Today’s Ration of Slander

October 30th, 2022

You’re not Imagining it; They Hate You

Jesus told us the world would hate us, and the closer you are to him, the more obvious the hate is.

I quit social media, and I live like a hermit, so I don’t have a lot of involvement with strangers, but I still find that unsaved people get mad at me for no reason. They come up with pretexts to justify hostility they can’t really explain. They gaslight, saying I’ve done this or that wrong, but the truth is that there is one standard for me and another for other people. I will always be judged unfairly.

Spirits that hate God work strongly in people who aren’t led by the Holy Spirit, and they turn them against us no matter what we do. The good we do is forgotten or characterized as evil, the wrongs we do are grossly exaggerated and overpunished, and we are accused of many things we haven’t done.

Christians who don’t know this will blame themselves, taking the side of their slanderers. That’s a big mistake. Never let them gaslight you. Look at the things you have actually said and done, compare the treatment you get with the treatment others have gotten, pray for guidance, and appraise things correctly.

Today some character came up with a totally new jab for me. I went to a forum and asked for input from people who owned a certain product. Things were going fine, and then a forum moderator said he wondered why I hadn’t posted a link to the product. I said it was because I was asking for comments from people who actually had it and didn’t need to be told what it was. He came back with accusations, saying it would be helpful for other people, and he said he had noticed this “same attitude” from me in the past.

“Attitude”? The attitude that people who own something don’t need to be told what it is? What?

How can that be an attitude?

Another member quoted his post and described it as “caustic.”

I looked over old things I had posted, wondering if there was even an atom of history he could be relying on, and of course, there was not. And who gets angry at people for not posting links to things? When did that “become a thing,” as millennials love to say? He could have posted a link himself in less time than it took to try to provoke me.

I responded with something like, “So it wasn’t a question,” and I posted the link.

I don’t know if that seems snippy or what, but it’s hard to think of something I could have said to make him happy without being dishonest. I tried to come up with the least offensive response that would, nonetheless, express what any reasonable person would think. Of course, now he looks stupid and passive-aggressive, but I don’t think I was in a position to prevent that. He was well on the way before I responded.

Perhaps you have had this experience, as I have: a person makes a stupid and unfair attack on you, they end up looking really dumb and childish without assistance from you, and then they get even madder at you. It happened to me a hearing when I was being cleared to join the bar. One of the examiners accused me of something or other, and I had no idea what he was talking about, so I asked him to show me, and of course, he could not. The other two examiners must have been bursting, trying not to laugh at him.

I wasn’t trying to make him look like an idiot. I really didn’t know what he was talking about. But he set himself up.

Anyway, people who attack without thinking often end up exposed as fools.

Internet forums have private message features. The moderator who got mad at me could have sent a message letting me know about his weird new rule and asking me to post a link. This is assuming it was too much trouble to post it himself and be done with it. Or he could have posted to the forum, saying, “Can you post a link to that?”

I would have posted the link. That solution is obvious. He was looking for an excuse to flex his Karen muscles, but he wanted me to feel as though I were the problem.

I didn’t get into an argument. The whole thing is trivial in the extreme.

When I was younger and less aware of the permanent hostility carnal people feel toward people like me, I would have blamed myself. Now I understand what I’m looking at. It’s not a reasonable criticism from someone who has identified a blind spot I have. It’s a bite from a supernatural mosquito. A spirit, or spirits, pushed this person to say something aggressive and unfair in order to try to get me into a silly argument and unforgiveness.

I used to take the bait and obliterate people’s arguments with no sensitivity at all, and I insulted people. As time passes, I am better able to resist. Getting into Internet spats is like fighting with children. Nothing to be proud of.

Here is how the universe works: the saved are God’s favorites. We are like pampered younger children who came after older children who turned out to be losers with tremendous senses of entitlement. That’s just how it is. We receive “favor,” and a person who receives favor is a “favorite.”

The older creatures–the spirits who are disinherited and headed for the lake of fire–really hate us, even though we didn’t take what was theirs or wrong them in any way. They are full of envy.

They can’t take our favor away, so they punish the one who gave it to us and who hates them. They want to hurt God for giving them the rejection they deserve. Sniping at us is the best they can do.

It doesn’t matter what you do or say if you’re a favorite. You will be hated. The older ones will keep pushing their pawns to abuse us. They hope they can bring us down to their level. If they can make us angry and unforgiving, they can drag us to the lake of fire with them.

The older spirits are heaven’s leftists. They want to destroy a hierarchy which justly puts them at the bottom. They want to take from those who are blessed and give to the wicked. They want God’s very throne. They’re just like BLM and Antifa, which they created. “You have more than we do, so you must have wronged us. Inequality of outcome equals unfairness.”

My wife had a vision of Satan once. She saw him sitting on a beautiful golden throne. Excrement was falling on him as he sat. It had been happening so long, he was used to it. There was nothing he could do. A big piece of poo would smack him in the face, and he would flick it off as though it were lint. He wanted his golden throne, and it looks like he got it. No wonder the Bible calls him the lord of flies and the lord of feces. He must be sitting somewhere now, fantasizing about the higher throne he thinks belongs to him. Hatching leftist plots that will only make things worse for him.

I guess it makes sense. If he sits on a throne with poop raining down on him, of course he would send his kids to throw poop at us on our thrones of favor.

My grandfather was rich, and he had 8 grandchildren. I was the favorite. I didn’t plot to get that. He just liked me. Night before last, I dreamed of him. He took me into his basement and showed me strange little objects worth millions of dollars each. He said they couldn’t stay there. The danger of theft by my relatives was too great.

While I was with him, I remembered I had never told him how I felt about him until he was unconscious and dying from a heart attack. In the dream, I told him everything. He brushed it off, laughing. He was not offended, but he said his descendants were liars, as though I were trying to butter him up. I was a little hurt, but I was glad I said it. I wish I had said it to him instead of a figure in a dream.

I thank God for favor all the time. I really want to have the right attitude. I can’t bring my grandfather back, but I can try to have a pleasing attitude toward God.

I have learned to accept favor without guilt. Zero apologies. Sorry if the old ones don’t like it. Let them take it up with God. Favor is God’s plan. I didn’t invent it. I agree with God, always. I don’t question his decision to put me in the upper class and them in the lower class. When I suffer, I will agree with God, so I will certainly agree with him when he blesses me.

My sister was spoiled very badly. When I showed up in the world, she was very angry. She hated me even when I was a baby who couldn’t have done anything wrong. My mother caught her torturing me in my crib. She never changed. From my sister, I learned what Satan is like. He used to be the center of attention, or close to it. He felt special. Now the saved have replaced him, he is headed for eternal agony, and he will be forgotten, which is a horrible fate for a huge ego.

My sister made my parents suffer, and in comparison, I was pleasant, so after a while, I became the favored child. That wasn’t my fault. I shouldn’t be penalized for better behavior, and bad behavior has natural and fair consequences.

My parents and everyone else suffered when my sister was around, so when my parents were with me, it felt like rest. How could that not give rise to disparate treatment?

I hope I am somewhat more pleasing to God than Satan and the human beings who hate God, and I am thrilled to receive better treatment than they do when I can get it. If I have better health, more peace, more money, an attractive and pleasant wife, and whatever else God has decided to give me, so be it. If you’re out in the streets trying to burn police buildings, promoting perversion, calling Christians “christofascists,” and blaming white people for inventing evil, you should expect to be poor and miserable. You invested, and you’re getting your return.

James thought separation from the world was so important, he chose it as one of the two things he emphasized when he told people how to please God: “Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world.”

We are not part of the world, so we will not be treated fairly by it. People will always get angry at us for no reason. You have to blow it off. Realize you’re dealing with insane people. You won’t get anywhere by compromising and currying favor, and bickering will just draw you into the the mess your accusers swim in every day.

One Response to “Today’s Ration of Slander”

  1. Juan Paxety Says:

    I’m finally learning the value of simply saying to those people, “Bless your heart.”