Spots and Blemishes

June 11th, 2022

Gaslighted by the Medical Profession Again

My wife and I were discussing the new monkeypox outbreak. In case you don’t know, monkeypox is related to smallpox, and it is endemic in Africa, where people butcher monkeys. It’s not a big deal there. Suddenly it’s popping up in other places around the world. It causes things like fever, bone pain, and huge pus-filled blisters that leave scars. It kills weak people.

Why is the outbreak interesting? Because it’s a homosexual plague. The vast majority of people who are falling ill are homosexual men. The press loves to say “men who have sex with men,” as though it’s possible for a man who has sex with men to be anything but homosexual. Voluntary sex with other men is the act that defines homosexuality. Getting ambushed on a Navy ship doesn’t make you homosexual, but lying down willingly does.

The press is trying to convince us we’re all at risk, but that’s untrue. Monkeypox has been in Africa forever, they don’t have lockdowns or quarantines, and the disease isn’t all that common. People with normal sexual inclinations don’t get it all that easily, even though it can be spread through casual contact. The authorities are reluctantly admitting you can’t catch it just from being in a room with someone. It requires prolonged face-to-face contact, at the least.

Why are homosexual men getting it? Because they are unbelievably promiscuous and do all sorts of things other people are less likely to do. It’s not rare for a homosexual to have hundreds of sex partners per year, and they congregate in dark rooms (actually referred to as “dark rooms”), anonymously, often having sex with multiple partners they never even get a good look at.

Right now, you can go online and find an article by a major news outlet, saying it’s hard to track monkeypox exposures because of anonymous sex. Not “casual.” ANONYMOUS. That’s a veiled reference to homosexuals. Anonymous sex is not part of heterosexual life. It’s rare. To homosexuals, it’s normal. It’s one of the main things that drives homosexual tourism. They literally ride from airports to clubs with dark rooms, where they get down to business right away. Google and see.

Homosexual men penetrate each other’s anuses. The anus is not engineered to be a sex organ. It’s too fragile, and anal sex damages it. Unlike a vagina, it rips easily, allowing whatever microbes and fungi the penetrating individual has to go right into the bloodstream of the one playing the female role. Feces enters the urethra of the man playing the male role, and from there fecal pathogens have access to his mucous membranes and his urinary tract. Homosexual men lick each other’s anuses. They perform oral sex on each other. They urinate on each other. Many of them enjoy playing with feces; that particular diversion is called “scat.”

Homosexuals are also heavy drug users compared to the rest of us, and that includes intravenous drugs, so needle-sharing is a problem. And drug abuse weakens people’s immune systems even when they don’t share needles.
In short, if you wanted to be as diseased as possible, taking up homosexual-style sexual activity would be the best way to do it. There is no better way to catch infections of all types.

Obviously, I am a person who disapproves of homosexual activity, because I know it wrecks a person’s relationship with God and is likely to end with damnation. Nonetheless, objectively, any person with common sense should be able to see that the homosexual lifestyle, as engaged in by real homosexuals (not imaginary ones who are very careful) is an extreme invitation to infectious disease.

Recklessness is, and always has been, a huge problem among homosexuals. It’s the reason the AIDS epidemic never went away among them. People like to tell us education will stop VD, but most people who get VD know exactly how to prevent it and choose to do otherwise, and people who don’t know much about VD and who behave themselves are so safe they might as well be immune.

Back during the first AIDS panic, Miami had a gay gym that had an interesting story. To normal people, a gym is a place to exercise. To gays, it’s very different. It’s a place to pick up sexual partners and, often. to have sex with them on the premises. I suppose a homosexual at a homosexual gym must be like a normal man at a women’s gym where he gets to shower with the girls and have sex with them in the locker rooms. Most of us would show up early, leave very late, and never miss a workout.

The gym in Miami was called Body Positive. They created a program of AIDS education. Men met in the gym and took classes. They got an award for this.
After the program had been going on a while, it was noticed that people who took the class were dropping dead from AIDS. Why? Because after class, they had orgies without protection.

These were people who knew men who had died from AIDS. They had seen the skin lesions, the vomiting and diarrhea, the dementia, the pneumonia, and the slow deaths of living skeletons. They still pounced on each other after their classes.

This is a good illustration of the mindset that has made AIDS so devastating to homosexuals. Their aberration doesn’t just cause them to prefer men; it causes many of them to be unable to control themselves and exercise ordinary responsibility. They don’t just have DIFFERENT sex. They have much MORE sex, with much less care.

I risk being be called hateful for repeating the indisputable, well-known facts about AIDS. Back when it first appeared, the same facts were disseminated by journalists who thought homosexuality was just fine, and it was considered okay for them to bring up the behavioral problems that were killing so many men. They were obviously trying to help by bringing attention to the root of the problem. I’m trying to help as well, but this is 2022, and the cancel kids rule the world.

Syphilis and gonorrhea are not common among normal people these days, but due to irresponsibility, they have never stopped raging among homosexuals. Right now, journalists are trying to avoid confronting this truth. There are stories saying monkeypox is more common among people with syphilis and gonorrhea, but they’re not admitting these are predominantly homosexual diseases, which is true. They also say monkeypox is typically presenting on the genitals and anus, without pointing out that this used to be atypical. Historically, monkeypox lesions have appeared first on people’s faces. Initial anal and genital lesions are new aberrations, and the cause is obvious.

A few days ago, the politicized CDC came after us again, telling us to mask up on airplanes in order to avoid monkeypox. Airplanes. The places where, according to the best science, masks do about as much good as seat belts on cruise ships. They knew masks weren’t helpful, so why recommend them?

I think they did it to bulk up the illusion that normal people were at risk. Fortunately, the CDC contradicted its own recommendation almost immediately.

Here’s a question no one is asking: how many frauds will be exposed by monkeypox? The blisters it causes can’t be prevented, and they leave big scars in obvious places like the face and arms. How many liars will start developing scars? How many actors? Will they be able to cover them up? Will we see certain actors start to wear unusually thick makeup, with no explanation? Will actors disappear from public view for weeks, so they can let their sores heal in private?

How about priests and other clergymen? How about scoutmasters and gym teachers? Certain occupations and activities attract men who are on the down low.

Monkeypox may well serve as a blacklight, lighting up people who would prefer to stay in the shadows. It will be interesting to see if that happens. It all depends on how responsible homosexuals decide to be. The scale of the epidemic, if it becomes one, will depend on their actions.

I believe the apocalypse has started, and the Revelation says death will be part of it. Death by pestilence, not just starvation or war. Since coronavirus popped up, I have been posing the question, “Which disease will be next?” We have our answer.

Monkeypox isn’t that bad, so that’s fortunate. Another disease will follow, and then another. Things will keep getting worse.

When a disease crops up and homes in on a group of people who do certain things which God calls sinful or, worse, abomination, we ought to ask ourselves why. We should ask if it’s really coincidence. Pride shouldn’t blind us to information that could help us.

There used to be no VD. No VD is mentioned in the Bible. Syphilis was unknown in the Old World until Columbus returned home. Gonorrhea appears to have popped up over a millennium after Christ. Over the centuries, the situation has deteriorated.

When I was a kid, there were syphilis and gonorrhea, and they were all we heard about. They were always mentioned together, because lay people didn’t know of any other diseases. They summed up “VD” for most of us. Both could be cured with one shot. Now we have HPV and the cancers it causes, chlamydia, AIDS, herpes, bacterial vaginosis, hepatitis, and probably some others I can’t recall at the moment. We have things that can’t be cured at all. Because God’s punishment is progressive, we should expect new forms of VD to show up in the future.

People should ask themselves why there are no sexual infections associated with monogamy and abstinence. If abstaining from sexual sin prevents infection, and sexual sin causes it, and the correlation is many times worse among male homosexuals, shouldn’t you wonder if God is involved?

Pretending monkeypox is a heterosexual problem doesn’t help homosexuals. They need to know they are getting messages from the supernatural realm. They need to know spirits that are truly hateful, not merely in disagreement with them, are trying to destroy them here on Earth and then in hell. God wants them with him for eternity, in a state of perfect health and safety, surrounded by love, not toxic, selfish lust. To be with him, they have to do things his way, just like everyone else. As God once told me, denying a sin is worse than the sin itself.


Amazon is now putting this warning on order status reports: “Please give drivers at least 6 feet of space to safely complete your delivery.”

Funny how we didn’t see that during the pandemic, but it popped up quickly after monkeypox arose. Think there’s a connection?

2 Responses to “Spots and Blemishes”

  1. Ivermectin Says:

    Are you_trying_to get canceled? Lol.


  2. Steve H. Says:

    Everyone who belongs to Jesus is already canceled, as Jesus was.

    Preachers should be teaching us to love cancellation.