No, Virginia, There is no President

December 24th, 2021

Fictional Sleigh Delivers Unfortunate Present

Earlier today, I wrote a lot of material about Biden’s dementia being “discovered” suddenly by CNN’s Jeff Zeleny, but I decided not to publish it. A video took the wind out of my sails. Biden and his wife made the mistake of taking Christmas phone calls on camera. They were pretending to track Santa’s sleigh. One caller said, “Let’s go, Brandon!” Biden said, “Let’s go Brandon. I agree.”

He had no idea what was going on.

If you watch the video, you will also see Jill Biden coaching her husband. Even Jimmy Carter didn’t need that.

I saw the humor in the story, but I also saw the cruelty. The caller was picking on an elderly person with a mental handicap, in front of that person’s wife, on national TV. And Biden is the president of the United States, so his error was sobering. Our enemies around the world saw it. It was an ugly moment. It’s humiliating for America.

It was like the moment in The Caine Mutiny where Captain Queeg fell apart on the witness stand.

I love seeing liars proven wrong, and the leftists who have been pretending Biden was fine need to have their noses rubbed in what they did to our country, but I’m not thrilled to see America disintegrate.

The memes are going to be numerous and ruthless, and the left won’t be able to mount much of a defense. If Biden has forgotten what “Let’s go, Brandon” means, something is very wrong. If he never knew, then it proves people are handling and sheltering him like a prize beagle in a dog show. If he were of sound mind and truly in charge, he would know exactly what it meant. There is no way he would have let himself be filmed saying it.

In other news, my wild guesses about coronavirus seem to be panning out. Today I saw a doctor telling people the South African epidemic was collapsing. New studies are coming out confirming the obvious fact that Omicron is mild, so it looks like we have a mild variant replacing the old variant, and the mild variant takes a very short time to run its course in new host groups.

If these things are true, Omicron should be nearly gone in 20 days, and it should provide some degree of resistance to coronavirus in the future. It may be, as I hoped, nature’s vaccine. I think this will happen.

Could 2022 be the year smart people short Pfizer? Could Australians conceivably be released from house arrest?

Incidentally, let me reiterate: I have zero sympathy for Australians who voted to give up their rights. They need to suffer more, not less. Suffering may wake them up. I feel bad for the sane Australians who fought authoritarianism in vain.

I still think the macho posing of male Australians is ridiculous. They can’t have guns, they can’t have knives, they can’t carry any type of object as a defensive weapon, they can’t defend their families, and they cheer the people who are putting healthy Australians in an internment camp.

That Americans ever bought into the Australian independent he-man myth is proof we know very little about other countries. If Elizabeth Warren really wants to be president, she should move to Australia, but I think her work there would be redundant. For that matter, she might be considered too conservative.

Australia’s policies seem ridiculous to me. Coronavirus is a permanent feature of Australian life. Vaccines can’t end it, and neither will lockdowns or herd immunity. They can only minimize it by utterly ruining the quality of their lives, just as I could maximize my safety in the bathroom by hiring an attendant to strap me to the toilet. Doesn’t seem worth it to me. They’re trading liberty for safety, and they’re doing that in a very stupid way. They should be focusing on insulating the fat, old, and sick instead of tormenting everyone.

One great thing about coronavirus is that it has exposed the hypocrisy of many people who lied about loving freedom. Most people care very little about freedom as long as they get a room, a bed, a TV, and a full refrigerator.

I am hoping God sent Omicron to give the world a break. It wouldn’t mean the apocalypse wasn’t upon us, any more than a break in labor pains means a woman isn’t pregnant, but it could make it easier to prepare for whatever comes next.

I still think coronavirus is largely about sexual sin. The other day I was in my car with an audio Bible playing, as always, and I heard this passage from Leviticus:

Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.

Defile not ye yourselves in any of these things: for in all these the nations are defiled which I cast out before you:

And the land is defiled: therefore I do visit the iniquity thereof upon it, and the land itself vomiteth out her inhabitants.

This appears after a long list of forbidden perversions. Oddly, it doesn’t mention plain old fornication. It’s about things like incest.

Lying and/or deluded homosexual activists like to claim the sodomy prohibition was only about pagan temple prostitutes, but that’s wrong. It’s found a big list of sexual aberrations unconnected with worship and idolatry.

It shows that God gave Israel to the Jews at least partly because of the sexual perversion of the gentiles. He really hates perversion. He took favor, which includes things like prosperity, health, and dominance, away from perverts and gave it to the Jews to drive them out. Today, it looks like he has taken favor from the homosexuality-proselytism epicenters of America and Europe. Meanwhile, Christian Africa is doing well. Cases went up sharply in Zambia after Omicron hit, but virtually no one is dying, and their rates are still many times lower than those of Florida and New York State.

I feel like writing about Christmas. I’ll be on my own this year, but on the other hand, this will be my first Christmas as a married man, so I don’t care. I’ll have my wonderful wife on Whatsapp, and some friends have sent presents. That’s plenty for me.

I realize Jesus probably wasn’t born in late December, but Christmas, properly observed, is still a wonderful holiday. I lived a filthy life, and an innocent man chose to take my punishment. It’s good to be reminded that I am like an ex-con in a halfway house, receiving every good thing I have as charity, not as payment for a job well done.

Hope everyone who reads this draws closer to God today and tomorrow. We are headed for a time when it will be increasingly obvious that human beings can’t relieve their own suffering, so you need to be intimate with the only one who can set you apart.

5 Responses to “No, Virginia, There is no President”

  1. Sharkman Says:

    Merry Christmas, Steve. May the Lord pour His Holy Spirit upon you and your wife. I hope the two of you are finally able to get together in person for good, soon.

  2. Steve H. Says:

    Merry Christmas, Mr. Shark. Hope your holiday is full of love.

  3. Vlad Says:

    Merry Christmas. I love your blog and look forward to your updates!

  4. Ed Bonderenka Says:

    Merry Christmas Steve.
    One of the objections to a late December date are the shepherds.
    However, Afred Edersheim points out that the shepherds may have been watching the Temple Flock, and as such, they had the responsibility of inspecting the Lamb of God. Works for me regardless of date.

  5. Steve H. Says:

    Thanks again, all. Hope the new year is better than 2021 for you.