Moebius Strip of Annoyance
August 5th, 2008Confusing
I thought Ann Althouse was annoyed when I said I didn’t want a law professor running the country, because she commented: “Law professor says ahem.” Now she says she was not annoyed. But I think she may be annoyed that I said she was annoyed. Which gives me a headache.
I still say I don’t want a law professor in the White House. Not even Ben Stein, who seems sane until he starts spouting about how we need $11-per-gallon gas. Hello, Ben? Real people have to drive to work and get their kids to school. Unlike you, they can’t rely on a limo from Fox News.
Is it appropriate to apologize to someone for saying you thought she was annoyed, when she wasn’t? Is that legitimately considered a gaffe? It’s a question I don’t have to address often, because generally, when I think I’ve annoyed people, I’m right.