Push! Push!

May 3rd, 2022

Hell Keeps Freezing Over

Yesterday, my friend Mike told me Roe v. Wade had been overturned, and he said the news came from a site with a name like “topnewznowlulz.biz.” Based on the facts that I thought it would be a very long time before Roe would come under attack, and that the site was obscure, I scoffed. But I Googled anyway, and we all know what happened.

What APPEARS to have happened. What MAY happen. I should be careful.

I say, “What APPEARS to have happened,” because I read the opinion, and the tone is a little like that of a Yahoo News article from a leftist agitation site. “Sam Alito SHUTS down far-left Roe Jurists.” Okay, that’s an exaggeration, but you will see what I mean if you read the opinion. As of this writing, I haven’t seen any confirmation that the opinion is real, so I am hedging my bets.

Ordinarily, court opinions are very restrained, but Alito says Roe was “egregiously wrong,” and he really drops the hammer on the justices and other leftists who formed Roe’s murderous, imperialist conclusions.

I say, “What MAY happen,” because the opinion is not published, unless publication by news sites counts. It’s not law until other courts get notice via official notification.

When I saw that the news was probably real, I rejoiced, but I’m sorry to say it wasn’t because I thought the unborn were finally being rescued. It was because I thought the ruling was going to spur conflict and disorder, and I thought this was probably one more indication that the end of the age was very close.

That’s how tired I am of this crazy planet.

A friend of mine had a baby, and when I visited her, she said that during labor, she would have done anything to get him out of her. She wasn’t embarrassed about being seen naked by other people. She didn’t care what she had to do. She wanted him OUT, OUT, OUT. The new ruling (I am too lazy to write “alleged” or whatever over and over) made me think of my friend. When a crisis gets bad enough, your values change, and you just want it over with.

The left loves the word “unsustainable,” and they use it to manipulate us, so naturally, I don’t like it. But I will use it. The world’s current course is unsustainable. We can’t continue in a world in which people and even animals are constantly dodging an infuriating, mutating, capricious disease. We can’t continue in a world where hatred and lawlessness are considered normal. We can’t have lives that are bearable in an atmosphere of forced participation in sexual perversion or where we are expected to submit to technology and completely abandon privacy and free will. Fundamentally, to use a word that is appropriate in more than one way, we can’t continue in a world where God is hated and Satan is openly crowned in his place.

Things have to come to a head, because the strain we live under is unendurable.

Actually, that’s not quite true for people who are close to God and have his blessings and protection. But even such people long to get out of a world where they are completely out of place.

The leak of the opinion is a great example of what’s wrong with the world right now. God tells us Satan’s children are lawless. We see lawlessness everywhere these days. People have turned civil disobedience into an obsession. Many people go so far as to endorse rioting openly. States refuse to obey federal law. Local governments refuse to obey federal law and state law. It’s not just individuals running amok. It’s rulers.

What does the Bible call the Antichrist? “The Man of Lawlessness.”

The person who leaked the opinion is lawless. She (the pronoun I choose) doesn’t care about preserving the order our government is designed to maintain. We have three branches of government. The judicial branch is supposed to make unbiased decisions regarding the actions of all three branches. The judicial branch is supposed to be the final arbiter of existing laws. It is extremely important for the judicial process to be untainted by outside influences. When judges are manipulated, the judiciary becomes a powerless farce, justice is perverted, and people who depend on the judiciary and who rightly feel cheated are likely to be motivated to stop obeying the law.

The leaker is almost certainly a left-wing justice or clerk. There is no conceivable reason why a conservative would do something like this. No conservative would be outraged by the opinion. No conservative would be so highly motivated by dissatisfaction with parts of the opinion that he would abandon his ethics and risk his career by leaking it.

Leftists also have a history of stealing and leaking private and confidential information regarding conservatives. Conservatives are not as prone to these slimy tactics.

What is the purpose of leaking the opinion? Good question.

Is the traitor trying to influence the outcome of the case? Maybe, if she is sufficiently hysterical. Leftists now have greatly increased faith in the public’s ability to coerce judges through protesting and other forms of pressure, and they have lose all scruples about doing so. They don’t care at all about impartiality or justice, and they have a history of pressuring courts. But if the leaker is a justice or clerk, she is also a lawyer, and she has to be pretty smart to be where she is, so she should know the leak has a very slim chance of saving Roe.

What about the midterm elections and the presidential election? Now we have a scenario that makes a little sense. The leaker may be trying to motivate female voters to stop the anti-Biden stampede that is projected to inundate the polls in November. We won’t be voting on a new president, but if Roe is undone, the states will have the power to ban various types of abortions, and leftist women will feel motivated to storm the voting precincts in order to put more leftists in power on the state level.

Of course, by and large, women vote more destructively than men. They are much more leftist than we are. If men didn’t vote, only a small percentage of our elected officials would not be extreme leftists. Many women want the government to be their husband, so they are willing to give up more of their liberty than men.

If the leaker can get more women to the polls, their influence will increase, and effectively, conservatives will be disempowered.

Will the leaker be caught? I think she made a good effort to avoid it. The opinion draft that was published appears to have been scanned, not uploaded directly. I assure you, internal communications at the Supreme Court are purely electronic except for documents obtained externally, and even those documents would be transmitted electronically after being scanned once.

The leaker appears to have given the press a printed copy in order to avoid having the federal marshals trace her through electronic accounts.

Is this a great day for the unborn? I guess. I suppose many children who would otherwise be murdered will be protected by sensible new abortion laws. But many states will persist in supporting infanticide, so the effect will be limited.

Jesus told us the problems of the end time were labor pains. Someone is being born. Who is it? Can it be Jesus? He was already born, so why would he be born a second time?

I suppose you could say that everyone who is raptured is born a second time, because the rapture changes people, but it’s pretty well agreed that “born again” refers to internal transformation by the Holy Spirit.

Is the Antichrist the one who is being born? I tend to think so, but it’s obviously a guess.

The world can’t stay in labor forever. I don’t want to root for the coming of the tribulation, but I am ready for change. If we’re about to descend into global conflict and misery, I say better sooner than later. The sooner we see the rapture and the tribulation, the sooner we will see a world free of Satan, demons, and crazed leftists and pagans who make the world the cursed place it is.

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