Whose Side am I on, Anyway?

February 9th, 2022

We Pay Hollywood to Poison Us

I keep asking God to wake me up so I am no longer so jaded I think circumstances in this world are normal. It appears he is listening.

The other day, I watched an Amazon show called Reacher. I should not have done this.

The show is based on the Jack Reacher novels. Jack Reacher is an imaginary and impossible retired Army major who is the best at absolutely everything. If you have seen the two Jack Reacher movies featuring Tom Cruise, you know what I mean. He’s the best precision rifle shot. He can beat up 5 men at once. He has the deductive skills of Sherlock Holmes.

He’s a revenge hero, about like a Steven Seagal character, only somewhat less silly. All of the novels and movies, and the Amazon series, start the same way. Somebody really obnoxious does some extremely cruel, infuriating things, Reacher gets caught up in it, and eventually, he kills a bunch of people in sadistic ways.

I have been trying to limit my intake of entertainment containing violence, but I felt it was okay to see the TV show. It was not good for me. Don’t read further unless you like spoilers.

One of the early episodes featured a man who had been nailed to a wall, naked, and castrated. They showed the corpse without warning, fully exposed. Eventually, Reacher did the obligatory thing and fornicated with a deputy who was helping him, and she popped into the scene with her breasts exposed. It was completely gratuitous. Another man was burned alive after killing his own father by cutting his throat clear through the windpipe.

Before I watched the show, I had started looking at Game of Thrones clips on Youtube, out of curiosity. If you haven’t seen this show, you’re in for a disgusting experience. It’s about a storybook world full of things like giants and dragons. The main characters are nobles who do unbelievably gross things to each other. They torture and mutilate each other on camera, and there are a lot of gruesome deaths. It’s not The Waltons.

When I saw the clips, I marveled at what was passing for prime time entertainment in America. When I was born, married TV couples had to sleep in twin beds, and injured characters never looked all that bad, even when they were dead. Now shows contain bits of pornography, and characters slice people up on camera.

I felt bad after watching Reacher and the Game of Thrones clips. I had no good excuse for watching.

Last night, I had a strange dream. I was driving a big, powerful vehicle something like a fighter jet with no wings. For some reason, I was Scottish. No idea what that was about. I was at something resembling a gas station, and I needed to put water in the vehicle’s tank. It didn’t seem to require gas or jet fuel. There was a tank of water beside the vehicle, and it had no top. I used a soup can to scoop water out of the tank and pour it into the vehicle.

My parrot Marvin was with me. He was a sort of helper. He was eagerly climbing in and out of the vehicle’s pipes, trying to inspect and put everything right. He was concerned about something. He stood on the ground beside a pipe and drew my attention to it, and it coughed out a small spray of blood.

I looked at the water I was trying to scoop up, and nasty things were floating in it. I saw dead leaves and a dead lizard. The water itself was clear, but a lot of stuff had found its way into it.

I found myself trying to scoop up the junk and dump it on the ground so I could get at the clean water. I started complaining to a lady who provided the water. She was English, and she worked for an Englishman who wasn’t there. She didn’t care about my problems.

I woke up. It was about 4 a.m. My wife and I both tend to wake up and pray at about this time.

When I woke up, I thought about Derek Prince. He is the English evangelist from whom I learned to prophesy at will. I started asking myself whether he had been wrong.

Water represents the flow of the Holy Spirit, and powered vehicles represent God’s grace. I thought maybe bad teaching had contaminated the gifts of the Spirit. Maybe Prince’s teaching was wrong, I was letting demons prophesy through me, and this was blocking God’s power in me.

I asked God to show me the truth, and I mentioned the verse in which Paul told us to covet prophecy. He said it was better than tongues. I knew people were supposed to prophesy, but was I doing it right?

I turned on the TV and watched Derek Prince’s video. He cited 1 Corinthians several times. He claimed Paul said we could all prophesy. Here is 1 Corinthians 14:31: “For ye may all prophesy one by one, that all may learn, and all may be comforted.”

I thought about that. “May” and “can” mean two different things. I wondered if Prince had gotten them confused. Did God really tell us we had the power to prophesy, or merely permission to do it if we could?

I went to the Greek. It uses the word “dynasthe,” which is related to “dynamis,” which is where we get “dynamite.” It means “are capable.” Paul said, “You are all able to prophesy one by one.”

That seems pretty clear. It is undeniable that God wants us all to desire prophesy and to try to develop it, and it certainly looks like he has said we have the ability.

The word translated “prophesy” is “propheteuein,” and it literally means “prophesy,” which means to speak the words of God, including revealing future events.

I don’t believe Derek Prince was wrong. There is too much evidence that he was right.

Then I thought about Mount Hermon, at the north end of Israel. Its Hebrew name is Ba’al Hermon, or “Lord of the Curse.” There is some argument as to whether this interpretation is correct, but it makes sense. Enoch said it was the place where Satan and the rebel angels came down and bound each other by a mutual curse. They planned to have sex with women, and they swore loyalty to each other.

Mount Hermon’s snows are one of the three main sources of the Jordan. At the bottom of the mountain, there is a place called Caesarea Philippi. It was dedicated to evil. There is a spring there, and the water that comes from it turns into a stream that feeds the Jordan.

The spring is quiet now, but it used to be very vigorous and turbulent. Pagans used to throw dead animals into it after they were sacrificed. They defiled the Jordan this way. The Jordan has supernatural significance. It feeds the Sea of Galilee, which symbolizes the earth in the Bible. The fish in the Sea of Galilee represent humanity. The Jordan emerges from the south end of the Sea of Galilee and goes through the desert to the Dead Sea, which contains no fish and represents the lake of fire.

It seemed to me that my dream was about defiling myself with things like secular entertainment, news, and combat sports. The living water comes to me clean and clear, like the snow of Mount Hermon. Then I combine it with worldly filth by allowing corrupting images and sounds into my mind.

I saw an image in my mind. I saw storefronts owned by Satan. In the stores, his underling spirits sat, waiting for customers. When people walked in, the spirits waited on them, loading them up with goods. No charge. Not up front, anyway.

If you don’t go into a store, the spirit that runs it can’t come out and drag you in. You give them permission to work in you when you walk in the door. I think I’ve been doing this.

I made a list of things I felt God wanted me to give up or greatly reduce: social media, fiction, news, anything to do with violence or fighting, everything related to the occult, and all types of input intended to be erotic.

I don’t think it’s possible to cut the news out of your life entirely. You will occasionally pick things up whether you want them or not. You can minimize it, though. As for social media, I’m already done with it, except for Youtube, which seems to have a purpose. I don’t need to watch violence or occult material, so these things aren’t problems. Abandoning fiction will be a little hard, but in the end, it’s all foolishness, and the people who run the fiction industry hate Jesus, so I should know better than to let them influence me.

Erotic entertainment is clearly evil and unnecessary. I don’t think any Christian disputes that.

Day before yesterday, before I had the dream, I decided to fast from news. Now I’m avoiding everything on the list. Fiction is the biggest challenge. I feel like I’m in withdrawal, as though something wanted me to rent a movie.

Hollywood is extremely evil. It’s a shame Christians don’t talk about this more. It’s a hive of homosexuality, even among male celebrities most of us think are straight. It pumps out material hostile to Jesus, white people, men, America, and the church. It promotes pride, cruelty, racism, and violence. It glorifies Satanic religions such as Buddhism and witchcraft. It’s remarkable that we continue paying Hollywood to direct its sewage pipes into our living rooms.

We should be able to look at the lives of entertainers and realize they have nothing good to tell us. How many are on drugs? How many have fallen so far they had to go to rehab repeatedly? How many have died from drug overdoses and suicide? How many are extremely promiscuous? How many have sexually-perverted children? It’s strange that we admire people who have failed at life and who are generally going to hell.

I think that if Moses could come to Earth, walk into a typical American’s house, and turn on the TV, he would stalk out in about three minutes, asking for forgiveness and wondering why God hadn’t incinerated the entire family.

We shouldn’t be angry at show business people, but we shouldn’t admire them or buy their product, either.

As I have said before, I believe the rapture is a process, not just a sudden event. I believe the people who will be taken in the event will be those who have already been raptured internally and removed from the company of irredeemable people.

The whole concept of rapture is interesting to me. The other day it occurred to me that the first rapture we know of took place when God raptured himself away from Adam and Eve.

I plan to keep prophesying, and I will continue to try to reduce the flow of worldly pus and excrement that pollutes my life.

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