Christianity: the New “Abuse”

April 23rd, 2018

Your Existence is Offensive

Today during breakfast I watched a Youtube video about a woman who said she was experiencing demonic activity in her house. The manifestations she described weren’t subtle. It wasn’t the usual, “I have a bad feeling when I’m in this room.” She said she saw orbs of light in her house, and she presented a photograph. She said she saw a demon scurry into her child’s room.

The video got me thinking about my dad, who suffers from dementia. I did a little Googling to see if caregivers and doctors had stories about demonic activity in dementia patients. I figured the stories had to be out there, because medical people see supernatural events all the time.

I didn’t find any of the material I was looking for. Instead I came across a lot of links belittling people who believe in spirits. I should have expected that. Satan controls the minds of cruel people who abuse believers, and he loves using them to humiliate believers and shut them out of society.

I used to participate in a caregiver forum. I quit because the people were obnoxious to me. I didn’t push Christianity on them. They got angry at me over other things and kept accusing me and trying to put me on the defensive. This is something that happens to believers. People whose eyes are still closed attack us and drive us off, and sometimes it’s because we should never have gone near them to begin with. When you turn to God with serious intentions, your friends WILL start to disappear.

Today while I was Googling, a link to that forum came up, and I looked at it.

Some poor woman was caring for her mother. Her mother started talking in a voice the woman described as “demonic.” She said things in a language the caregiver could not understand, and then she said, “Who was that?” The caregiver asked the forum members if a demon could be involved.

An angry, unbelieving lady with some sort of position of authority piped up and “corrected” this woman, assuring her that Alzheimer’s was purely physical. Another character piled on. There was criticism of caregivers who believed in the supernatural, and the term “elder abuse” was invoked. The idea is that if you believe in demons, as Jesus and the apostles did, it is abusive to permit you to care for a demented parent. I think this notion will gain great power soon. I believe the state will eventually start taking demented parents, disabled relatives, and adopted or foster kids away from people like me.

One has to wonder how the system will function without us. Many, many nurses, technicians, and nursing assistants are Christians, and their prayers and presence help make the system run.

It’s remarkable how life has changed in the last quarter-century. Hatred of Jesus and Christians has become very overt. Our human adversaries (the puppets of Satan) used to show restraint. They were a little afraid of us, as they should have been. Our numbers were greater than they are now, and we were less ashamed of the God we believed in. These days the picture is different. Homosexuals are allowed to marry, and support for homosexual marriage has grounded a tsunami of antichrist activism.

Liberals love to talk about tolerance; this is what unpopular people do when they’re in the minority. Islamist Muslims do it as official policy. Now leftist are on top, so they openly work to rid the world of us. Right now they’re only working to rid the world of our beliefs, but eventually, as the Bible predicts, they will resort to execution. Oddly, they will be filling heaven at their own expense.

Murder is a strange and misunderstood concept. I think religious Jews understand it better than we do. Gentiles think murder means physically killing other people without legal grounds. Jews believe destroying a person’s reputation with words is murder, too.

In the latter sense, religious Jews have worked to murder Jesus, among their own people, for a long time. Many call him “Yeshu,” which is not his name. His name is Yehoshua, and the short form is Yeshua (Joshua, in English). “Yeshu” is a Hebrew acronym which means, “May his name and memory be blotted out.” It’s a curse, and presumably it is spoken and written with the hope that it will take effect.

Some Jews claim Jesus was the reincarnation of Eisav (Esau), who was an evil man who opposed Israel (Jacob). They support this using kabbalah. If you rearrange the consonants in “Yeshu” (not his name), and you add another consonant, you get a word that could be pronounced “Eisav.” Seems like a stretch, but there it is.

If you rearrange the consonants in my name, and you add a consonant, and you change the vowels, you can get “Love Satan.”

Religious Jews seem to understand that if you want to destroy a person whose influence is evil, it’s not enough to kill his body. You have to make people forget his ideas and, if possible, his existence.

Murder is a supernatural idea. It comes from the supernatural realm. The earth is the site of a supernatural, genocidal war. On one side, there are the children of light. On the other, there are the children of darkness, also known as the children of Satan. The children of darkness are always working to rid the earth of the children of light and their ideas.

God has destroyed the children of darkness directly in the past. He sent the flood to get rid of them, and he also killed the firstborn of Egypt. He killed the people of Sodom and Gomorrah. He told the Jews to kill every single Amalekite. He had Haman killed, and to show that genocide was on his mind, he had Haman’s 10 sons killed along with him, so Haman’s seed died. The Jews believe that when you kill a man, you kill the nation he would have sired, and this principle is demonstrated by God’s response to the murder of Abel. God said Abel’s “bloods,” not “blood,” cried out to him from the ground. He was referring to Abel’s descendants.

We serve a genocidal God. That sounds bad, but the race he is destroying is poisonous and without hope. It’s too dangerous to be allowed to survive, so he created hell and the lake of fire to contain it. Also, you can choose not to belong to this race at any time. You can always accept salvation and serve God, so you shouldn’t complain when you end up where you sent yourself.

Heaven is the perfect example of successful genocide. While the children of light spend eternity in a purified world, the children of darkness and the supernatural beings they serve will be imprisoned far away where they can’t be seen or heard, and it will be as though their very spirits no longer existed.

The Nazis were children of darkness. They built death camps which were parodies of God’s temple, and instead of sacrificing animals, they sacrificed Jews and their other enemies. Their genocidal impulses came from the spirit of Antichrist. The Jews are precious to God, and they have an important place in prophecy, so the Nazis and their father, Satan, tried to get rid of them. He also wanted to get rid of their memory. This is why he had the Nazis burn their synagogues and remove their tombstones.

If the Nazis had succeeded, the existence of the Jews would have been covered up over time, just as the physical evidence of the 2 million people who walked with Moses in the desert has been concealed. Satan had the Nazis burn Jews in order to destroy even their bones. He didn’t want future generations asking who the bones belonged to. No wonder. Look what Elishah’s bones did; they raised a man from the dead. And God used a field of dry bones to symbolize his dormant servants who would one day be brought to life and filled with power.

We see the same thing happening today in America, except Christians are the main victims. We are being driven out of commerce and public discourse. Merely saying Caitlyn Jenner or one of his fellow female-impersonator puppets is a man can get you fired from a job. Saying same-sex marriage is wrong can put you in bankruptcy court with no hope of resuming your career.

Sex offenders are sometimes offered chemical castration. This means they keep their genitals, but they are filled with drugs that are supposed to emasculate them psychologically and take away their lust. What’s happening to Christians is a lot like that. We are often permitted to participate in society on the condition that we cease behaving like Christians. We have to stop proselytizing, testifying, and even mentioning our faith. It’s a kind of living execution, and if it goes far enough, it becomes eternal execution. If you let yourself be pushed far enough by the spirit of Antichrist, you can lose your salvation. So mass murder, or at least coerced spiritual suicide, is already here, in a spiritual sense. The children of darkness are making us hollow ourselves out so nothing alive remains inside us.

All over the world, Christians are being murdered, physically. Muslims systematically hunt them down and execute them. Often, they are offered the alternative of spiritual suicide. If they repent and join Satan’s Islam cult, they may be allowed to live. But to be allowed to live in apostasy is to die forever, because repenting of Christianity brings damnation and eternal agony in the company of damned spirits.

One day, they will start murdering us in America, and they will offer us the living-suicide alternative.

In a way, Christians have more hope than Jews. Anti-Semitic genocide will resume, too, but unlike Christians, Jews won’t be able to save themselves. At least I don’t think so. Christianity is merely a choice. Jewish identity is physical; it’s genetic. You can renounce Jesus, but you can’t stop being a descendant of Abraham. Many Christians will save themselves from execution by accepting damnation, but Jews probably won’t have that option, except for a few who serve the enemy. There will always be kapos, until Satan decides he doesn’t need them.

The Nuremberg Laws were soft genocide. “We’re not killing you; we’re just purifying our professions.” “We’re not killing you; we’re just firing you from teaching positions in order to protect the youth.” “We’re not putting you out of business; we’re just putting signs up so people will know they’re buying from Jews.” The persecution we see now in America works the same way. “We’re not forcing you to recant; we’re just preventing you from offending other people by mentioning your faith at work.” “We’re not starving you; we’re just taking this particular career away from you.” “We’re not censoring you; we’re just refusing to let you use our social media platform.”

They’re painting the floor, and they always tell us there’s still a place where we can stand, but that place is getting smaller and smaller, and one day they’ll paint it, too.

The children of darkness are very bold about destroying Christians now, but they’re still afraid of Jews. Jews are generally leftist atheists, and during the last century or so, they have taken the suicidal position that the state is their messiah and protector. Something like 90% of American Jews vote Democrat in our national elections, even though liberals are their enemies and conservatives are their only friends.

It looks bad for the left to attack Jews directly, because leftists love to tell us Hitler was conservative and all Christians and conservatives are Nazis. Leftists are fairly gentle with Jews right now, but they’ve found a safe surrogate target: the political nation of Israel. They’re also going after “bankers,” which is code for “Jews.” While they wait until it’s safe to go after Jews directly, they will do their best to devour the Jewish nation, like the red dragon in the book of the Revelation.

Leftists are amazing. They support every conceivable type of sin and perversion, and they attack God openly over and over, yet their support for Muslims is as solid as granite. In Muslim nations, homosexuals are imprisoned and executed, women are treated like livestock, and theocracy is the primary goal and the whole point of earthly existence, but American leftists are doing their best to help Muslim nations destroy Israel.

Why are they comfortable with this level of cognitive dissonance? Because they are under the control of spirits that hate God.

Everyone is influenced by spirits. Some Christians are led primarily by the Holy Spirit. Most people, including most Christians, are led primarily by spirits that oppose God. Spirits can distort reality and pervert reason with ease; after all, they cause mental illness, including psychosis. This is why it’s so hard to evangelize. People who don’t believe in God are irrational, and the irrationality is supernatural. Reason didn’t create it, and reason can’t tear it down.

My dad has never known God, so he has been controlled by foreign spirits all his life. He has done astoundingly counterproductive things, without regret or self-examination. If demons have corrupted his ability to think, it’s no surprise. Only God preserves mental health.

It’s terrible to realize there are millions of people in America who are in the same boat, and that if our nation had good spiritual health, we could heal them without drugs. It’s worse to realize human beings who mean well hate the very notion of supernatural deliverance. It’s sad to see people persecuting the only individuals who offer real hope.

4 Responses to “Christianity: the New “Abuse””

  1. baldilocks Says:

    My great-aunt said horrible things to me when I was taking care of her at home. One day she went too far and I put her in a nursing home for a few months just to keep from wishing that she would die.

    But when she asked me to bring her home, I did. She was gone in a little over a month after that.

  2. Steve B Says:

    Powerful stuff, and I think right on target. I think the idea of “spiritual castration” is especially apropos. Allowing ourselves to be neutered in order to be less of whatever it is they are afraid of. I believe the Bible speaks pretty specifically about that.

    “So, because you are lukewarm–neither hot nor cold–I am about to spit you out of my mouth.” Rev. 3:16

  3. Ruth H Says:

    this, What Steve B said: I think the idea of “spiritual castration” is especially apropos.
    It is a great analogy, good thinking. Spirit led I suspect.

  4. Steve B Says:

    Found this article today via Instapundit. Describes exactly what you are talking about here, Steve.

    Who Are The Marginalized?
    By Rod Dreher • April 23, 2018, 12:45 PM