Are You a Coronavirus Superhero?

May 2nd, 2020

Donate Your Masks and Go Back to Work

If you’re waiting for some great news, apart from the fact that it’s a beautiful Saturday morning, here you go: South Korean scientists have concluded that you can’t be infected with COVID-19 more than once.

In your FACES, doom-mongers.

This is the best news the world has received since we got up on a Wednesday morning and found out Hillary Clinton had lost.

I still remember that day. I felt like crying with joy.

Here is a link to the story about South Korea: LINK.

Some Koreans got test results suggesting they had been reinfected, but now we know that they were actually having relapses. It’s not good that people can relapse, but a relapse is nothing like as bad as a new infection. Once you’re really done with your first infection, it’s behind you for good. If we could be reinfected, coronavirus would continue pummeling individuals over and over until they died or got vaccinated.

We already knew about COVID-19 relapses. Relapse is one of the disease’s known features.

For months, with no apparent justification, people have been telling us the disease was likely to infect us over and over. None of it made any sense. They don’t say that about most other viruses.

The reinfection story was one of the things that made C19 seem so scary. The model was one in which you were very likely to be infected (false), you were very likely to die (false), and even if you got over it, you would probably be infected repeatedly. It was a scenario of hopelessness. No wonder people bought freezers. They actually swallowed the pitch.

Does this mean we can’t get new strains after the virus mutates? I wonder. But even if we can, there will be vaccines, and we will have a lot of experience, so there should be less panic and senseless economic destruction.

It’s very sad that people are afraid to accept good news and that it makes them angry. Neurosis is not a good thing. Neurotics can’t enjoy life. Your irrational worries make it impossible to enjoy the good things you have, and they make it impossible for you to anticipate enjoying the good things in your future. And they make you a giant pain to be around. I do not like having determined pessimists around me.

Worry is faith in Satan, and faith brings results.

All though this thing, the prophets of doom have been wrong, and those who predicted an easier time have been right. That has to be acknowledged.

If Obama were president, Time and MSNBC and all the others would be giving people hell for panicking. What a different world we would live in. A lot of businesses that have failed because of draconian measures would still be alive.

It’s the only scenario I can think of in which an inept socialist president could be better for the economy than Donald Trump.

Think how this will affect people who have recovered. They will be like superheroes now. They can go back to work. They can go anywhere without masks. I wonder if a positive test will be an asset to a person looking for work this summer.

Things are still going well in my county, although I think we will see cases increase for a while. Unfortunately, C19 has found its way into at least three ALF’s. The news says there are two ALF’s that each have an employee who tested positive, and another ALF has multiple infected staffers and residents. We are now up to 175 known cases.

I hate to say I was right again, but there is another story: over 25% of purported C19-related deaths in the USA occur in what a story calls “nursing homes.” This would include ALF’s. I wrote about this phenomenon after seeing that about half of the deaths in Massachusetts were in homes.

This is bad news for people who are confined in homes, but it should encourage the majority of Americans. Not many of us are cooped up in places where careless workers are our only protection from infection, and most of us will have mild or no symptoms if infected.

The high ALF infection rate appears to be proof that sequestering in buildings with multiple residents makes you much more likely to be infected, and it also suggests that ALF workers in many places do a very poor job of protecting people.

Now that I think about it, I was right about yet something else. People are developing an interest in rural properties. You can read about it online. I predicted this a while ago. C19 is, by and large, a city disease. Also, it’s hard to grow food in an apartment. People are realizing these things.

My guess: leftists will cling to cities, and conservatives will be more likely to move. Nothing new there.

I think a redistribution of the population will be good for the church. Cities are ruled by Satan’s stooges. They are not spiritually healthy places to live.

Christians will be more likely to leave cities, and that means they will get away from megachurch pimps and fabulists. Churches are killing us. It would be great to see toxic people like Joel Osteen and Joyce Meyer go out of business completely, but that probably won’t happen, so a significant exodus from cities may be the best thing we can hope for.

I wonder how a conservative exodus would affect elections. I don’t think it would matter in cities, because they are already electing leftists. Maybe it would strengthen certain states and rural counties, though.

Still no major-celebrity deaths. The Baldor bench grinder Ebay poverty index is holding steady in the low 40’s.

Time to move on with my day. I just bought a hunting license online. My new peach tree was loaded with peaches, and now the squirrels here are loaded with peach flesh. Something must be done. The law says I can kill nuisance squirrels out of season, but it’s not all that clear on whether I need a hunting license, so I am not taking a chance. Considering the peaches, the fuel gauge they ate, and all the other issues they cause, I feel that my long truce with the rodents must now end.

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