There is Nothing Obama Won’t Lie About

April 6th, 2022

No Lie is too Big or too Small

Someone posted a comment, asking if I was okay. I am, indeed, okay. It’s kind of people to check up on me.

My wife and I just flew home from Ireland. Sadly, we flew home to different homes, but that will change soon.

I started writing a long piece about the trip, but I got a GSOD (“Green Screen of Death”), and I lost the whole thing. I’m too tired to start over today, but I will tell you this much: anyone who tells you Guinness is better, or even different, in Ireland is imagining things. It’s exactly the same, except some people in Ireland don’t know how to dispense it, so it sometimes tastes more bitter.

Stout is supposed to be dispensed using “beer gas,” which is a mixture of nitrogen and CO2. It makes the beer creamier and sweeter. My hotel in Dublin used pure CO2, so my first Guinness in Ireland was not very good. I did not have to ask whether they used CO2. I can tell. After all, I used to make my own stout.

Here’s where I’ll post a funny story about Barack Obama, illustrating a fact we already know: he is a silly and shameless liar. Read the remarks he made about Guinness in Ireland.

The first time I had Guinness is when I came to the Shannon airport. We were flying into Afghanistan and so stopped in Shannon. It was the middle of the night. And I tried one of these and I realized it tastes so much better here than it does in the States … You’re keeping all the best stuff here!

He had Guinness for the first time in Ireland, and he realized it tasted better than it did in the States. Where he had never tried it. He didn’t say what kind of occult process was involved in determining how a beer he had never tried tasted.

The amusing thing is that the liberal MSM repeats his remarks without pointing out the obvious lie.

I can pretty much guarantee you Obama can’t tell the difference between Guinness and ginger ale. Feminine men generally aren’t very interested in beer. He lied anyway, because that’s what he does. If you like your stout, you can keep your stout.

Maybe I shouldn’t criticize, because I loved Trump, and Trump lied constantly. The difference is that Trump lied about things no one cared about, while Obama lied about important political matters. Obama is the liar who increased the price of my medical insurance by 200% over 5 years. I was paying a little over $200 per month, and now I’m over $700, with no new health problems to justify it.

I had both Guinness and Murphy’s in Ireland. I like Murphy’s a little more because the balance of bitterness and sweetness is better. I didn’t try any lighter-colored Irish beers. Notice I didn’t just say “lighter.” Guinness is a very light beer apart from its color. It’s low in calories compared to many beers that aren’t as dark.

That’s all I have to say in relation to Ireland right now. I am still behind on my sleep, so I am going to go sit and do nothing.

3 Responses to “There is Nothing Obama Won’t Lie About”

  1. Ed Bonderenka Says:

    Welcome back!

  2. Aaron's cc: Says:

    Did you have Murphy’s on tap? I’ve only had it from cans and prefer it to Guinness.

    My in-country Guinness on tap experience at Shannon Airport in 1983 was that it was better than any I had had, but it’s possible that The West End bar had kegs that weren’t freshly tapped. I think we had Guinness as one of our dorm party kegs but I was probably drinking more Watley’s, mostly positively associating it with a Monty Python sketch that mentions it. I remember liking Dos Equis then, but that hasn’t been drinkable for me since Reagan’s second term.

    Reminder: Now is the season to look for yellow-cap 2L Coke, made with sugar, not corn syrup, for Passover.

  3. Chris Says:

    Glad you both got back from the trip safely. My sister-in-law went to Ireland a few years ago and enjoyed it quite a bit.