October 11th, 2008I am easily the coolest person in the universe. Cooler than even Zaphod Beeblebrox. I sort of finished my wiring project.
I put a new cover on an outdoor socket. I rewired a floodlight and sensor. I moved the circuit they were on, off of a 60-amp fuse for a 220 circuit. I ran the circuit into the garage, where I created an outlet. I ran it on into the air handler closet, where I created a 4-plug outlet. I ran conduit to a hardwired wall fixture, and now I have lights in the garage. I converted a dangerous 220 circuit which was just hanging in the closet (bare-ended) to a 110 circuit, and I used it to power the whole mess, and I put a new breaker in at the panel.
I probably should have turned the juice off at the panel before changing the breaker, but I was drunk with power. The kind in your head, not the kind that comes from the power company.
Here’s my impressive Christian story for the day. I had to screw a couple of wires into the back of a pair of receptacles today, and the receptacles were already cluttered. A reader got me all excited by pointing out that there are “stab through” connections in the backs of these things; you just strip a wire, shove it in there, and tighten the screw. Come to find out, these receptacles didn’t have the…blasted…things. And I was counting on them.
I had to put eyes on the wires and stack them on screws that already had eye connectors on them. If you’ve ever done this, you know how hard it is to get the…darn…screws to catch. It’s nearly impossible. And I had to do this with both hands over my head, in a dim closet. I have been trying to remember to pray before doing ANYTHING, especially challenging things, and for some reason, I remembered this time. And all three of the screws I had to deal with went right in! I could not believe it. Be an atheist and attribute it to chance if you want. I was extremely happy, and I say my prayers were answered. I suffered like you wouldn’t believe, trying to do the same thing yesterday. On the same receptacles.
Maybe this will impress you more. When I got home from my daily trip to Home Depot, I found my sister here with an orchid, a pot full of small dragonfruit plants, a Perry Stone book, and some sort of home communion kit. I am completely serious. I don’t know what to think. The Bible says God will give you the desires of your heart, and that is apparently true. Of course, you have to get your desires right. That’s the catch. But it’s a catch I don’t mind.
I think I’ll go stare at the closet some more. I still can’t get over it.
October 11th, 2008 at 11:46 PM
I’m glad since she does not have any kids, and neither do you, that you are friends again.
And that your sister is not all alone in the world.
Because you have your friends, and Dad, but she had … appeared …..lost your Dad and you, so she would have been all alone in the world.
October 12th, 2008 at 12:07 AM
Hi Steve,
Here’s a World Net Daily link you might find interesting.
TV ad features Obama mocking Bible
He has a condescending smirk continually on his face, how can even the left in America like him?
In other news Australia in one of it’s largest states has just passed in law, that it is okay to abort a fetus at 24 weesks.
After that start, to think on more lighter things…
You’re more into the Savoury these days, you have not cooked sweets for a long time.
… about Lamingtons?
October 12th, 2008 at 12:13 AM
This is a nice Christian story too.
Praying woman scares off robber
October 12th, 2008 at 1:55 AM
AIEEE!!! My EYES!!!!
This site redesign looks, um, somewhat less appealing than the previous one.
Aren’t there some shades of blue that you’ve missed in this theme? 🙂
October 12th, 2008 at 2:38 AM
The “stab-in” outlets are cool at first, but go weak after awhile.
A better alternative is the style that has a hole you push into, but the screw clamps down on.
October 12th, 2008 at 2:41 AM
I assumed that was what “stab in” meant. I had a couple of receptacles with holes that led to the little spaces under the screws.
October 12th, 2008 at 4:12 AM
That rocks Steve. Most of my problems come when I think I can do something without God. LOL
Glad for you. I hope your sister is working towards God too. That is awesome man.
October 12th, 2008 at 4:49 AM
I love the new format of your blog Steve. Very, very nice!
October 12th, 2008 at 7:23 AM
It sounds like you aren’t using these, but just to be sure, and for other readers here:
I vigorously second Ed Bonderenka’s comment:
Do not use the stab-in type receptacles, where a pair of sheet-metal blades grabs a wire stuck in through the back, and holds the wire without tightening a screw.
They are not remotely reliable, and can lead to overheating. Many authorities I’ve read have urged UL to stop approving them.
The kind where you still have to tighten a screw to clamp the wire are OK, as far as I know — but the simple stab-in types are no go.
(Personally, I pay the two or three bucks each for commercial-grade receptacles, and wrap the wires around the screws.)
October 12th, 2008 at 12:25 PM
There are actually some that have spring loaded stab in connections (like some stereo speaker terminals), that once in, don’t come out until a recessed push point is pressed, or they heat up and loosen. I thought they were neat when I first used them, then came to think otherwise.
October 12th, 2008 at 1:58 PM
“I pay the two or three bucks each for commercial-grade receptacles”
That may be what I have.
October 12th, 2008 at 5:05 PM
There is a commercial grade (Hubbel) that has the insert wire, tighten screw type of outlet. It’s referred to as “back and side” termination.
Hope they come cheaper than I saw quoted on the net. I used to order them for work, but didn’t pay attention to the price.
October 13th, 2008 at 4:58 PM
Actually the concept of God giving you the desires of your heart is easily misinterpreted. It doesn’t mean that what you desire, God will provide. It means that the desires themselves will be provided by God. So it’s not “getting what you want”, it’s wanting what God wants you to want.