Yoo-hoo, Yahoo?

January 20th, 2023

Unpersons, Unite!

Wow. Every day brings a reminder that Satan runs modern society.

I used to comment on Yahoo News stories, but I quit because it drew me into childish squabbles and also because Yahoo started censoring comments very dishonestly.

Today I fell to temptation and made a comment. I responded to a story about Adam Schiff, who is pushing for a Constitutional amendment to limit corporate contributions to political campaigns.

Here is what I said:

Weird, since the Democrats are more in debt to corporations than Republicans. Big corporations pour much more money into Democrat campaigns, and Democrats reward them by passing laws that cripple small businesses.

What I said is true, and it’s not inflammatory, obscene, anti-trans, or whatever else Yahoo is not supposed to like. It’s a bland, factual comment. In sincerity, I was surprised to see a Democrat go after corporate donations.

I guess he’s just grandstanding for the unsophisticated. “Look how I stood up to the Man.” Surely he doesn’t want to cut off the hand that feeds his whole party.

Today I got this in my email:

Your comment on Democrats introduce constitutional amendment to reverse Citizens United campaign finance ruling violates the community guidelines and has been rejected

Yahoo apparently does not use periods.

I think this is excellent. It’s wonderful to be reminded that the secular world is completely corrupted. God has shown many Christians that the entire world is going to be just as insane as the Germans and Austrians were 75 years ago. Christians and Jews will be driven out of commerce, education, government, the press, the arts, and everything else Satan runs. Eventually we will see mass, nationwide riots like Kristallnacht, and they will be endorsed by the government. Our wealth will be taken. We will be imprisoned and murdered. It will be the new normal.

The world was much more sane when I was growing up. For that matter, it was much more sane 10 years ago. We have entered an age of demonic psychosis. This psychosis is the real pandemic. Coronavirus, in comparison, is a minor inconvenience. Diseases will come and go, as will famines and disasters. Delusional hatred will continue to increase until the tribulation ends and the raptured return to Earth.

The person who rejected my comment knows it’s exactly the kind of comment Yahoo pretends to want. He or she or ze or whatever didn’t care. “They” just wanted to snuff out the voice of a person who disagreed. It’s a manifestation of a deeper desire to kill us off. Conservatism is identified with Christianity, and leftists want conservatives off the planet.

Oddly, they have no problem with Muslims, of whom many millions endorse wife-beating, honor killings, ripping out the clitorises of young girls, and the execution of homosexuals. In America, Muslims herd with the leftists. They stand among the rainbow flags at their conventions, and then they go home and practice a religion that conflicts with nearly everything leftists believe.

Here’s interesting reading: Google “gay Muslim marriage.”

If I posted the comment again, it might get through, because Yahoo has many censors, and not all of them automatically reject conservative comments. There are a number of comments more forceful of mine on the site.

I supposed I shouldn’t assume that some of Yahoo’s censors try to be fair. There may be another explanation. Some may be careless, I may be on a special list, or they may have quotas. Anyway, conservative comments do go through frequently.

Yahoo instituted its moderation policy because conservative responses to new stories dramatically outnumbered leftist responses. It’s like Youtube, which stopped displaying “dislikes” because so many popped up on videos about Biden. At first, Yahoo banned comments altogether. Then they brought them back with censorship.

It’s fitting that Yahoo’s founders choose the name “Yahoo.” It comes from Jonathan Swift’s Gulliver’s Travels. Gulliver encountered a land of man-like beings who were filthy and stupid. They were hateful, violent, and materialistic. They preferred garbage to food. They were obsessed with pretty stones they dug out of mud. Our modern Yahoos may not be quite the same, but they are nearly as brutish. They are hateful and just as obsessed with earthly things.

I’m submitting the comment again just to see what happens.

Let go of this world. It’s never going to be good to you, no matter how many times it tells you you’re about to break through. Stop taking the bait. Go to the sidelines and do God’s work behind the scenes. We were never intended to be mainstreamed.

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