Haitian Hurricane Relief
September 4th, 2008Drive-by Media Drove Right By
If you have been paying any attention to the news at all, you must have noticed that Haiti has been hit by one storm after another. The death toll is high. Over 200 people have died. No matter what kind of disaster hits, it seems like Haitians are especially vulnerable. Right now, the disaster-prone town of Gonaives is under 12 feet of water, and they can’t get food to the area.
Here’s an AP quote:
Hungry children at three orphanages were waiting for the canvas-topped trucks, loaded with warm pots of rice and beans and towing giant tanks of drinking water.
But the food never arrived Thursday.
The odd thing is, you see little about this story on the news. Even charities seem to be paying little attention.
Luckily, World Relief has a fund you can donate to. Here is a link.