What Exactly IS “Congress”?
I just took a look at Howobamagotelected.com. Man, is it funny. And sad. I’m sure you’ve seen it already. A conservative group sponsored a scientific poll, comparing the knowledge of McCain and Obama voters. And of course, the Obama voters came out behind.
That makes sense. Liberalism appeals to coddled ivory-tower eggheads with high IQs and the common sense of lemmings, but it also appeals very strongly to people who are either unintelligent or ill-informed. Like many conservatives, I have had the experience of explaining undisputed, verifiable facts to self-proclaimed liberals, and then having them tell me they agree with conservative positions. Awareness tends to lead to conservative opinions. But we live in a nation which no longer educates its people, and a huge percentage of Americans know almost nothing and make decisions purely on the basis of emotion or a desire for approval from others.
People tend to become more conservative as they age. That’s because we learn as we get older, and as a result, older people know more than young people. When you’re old, you know better than to run with scissors, make the minimum payment on your charge cards, or let random men in pickup trucks blacktop your driveway for “bargain” prices. And you may also know better than to vote for socialists who spout empty slogans and promise a return to the utterly discredited notions that destroyed the prosperity of Europe and caused more suffering than Nazism.
The more you know, the harder it is to fall for a leftist pseudo-messiah. Prison inmates are, on average, exceedingly dim, and they overwhelmingly support liberal policies. That ought to tell you something.
If the public had been better informed, Obama might well have lost. He’s a real zero, there is no reason whatsoever to expect him to be an able President, and McCain’s qualifications were clearly much better.
It’s an interesting situation. I used to think that the power of the new media would guarantee a fair shot for conservativism, and that as a result, the country would continue sliding to the right. But I underestimated the right’s power to fall on its sword–actually, to jump up and down on it like a pogo stick–and I also underestimated the old media’s willingness to openly whore for its chosen candidate, and to stifle the new media and blunt its effectiveness.
The conservative Blogosphere used to be a factor in politics, but that’s no longer true. We are dead. We are nearly powerless. No one pays any attention to us any more. Pajamas Media is part of the reason. There used to be a healthy exchange of links on the right, but when PJM contaminated the data stream, and especially when it became obvious that PJM was an utter failure, and the principals became desperate and started circling the wagons, the linkage became incestuous. I predicted this when PJM was created. People who used to communicate and exchange links quit. Glenn Reynolds started putting up ridiculous blind links to PJM’s mother site, in vain hopes of turning it into a significant web destination. Links that used to go to pieces of quality writing went to unremarkable blog entries of little merit.
Let me ask you something. Say it’s October of 2008, and I come up with something as damaging to Obama as the Rather memo was to CBS. Do you think the major PJs would link to me? Please. No one beyond my small circle of readers would ever hear about it.
There are bloggers I just don’t communicate with any more, and PJM is the reason, and I’m not alone. I wish they would just let it die instead of pretending it’s viable. PJM is never going to be anything but a flop. It has had years to succeed, and so far, we have seen nothing but failure. Certain pockets have been lined, and that was probably the only real purpose of the enterprise, and the funding has dried up (according to insiders), so why not close the lid on the coffin and say you gave it a darn good try? I suggest the Pee Wee Herman approach. Say “We meant to do that.”
The conservative old media didn’t help. They have a zero-sum mentality, and they deliberately ignore people who pose a threat to their franchises. They let a few new people get near the cameras–especially attractive but boring girls with no talent or knowledge or insight–but on the whole, we’ve been kept out. The tokens got all the gravy.
Meanwhile, the left was turning the Internet into the biggest cash and propaganda conduit in the history of American politics. Obama even managed to use it to suck up gigantic illegal donations from our enemies in China and the Muslim world. With no repercussions. Doodad Pro will never be called to testify before Congress. Obama got away with countless crimes, and nothing will ever be done about it. Meanwhile, John McCain got hoisted on his own remarkably ill-conceived campaign finance reform petard. Great law, John. That worked out real well.
It amazes me to see how the right threw away the Internet. We used to own it. And it’s a huge loss; it is still the future. If the Internet were TV, 2008 would be like 1950. The explosion, in its fullness, is not here yet.
Our online inferiority is going to be permanent; it will take years to begin digging our way out. The lingering PJ magic is still at work, like a daily dose of Roundup and Nonoxynol-9. The conservative old media has learned absolutely nothing, except this: the right is in trouble, so they need to work even harder to protect themselves from competition. The left wiped us completely off the map, and we helped. We are not a factor. We have been utterly crushed, and we aren’t smart or altruistic enough to do anything to fix it. I congratulate Markos Zuniga and George Soros. When your enemies are as inept as we are, a victory is nothing to brag about, but they beat us really, really badly. Their knees are on our throats, and they deserve credit. They sold our nation an Edsel, and Americans think it’s a Ferrari. We couldn’t sell raw meat to sharks.
I know it makes the cheerleaders mad when I say this stuff, but here’s something to think about: they have always been wrong. There is a difference between thinking positive and refusing to face reality.
I’ve been wrong, too. I was wrong when I said the future for the right was rosy.