Disney’s Spotty Morality

August 29th, 2021

Puppy-Skinner as Protagonist

It’s funny how little things can make big impressions.

Today I somehow saw the movie Cruella mentioned. I have seen the title before, but I never thought much about it. Disney gives me the creeps, and besides, I’m an adult. Today I thought about it, and I said something to the only other person present: Marvin the parrot. I said something like, “Don’t tell me. It’s about how Cruella de Vil is actually the victim.”

Why did I say that? Because we live in a time when people love evil and hate good. I’ve seen the evil-as-good theme pushed a number of times in movies, TV shows, and musical performances. I think it’s part of Satan’s Antichristian offensive.

In 1959, Disney made Sleeping Beauty. In that movie, the character Maleficent was a fairy, or demon, as Christians would call her. She is called “the Mistress of All Evil.” When Sleeping Beauty is born, Maleficent is not invited to her christening, but she shows up anyway and curses the princess. We all know the story. Maleficent should have been caught and burned. She was not the protagonist.

In 2014, Disney made an eponymous movie about Maleficent herself. In the 2014 film, she’s not evil at all. She’s a very sweet demon with ugly brown wings and nasty horns. If she’s not the villain, who is? The human race, of course. She falls in love with a man, and he amputates her wings so his dad can take over a forest. Nice. Disney combined so many elements of Satan’s agenda: humanity as a pest species, misandry, demons as victims, and nature as something more valuable than human beings.

Of course, Maleficent eventually defeats the prince who vivisected her. She’s the heroine of the story. The prince falls to his death because he continues trying to kill her. Because, you know, that’s how human males always are. They drive pickup trucks and eat factory veal, for crying out loud.

The name “Maleficent” means “doing harm.” Funny name for someone you’re supposed to admire.

After I spoke to Marv, who was not interested, I thought I should check Wikipedia for details about Cruella. Maybe I wasn’t being fair. Maybe I was judging things based purely on Trump-loving, Bible-clinging bias. I took a look.

No. I wasn’t unfair.

In case you don’t know, Cruella de Vil was the hateful antagonist of the cartoon 101 Dalmatians and its sequels. She was rich and vicious, and she wanted to cut 101 Dalmatian puppies up and wear their fur.

In the new movie, Cruella’s living stepmother is murdered by Cruella’s biological mother, using Dalmatians. The mother abandoned Cruella and handed her over to a servant to be murdered. The servant hid her instead and raised her. Eventually, the real mom finds out and commands a herd of Dalmatians to run the stepmom off a cliff.

It’s an amazing thing. We started out with innocent puppies who needed to be saved from a psychopathic narcissist, and now the puppies are killers and the psychopath is the heroine.

It’s as if Satan is making fun of us. We’re so crazy and blind, he’s filling our entertainment with blatant reversals of good and evil, knowing creatures created in God’s image will clap and cheer. I think Satan takes pleasure in making people who look like God applaud the very evil that destroys them.

How far off can the rapture be? How much deeper into insanity can we plunge?

I used to go in for virtue-reversal entertainment. I enjoyed TV shows centering around the character Buffy the Vampire Slayer. I got used to liking vampires and demons. I don’t know what I was thinking. I thought it was harmless fantasy, but a long time ago, God told me this: we become what we imitate. I’m glad I dropped that stuff.

Similar reversals took place in the Hannibal Lecter films. In the first movie, Lecter was a vile insect who needed to be murdered in his cell. Later, he became a tortured individual who generally killed people who really deserved it. He was full of rage because his little sister had been eaten by cannibals, so it was understandable if he was cranky.

The author of the Lecter books wrote that Lecter specialized in killing rude people, calling them “free-range rude.” How could anyone complain about that?

There was also a heroic TV serial killer named Dexter. He channeled his sickness for good, killing other criminals.

Antiheroes are the new heroes. I mean that in two ways. First, they’re obviously heroes in many, many modern works, so they are doing what heroes do. Second, they have become just as trite as heroes. There are only so many plots movies and books can have, and we started scraping the bottom of the barrel maybe 60 years ago. Writers were fatigued with actual heroes, because they had been done to death. They fell back on evil heroes to pump some new blood into the system. Now evil heroes are a bore, but writers can’t come up with anything further, so we are stuck with them.

Dad is a hitman who uses his ninja skills to rescue his kids from the Proud Boys. Uncle Bob is a closet vampire who saves the town from the Westboro Baptist Church. Mom is a hooker who kills a pedophile priest. Enough, already.

This weekend, a California teacher became famous for a) removing the American flag from her room because it made her uncomfortable, and b) telling kids they could pledge allegiance to the sodomy flag, which she had put in the room because it did NOT make her uncomfortable.

I can’t even guess what my parents would have done had they found out my school forced me to sit in a room with a flag celebrating men shoving their male organs into each other’s mouths and anuses. As for pledging allegiance to it, well, there might have been assault charges.

I think it will be far worse in a year, when leftists have even more clout. Sexual deviants were very polite and timid when they didn’t have power, but when they’re in charge, they are different. Ask any good-looking young man who has been in prison or served on a naval vessel. I suspect homosexuality will become the dominant preference very soon, and once that happens, no man’s rear end will be safe. I think we will soon see Sodom-style rape mobs. It has happened before. There is no reason why it can’t happen again, especially during the tribulation, when there will be nothing left on earth to mitigate evil.

The trend is already present. In Great Britain, male rape has increased by a factor of NINE since 1995. Of course, that only includes reported offenses. Many men keep their humiliation private. GQ, hardly a Christian publication, says that when a man joins the military, his chances of being raped increase by a factor of 10. Yearly rape figures for men in our armed services run between 10,000 and 20,000.

Strange how no one mentioned these things when gays were pushing for the right to serve.

Useful info for modern men: the right to use lethal force applies to rape victims. You can shoot, mutilate, burn, blind, or otherwise harm a potential rapist without committing a crime. Good thing to know if you have doubts about your coworkers, youth pastor, camp counselor, or scoutmaster.

I can’t even guess what bizarre movie remakes are in store for us. Independence Day with city-vaporizing extraterrestrials as the heroes? Schindler’s List with Hitler as the victim? Maybe they’ll remake Alien and call it Undocumented.

It is rapidly becoming impossible to parody Satan’s leftists, because reality is sillier, more absurd, and more evil than anything a writer can imagine.

Maybe we’ll see a remake of The Exorcist in which the priests and possessed girl are villains because the girl supports Trump and won’t get vaccinated, and the demon wants to join BLM and Stonewall.

I hope God takes us soon. This place is a mess.

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