Hills’ Angels

May 5th, 2019

God is Relocating People

A few years back, I had a dream about my dad. At least I thought it was about my dad. Sitting here writing about it, I think it may have been about him AND the church.

I was in his bedroom. In front of me, a devil who resembled a young black man was dancing. He was short and frail. One punch would have rolled him up like a sock and shattered most of the bones in his upper body. Several spirits that looked like owls were dancing around him. They were suspended in the air. They were located precisely so their positions formed the corners of a rectangle around the devil. Each had an assigned place.

I took it to mean that these were the spirits that ruled my dad. I knew owls were symbolic of evil spirits.

I’ve been thinking about it over the last day, and I think the owls represented spirits of false wisdom. Athena was the false goddess of wisdom, and her symbol is an owl. Before he gave himself to Jesus, my dad was extremely conceited about his intellect, and he said he was too sophisticated to be a Christian.

When God cursed the world, he cursed women with difficult childbirth. One big reason childbirth is difficult is that human babies have very large heads. It makes sense, because confidence in our big brains makes it hard for us to enter the kingdom of heaven. God cursed humanity with problems that reflected the curses humanity had laid on him.

Jesus said, “Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.” The path into this world is tight, and so is the path into the next world.

Yesterday morning, I dreamed I was on a ship. I was looking for my dad. I found his quarters. It was a large apartment. The same devil was there, dancing. Instead of owls, he was surrounded by dancing roaches. I would say they were around eight inches long. They hovered in the air with their wings spread and their abdomens bent forward, in threatening postures. Other types of vermin crawled toward my feet, but they didn’t climb onto me.

I went into my dad’s bedroom. It stank. It was filthy. His sheets were green with fermented sweat, urine, and other things. He wasn’t there. I somehow knew that he liked to lie in the stinking bed and take drugs.

God talks about casting rebellious people into beds of harlotry.

For some reason, I needed clothing, so I went to the closet. I found a pair of pants that were clean, and I put them on. I fell on the bed briefly, but I managed to roll off without coming into contact with the filth.

I believe the ship was the church. In Genesis, God put his people in an ark and lifted it above the waters of the world. I believe the devil was the spirit that runs the church. He’s not Satan; he’s lower in the hierarchy. He’s black because Africa is the source of a great deal of demon worship. The roaches were spirits that turn preachers into spiritual roaches who destroy and spread spiritual disease instead of building people up. Think of Benny Hinn or John Gray.

My dad represented the preachers who let me down. They were like bad fathers. Never around when I needed them, and when they were around, they caused more problems than they solved. I could not respect them or rely on them. They were dangerous to me, like lepers.

I had a relatively brief engagement with churches. I got a little authority, but I was rejected, so I didn’t get covered in the filth that coated the preachers I served and listened to. Pants are clothing, and clothing is authority. Rolling off the bed without getting dirty represents me moving into churches and then being moved out by God before too much harm could be done. The worst thing that could have happened to me would have been to be honored and made comfortable, because I might have stopped seeking and exposing the truth.

I’ve been asking God to tell me and other people the future. The dream seems to have been about the past, but I suppose it also tells me not to expect or desire any kind of promotion from churches during the remainder of my life. That’s good, because I am fed up with churches. The last thing I want is some backward preacher’s bit between my teeth.

In other news, I just saw an interesting Perry Stone video. He uploaded it in August of 2016, and in it, he quoted an alleged prophecy that was given at one of his events in 2015. The title of the video is “What is About to Happen in the United States,” so I had to watch to see if he had been right or wrong.

Perry Stone has many amazing teachings, but he also wanders off into pride from time to time, and he associates with some unsavory people, such as Steve Munsey, so you can’t assume everything he says is right.

Here is what he said in 2015, as related in the 2016 video:

There is coming a sign in this country. There is coming a sign. It’s in the very near future, and the righteous will discern it, but the unrighteous will not. And you will know it when you see it, because it will be something that is so significant that it will grip your attention, because the Lord is going to do his best to wake up America one more time. And he does this because he loves this country.

Listen to me; I’m hearing it. The widow women have given for missions and for the gospel, and the little women have kept the rural churches alive by baking pies and cakes and the such. People with minimum wage incomes have given to help poor people. America is a giving country. If you don’t believe that, let a disaster happen anywhere in the world; who shows up first?

It doesn’t matter what the country is. If it’s a Muslim country, doesn’t matter. Indonesia? Doesn’t matter. Taiwan? Doesn’t matter. Japan? Doesn’t matter. Who shows up?

And I hear the Spirit of God saying this:

“I remember the good that my people have done, and I will give you another chance because of what you planted in the past. It now comes up before me. What you’ve planted in the past, it will come up before God one more time, and you’re going to see pockets.

As men speak of pockets of selective judgment, so, likewise, there are pockets of selective revival; areas where people will pray and pray and worship and pray until the glory is seen. And it will not be the type of meeting which will make attention from coast to coast, but in that region and with those people.

The town will know that there is a visitation from heaven going on here, and it will be known as the rural revival because people will begin to leave the large cities, not in droves or in masses, but they’ll begin to pull away and not know why into the mountain areas and into the smaller cities because of the danger and the fear of mobs and robbing and looting and stealing, and they’ll be drawn to where the good people are, where they hear people love each other and they care for one another.

And some will come, and they will have no background in the word–they’ll have no background in the things of the Spirit–but they’ll be drawn here because of the mercy of God, and he will draw them to places of mercy of the people of the Lord for his people, and the good people who know their Lord and know their God shall teach them the things of God one more time because the Lord says he still has more than a remnant in this nation.”

Of course, I find this interesting, because it describes exactly what happened to me. I was desperate to get away from Miami, but I couldn’t seem to get free. In 2016, I started looking for a new home in earnest, and in July of 2017, my dad bought the rural home in which I now live.

I’ve been writing about the danger of leftist mobs for years. I know Miami and other big cities will eventually be ruled by crowds of trashy, cruel, underdeveloped, grasping people who have decided to be no better than apes. This is where leftism and hatred of God lead. Perry Stone must have been hearing from the Holy Spirit, because he described my flight from Miami as well as my reasons for leaving.

He also says people are going to move to mountain areas, and he talks about Appalachia and specifically mentions West Virginia and Tennessee. Even though I’ve been here less than two years, I feel a tremendous drive to move to Tennessee. I keep talking about how much I miss Appalachia. I have sat and stared, with thirst, at Youtube videos and real estate websites, just to get a look at mountain properties.

When I decided to watch this video, I expected to be disappointed, but it looks like this was a real prophecy. I hope God sees fit to move me to Appalachia.

God has been helping me get on top of my responsibilities. He has used the revived pressure washer to change my life. The house is getting clean outside, to match the inside. Today I used the pressure washer to clean my birds’ cages. Those cages have frustrated me for years. They are impossible to clean well by hand, without extreme effort. Today I blew the crud off of each one in a few minutes. I was amazed. Anyway, this property is being whipped into shape, and I wonder if I’m getting it ready to live in, or to sell.

It appears that my farm has increased in value since I bought it. There is new construction going up in my area, so the appreciation will probably continue. I may be able to sell without losing anything.

Toward the end of the video, Stone started telling the young people around him about the passage in Joel that says young men will have visions and old men will dream dreams. He interpreted it to mean the kids should have the vision to help him build the ministry he had dreamed about. This is where he got off the Holy Spirit bus. God doesn’t want a bunch of young people to devote their lives to promoting Perry Stone. He wants them to be important in their own right. God didn’t put us here to serve Perry Stone. He put us here to serve God himself.

You can see why I’m a little cautious about Stone. He’ll do great for a while and then veer off into the bushes.

When Joel wrote of “visions,” he was talking about visions. A vision is a supernatural experience in which a person sees things that are not present in the natural realm. In 1984, I woke up in the middle of the night, and my bed had turned 90 degrees. An angel was standing at the foot of the bed with her hands up in worship, and she was bathed in a light that came down from heaven. That’s a vision. John saw visions which he recorded in the Revelation. Ezekiel saw visions. The kind of “vision” a preacher has for building something is a completely different thing. It not a vision at all. It’s just an idea.

I am concerned about people I know who are going to be trapped in cities when things get bad. They don’t listen, so they will have unnecessary problems. I wish I could help them.

Jews insist on living in big cities. They will be easy to find and attack.

I hope I get to visit Appalachia again soon. Maybe I’ll be able to find time.

3 Responses to “Hills’ Angels”

  1. Aaron's cc: Says:

    For 30 years, I’ve advocated a neo-shtetl movement for Orthodox Jews. We require nominal communities where we can walk to shul on days we don’t drive, and sufficient to support a private religious school. Transitioning to town of 80-120,000 people would provide enough infrastructure and employment, yet not be big enough to have all the urban blight. Smaller suburbs an easy commute from commerce would also work. I’ve educated my kids to pursue careers that are portable to most nations.

  2. Steve H. Says:

    I hope you get out of LA.

    You will always have a shelter if you can get to me.

  3. baldilocks Says:

    I loved Tennessee and Kentucky from my visit last year. My maternal grandfather was born and raised in Kentucky but he got out when he was very young. He died in 1981, so I had never been there before.

    I seem to be drawn to the area. Several who I care about are/were from the region.