Bomber Bummer

October 26th, 2018

Real Indian?

I am stuck on the phone with the guhmint. I have nothing to do but blog. I have to ask them something about corporations, and I fully expect whoever answers to tell me I called the wrong person. That’s how the government works. You wait half an hour to find out the main goal of the person you reached is to get rid of you regardless of whether your urgent need has been addressed.

The political right got a major disappointment today. It appears that the criminal who sent fake bombs to prominent liberals is, in fact, a conservative. I thought it was more likely that it was a hoax. Leftists pull hoaxes all the time, trying to make themselves look like victims, and in general, they are much more violent than conservatives, so it seemed likely that a leftist was behind the bombings.

Of course, leftist journalists and politicians will want to turn the alleged bomber, one Cesar Sayoc, into a visual aid. They will want to tell us this is what a Trump voter looks like. They won’t mention the Antifa characters who riot and beat innocent people as a matter of policy.

If there is a bright side to the story, it is Sayoc’s ancestry. He claims he’s a Seminole Indian. He is not white; that’s for sure. His photos reveal a man who could pass for Mexican or Puerto Rican, and his first name is Hispanic. Someone has dubbed him “the Magabomber” in an Internet comment.

Now leftists have to attack an Indian. An actual Indian; I always feel like I have to say that when I discuss leftists who claim to be Indians. I don’t mean he’s a whimsical individual who identifies as an Indian on this particular day.

Of course, he may not be an Indian. If current indications pan out, this guy will turn out to be a very strange bird, and pretending to be an Indian would not be outside his wheelhouse.

Judging by his very poor English skills, Sayoc (graduate of North Miami Beach High) is either mildly retarded or afflicted with a serious learning disability. He may have more than one mental issue.

Whatever he is, he is not white, so he will make the stomachs of liberal pundits churn this weekend.

Maybe they’ll say he was driven crazy by broken treaties and 19th-century massacres.

It’s very disappointing to see anyone commit vicious, cowardly crimes like this, but as a conservative, I am particularly disconcerted to see a perpetrator turn out to someone on my side. What this man [allegedly] did is beneath contempt, and it pushes us one step closer toward a state that resembles a never-ending riot. It shoves us in the direction of socialist Venezuela. The bomb mailings, with or without functioning bombs, were heinous crimes, and because of them, leftists may well succeed in using him against us successfully in the imminent elections.

It will be a catastrophe if we let ourselves sink into anarchy and routine political violence. Life will be intolerable in cities and many suburbs. The only places where there will be peace will be rural areas like mine, where minorities and leftists are relatively scarce. It’s impossible to have a riot without leftists.

What a place America will be, if we don’t rein the anger in. Nuts accosting each other in restaurants and stores, riots over nothing, and it will all be considered acceptable.

Maybe I should invest in body armor companies. Maybe everyone will be wearing it in a couple of years.

The incredible thing about increasing political violence is that it is taking place in an atmosphere of extraordinary prosperity. Ordinarily, leftist rage boils over in countries where poverty is unbearable. What’s our excuse?

Score one for the left. I hope we aren’t seeing the beginning of a tide of conservative violence. When leftists get us to adopt their tactics on a broad front, we will be as toxic as they are.

6 Responses to “Bomber Bummer”

  1. Ed Bonderenka Says:

    Convicted felon.
    Supposed Trump supporter.
    I haven’t heard interviews with people who know him about his views.
    That’s weird.
    Show me the video of him in post offices.
    Receipts for materials.
    In a world of fake dossiers, I am not convinced.

  2. Steve H. Says:

    He clearly does not have all his marbles and can’t be considered representative of any political faction.

    Drug user, drug dealer, and as you say, convicted felon…these people typically lean left, so it’s odd to see him bombing Maxine Waters. Also, he used to be a male stripper. Not something commonly found on resumes of the Christian right.

    He’s just your typical American Indian, Hispanic-named, drug-dealing, drug-using, stripping conservative from liberal Broward County.

  3. John Bowen Says:

    He’s a Pretendian. He’s actually a “Filipino American”. And the entire story looks worse by the second. Plastic “pipe bombs” (careful, you might put an eye out!) connected to clocks without alarms (nevermind, all eyes are safe) and harmless powder do not credible threats make. Sure, he should be locked up in a loony bin posthaste so that he does not get access to real bomb making knowledge, but no one’s life was in any real danger during this entire episode.

    Meanwhile, the Democrats and their brownshirted Antifa goons have committed over 600 acts of real violence in the last two years. I will not forget that when I vote or when I pray.

  4. Steve H. Says:

    Wow. Are there ANY real Indians?

    Googling, I see that “Sayoc” is a Filipino name. News to me.

    I wonder what’s happening in the heads of the leftist pundits. This man is way “brown,” he’s somewhat Hispanic, he is probably partly Asian, and he’s the son of an immigrant. What will they do with him?

    They’re dying to turn him into the face of the GOP, but it’s not a good fit.

    His Trumpmobile is interesting. I’ve seen tons of similar decoration jobs in Miami, except they were cars plastered with anti-GOP and/or anti-Christian stickers. Sayoc’s is the largest vehicle display I’ve seen. Whenever I see something like that, I wonder about the mental state of the person who created it. Can’t be sound.

  5. Steve H. Says:

    Another interesting point: he’s a yankee. A New Yorker, no less. Troubling for the left.

    If he grew up in North Miami Beach in the Sixties and Seventies, he grew up in New York. North Miami Beach was ALL New Yorkers then. No pickups, no rifle racks, no spit cups on the dash.

  6. Rick C Says:

    People are saying all those stickers are not faded at all, like they were just put up a few days ago, and that his Twitter account–before it was deleted–showed that he only followed Democrats, which is weird for a Republican.

    Also, what are the odds that someone with all those stickers on his car wouldn’t get his car keyed or otherwise defaced/damaged in Broward County?