miss your thoughts if you go away.
    Please don’t. We need your insight

  2. Steve H. Says:

    Wow, Jim, thanks.